4 Examples of Changes in the Meaning of Synesthesia in Indonesian

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Previously, some examples of the meaning change process from some of jtypes of meaning shift already featured in several articles. These articles include: an example of changing the meaning of amelioration and an example of a change in the meaning of peyoration. This article will also show examples of changes in meaning from one type of shift in meaning, namely the meaning of synesthesia.

The meaning of synesthesia is an expression of a sense that is applied to other senses that have nothing to do with the expression. As for some examples of the process of changing this meaning are as follows!

1. Cold

The word above is a taste that can only be felt by the sense of taste (skin) or the sense of taste (tongue). However, in terms of synesthesia, the word above can be used as something that can be seen by the five senses. For more details, can be seen in the following example sentences!

  • Her attitude looks so cold.

From the sentence above, we can see that the meaning of synesthesia has changed cold 

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into something visible to the eye. Indicator stating that cold in the sentence above can be seen is from the word look that comes before the word cold on that sentence.

2. Spicy

Normally, spicy is a taste that can only be felt by the sense of taste or tongue. However, the process of changing the meaning of synesthesia can change that feeling into something that can be heard. For more details, please look at this example sentence!

  • His words sound very spicy.

The sentence above is a sentence that contains a change in the meaning of synesthesia in the word spicy which has been manifested as something that can be heard. Evidence stating that spicy has been transformed into something that can be heard is the existence wordsound in the example sentence above.

3. Soft

word soft is a taste that can only be felt by the sense of taste (skin). However, in terms of synesthesia, the taste can be a taste that can be felt by the sense of taste (tongue). For more details, can be seen in the example sentences below!

  • The texture of the cake is so soft caress my tongue.

The sentence above is proof that the word soft has been converted into a taste that can be felt by the sense of taste. Evidence of a change in the meaning of synesthesia is the presence of the word my tongue in the sentence above. With the words above, it can be concluded that the meaning of synesthesia has made soft a taste that can be tasted by the tongue.

4. Rough

Just like soft, this word is also a feeling that can only be felt by the skin. However, through the process of changing the meaning of synesthesia, the word can become a feeling that can be heard by the ear. For more details, can be seen in this example sentence!

  • The sound of the guitar strumming is a little Rough.

The sentence above is proof that Rough ear can hear. The evidence for this is the word sound on example sentence above.

These are some examples of changes in the meaning of synesthesia in languageIndonesia. If the reader wants to know some example of word meaning other synesthesia, readers can open the article Synesthesia meaning and examples, examples of the meaning of synesthesia and association, as well as examples of the meaning of amelioration, peyoration, and synesthesia. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers. Thank you.

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