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One of the themes raised in an essay features is human interest or what is commonly referred to as human interest. This theme usually revolves around the life of a human being that brings out the reader's emotions when reading it; whether it's happy, sad, or excited. In this article, we will find out what an example of a features the theme of human interest. There are examples of these can be seen as follows!

From Smells to Healing*

Andini is still three months old. But at such a young age, he had to travel by land and sea all night from Bau-Bau City, Southeast Sulawesi to Makassar. The journey must have been more difficult for the poor baby because his head was getting bigger due to illness hydrocephalus.

Met by Tempo this afternoon in one of the rooms in the office of Suara Celebes FM Radio, Dini looked calm; no sound. "He's not fussy," said Sabarudin (Andini's father, pen). Patience said that he and his wife Mawar arrived in Makassar two days ago to seek treatment.

Since birth, he said, Andini's head does look bigger

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from the normal size of a newborn's head. Now, his head is bigger than the size of an adult head. His eyebrows were pulled up, and the veins on his head were also raised and clearly visible.

According to Mawar, the signs that Dini will get sick have been felt since she was pregnant. "My stomach always hurts on the right side," he said. However, when her fifth daughter was born on December 28 last year and it was proven hydrocephalus, This family does not have the money to treat the baby.

Even though, hudrocephalus caused by blockage of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the baby's cranium is very dangerous. Because, the fluid continues to be produced by the brain and fills the skull.

It was only at the beginning of this month with the Community Health Insurance in hand that Dini was taken to the Psukesman of Muna Regency, and then referred to the Bau-Bau City General Hospital. “From there we got a referral letter to Dr. Hospital. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar," said Sabar.

When she arrived at Wahidin Hospital two days ago, Dini was not accepted due to administrative problems. "In letter reference is stated at the request of parents. This is the problem.” word Patient. Luckily, while there, he met Ida who offered to help and stay overnight.

Ida is a member of the Makassar City Care Community Suara Celebes FM. At Ida's house, Sabar and his family stayed two nights. “We are grateful that we met Ida's mother. Even though at that time, we had planned to go to the port to go home," said Sabar.

From here he was brought to the office of Radio Celebes to be reported to potential donors. After deployment information over the radio, a sarah surgeon from Ratulangi Medical Center named Willy stated that he was willing to treat Dini.

"This is in the name of humanity. Not sure which hospital to take. But Doctor Willy said he was willing to form a team to deal with Andini," said Humairah from Radio Celebes. This afternoon Andini plans to be taken to Ratulangi Medical Centre.

That's an example features human interest in languageIndonesia. If the reader wants to add reference question features and other semi-scientific essays, readers can open the following articles, namely: short feature example, examples of culinary features, examples of literary essays, example of a short biography, short memoir example,example of an editorial in a newspaper, and example of opinion in newspaper. Hopefully useful for all readers.

*Adapted from the page (with minor changes)

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