Previously we have learned about negative syllogisms and some of them example of negative syllogism. On this occasion, we will briefly review positive syllogisms and some examples of positive syllogisms.

A positive syllogism is a syllogism in which both the major and minor premises are positive and the conclusion is positive. Examples of positive syllogisms include:

  1. Example a:
    • Major premise: All mammals breathe using lungs.
    • Minor premise: Whales are mammals.
    • Conclusion: Whales breathe using lungs.
  2. Example b:
    • Major premise: All birds lay eggs.
    • Minor premise: Chickens are birds.
    • Conclusion: Chickens lay eggs.
  3. Example c:
    • Major premise: All members of the TNI/Polri must be neutral in the general election.
    • Minor premise: Father is a member of the TNI/Polri.
    • Conclusion: Father must be neutral in the election.
  4. Example d:
    • Major premise: All students must be able to speak Indonesia which is good and true.
    • Minor premise: Galih is a student.
    • Conclusion: Galih must be able to speak good and correct Indonesian.
  5. Example e:
    instagram viewer
    • Major premise: All mothers love their children.
    • Minor premise: Rani is a mother.
    • Conclusion: Rani must love her child.
  6. Example f :
    • Major premise: All books by Dewi Sustainable sold out.
    • Minor premise: Supernova is a book by Dewi Lestari.
    • Conclusion: Supernova is sold out.
  7. Example g:
    • Major premise: All the houses in the village of Petobo disappeared into the earth.
    • Minor premise: Bu Haji's house is in Petobo village.
    • Conclusion: Bu Haji's house disappeared into the earth.
  8. Example h:
    • Major premise: All elements of the state are mobilized to carry out emergency response actions in Central Sulawesi.
    • Minor premise: TNI is an element of the state.
    • Conclusion: TNI was deployed to carry out emergency response actions in Central Sulawesi.

Thus a brief review of examples of positive syllogisms in language Indonesia. Other readable articles related to paragraph and the reasoning in between is example of syllogism paragraph, categorical syllogism paragraph example, example of a hypothetical syllogism, example of alternative syllogism, example of an entime syllogism, example of entimeme, deductive, inductive and mixed paragraphs, the difference between deductive, inductive and mixed paragraphs, examples of inductive and deductive paragraphs, and syllogism paragraph meaning. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.