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As we know before, there are several types of compound sentences. One of them is a multilevel compound sentence. Sentence Multilevel compound is a sentence that has a main clause and a subordinate clause that is not the same. In this article, we will look at some of the example of compound sentence subject expansion, which of course is the subject in the sentence experiencing expansion.

  1. The child of the vegetable seller it has changed schools.
  2. Toni, the stubborn boy anak it always bothered Nabila at school.
  3. The cat that has the long hairy tail belongs to Mr. Tarno.
  4. House with horse statue and golden fence there is Mr. Afrizal's house.
  5. The book with the bright blue cover on the living room table since two days ago.
  6. That blonde haired boy ran to the school canteen.
  7. Those shoes with silver laces is popular with young people.
  8. That one-strap dress Mother bought last year.
  9. This light brown teddy bear is a gift from Dad.
  10. Mukenah with the orchid flower embroidery is Mother's favorite mukenah.
  11. The polka dot-skinned dog owned by Nek Atik's neighbour.
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  13. The red car that crashed this morning was taken by the police.
  14. Bike with tricycle located behind the house belongs to Santi's sister.
  15. The baby in the yellow frog dress laughed loudly at his sister's behavior.
  16. Expensive bag made from that crocodile skin valued at five million rupiah by the owner.
  17. The yellow card with my photo is my student card first.
  18. The building with the accent of the traditional Batak house is a newly built mall.
  19. That uniform dominated by blue is a flight attendant uniform.

Those are some examples of compound sentences with subject expansion. You can also read articles examples of compound sentences and their patterns, make an example of a comparative compound sentence, example of mixed compound sentence, give an example of a compound sentence with a conditional relationship, give examples of mixed compound sentences along with spok, and examples of equivalent compound sentences.

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