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Several examples of greeting sentences along with other sentences have been shown in previous articles. These articles include: examples of greeting and exclamation sentences, as well as articles examples of greeting and expressive sentences. This article will also show some examples of greeting sentences along with other examples of sentences, namely persuasion sentences. Persuasion sentence itself is a sentence that is used to persuade someone to do something we want.

Examples of sentence greetings and persuasion itself can be listened to as follows!

A. Greeting Sentence Example

  1. Hi everyone, have been waiting for me for a long time huh?
  2. Hi friends, how are you guys today?
  3. Hello, see you again at the Morning Broadcast.
  4. Hi, have you had breakfast this morning?
  5. Morning everyone, ready to welcome a new surprise kejutan from we?
  6. Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?
  7. Assalamualaikum everyone, are you ready to take part in today's study?
  8. Evening everyone, thank you for coming to our dinner.
  9. instagram viewer
  10. Good afternoon, I'm sorry I'm late, because the highway I'm on is in bad traffic.
  11. Morning friends, meet me again, Evan Surya Negara, at the Sapa-Greet Night event.
  12. Excuse me, sir, is this really Mr. Santoso's house?
  13. Good morning everyone, this morning I will present my paper entitled “Social Gap around Harum Manis Complex and Ceramic Village.
  14. Hey Boo, how are you? It's been a long time we haven't seen each other.

B. Example Sentences of Persuasion

  1. Will you help me finish this tough job?
  2. You help me do this work, later I will give you a big reward.
  3. Will you be my life partner forever?
  4. Instead of you being stuck at home, it's better if we come to work with us.
  5. It's better for you to apply at the company, rather than being unemployed for a long time.
  6. Instead of you just not working, it's better if you help your mother cook cakes.
  7. You definitely don't want to be tricked by others because you're stupid, right? Therefore, I suggest you to study more diligently, so that you are smarter and not easily fooled by others.
  8. It's better if you eat at our cafe, because the food in our cafe is all cheap.
  9. Instead of waiting for confirmation from him that never arrives, it's better if you just look for someone who will give you certainty.
  10. My advice, you better just ask him directly.
  11. How about we take a vacation to Lombok Island? Because we right I have never been there. Yes right?
  12. You're better off just wandering out of town, because here you can't get the job you dream of.
  13. I beg of you, don't tell anyone who I really am.

These are some greetings and persuasion sentences in the Indonesian language Indonesia. Hopefully it is useful and able to add insight to all readers, both regarding greeting sentences and persuasion in particular, as well as material language Indonesia in general. Please also forgive if there are errors contained in this article.

If the reader wants to add insight into the sentence, then the reader can open the following articles, namely: examples of negative sentences in Indonesian; example sentence acronym kalimat; example sentence definition; and example of classification sentencei. Thank you and thank you.

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