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Multilevel antonyms or also known as hierarchical oppositions are one of the following: types of antonyms where the meaning of the word in opposition to this hierarchy expresses a series of levels or levels. Generally, words with stratified antonyms or hierarchical oppositions are the name of the unit of measure, the name of the unit of calculation and calendar, and the name of the rank level.

Examples of nested antonyms or deep hierarchical opposition paragraph is as follows.

One of the power sources for remote sensing is the sun which is a natural source of electromagnetic energy. Remote sensing using natural power is called passive remote sensing. Solar radiation that radiates in all directions will break down into various wavelengths ranging from long picometers, angstroms, nanometers, micrometers, millimeters, centimeters, meters, up to the longest wavelength, i.e kilometers. The radiation emitted then comes into contact with objects on the earth's surface, and is then reflected to the sensor. Solar radiation can also be in the form of energy from objects that are emitted to the sensor. The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth (radiation) is affected by time, location and conditions

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weather. The amount of energy received during the day is more than the amount in the morning or evening, even at night. The position of the sun with respect to places on earth changes according to the changing seasons and the annual apparent rotation of the sun.*

According to Suladi (2014), the opposition of meaning that is hierarchical or multilevel antonyms is indicated by the existence of a meaning relationship which states a series of levels or levels. from the contradicted word. From the paragraph above, what is contradicted is picometer, angstrom, nanometer, micrometer, millimeter, centimeter, meter, and kilometers is a level or unit of measurement for wavelength.

Thus a brief review of examples of multilevel antonyms. Other readable articles related to word and the meaning of the words in between are antonyms and example sentences; examples of antonyms, synonyms, and hyponyms; example sentences of synonyms and antonyms; example of hypernym in a sentence; examples of hypernym and homonym sentences; various meaning relationships in Indonesian; meaning of words, meanings of terms, and expressions; types of word meaning; example of word meaning; and types of meaning shift. May be useful. Thank you.

*Quoted from Geography 3 Opening the World Horizon: For Class XII Senior High School/Madrasah Aliyah Social Science Program, Ministry of National Education, 2009

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