In the previous article we have discussed the types of words. There are many types of words including: types of nouns, types of verbs, types of numerals, types of adverbs, conjunction (conjunction), etc. Our discussion this time specifically reviews the types of adjectives.

Definition of Adjectives

Adjectives or adjectives are a class of words that change a noun (noun) or pronoun (pronoun). Adjectives are words that explain, change or add to the meaning of a noun to be more specific.

Adjectives are used to describe the nature, state/condition, character/character of a person, thing or animal. Adverbs that are described or described by adjectives can be in the form of quality, quantity, order or emphasis of a word.

Characteristics of Adjectives

  1. Comparative information can be added (such as: more, less, most). Example: prettier, less tall, smartest
  2. reinforcing information can be added (such as: very, too, very, once). Example: very small, very big, too arrogant, very expensive
  3. can be denied by saying no. Example: not good, not healthy
  4. instagram viewer
  5. usually added prefix the most to state the most.
  6. Adjectives can be expanded in meaning by the formation of the word "se-+repeat the word+". Example: the best, the best
  7. states a condition / condition or nature of objects or people. Example: cool, soft, sweet, nice
  8. usually placed after a noun but in certain sentence contexts it can be placed before a noun. Example: honest people, beautiful colors

Adjective Functions

  1. Attributive that serves as an attribute or complement / explanatory subject.
    Example: Little Adinda grew up without the presence of a father figure.
  2. Predicative is to function as a predicate.
    Example: The yard of his house is as big as a football field.
  3. Predicative Inversion which functions as a predicate that is located in front of / before the subject.
    Example: The beautiful scenery at the top of this mountain.
  4. Substantive, which functions as a complement that accompanies the main subject and is located in front of the subject.
    Example: The maturity of a person's thinking is seen when he faces a problem.

Types of Words Nature

The types of adjectives can be grouped based on 3 categories, namely (1) semantics, (2) syntax, and (3) form. The discussion of each of these categories is as follows:

Semantic (Meaning)

  1. Graded adjectives that express a quality.
    • Adjectives that give attributes are to express the quality and intensity of a physical or mental character.
      Example: comfortable, neat
    • Adjective size that states the quality that can be measured by quantitative measures.
      Example: a lot, heavy
    • Color adjectives are used to describe various colors.
      Example: blue, white, pink
    • The adjective of time refers to the period, process, action/condition, being/going on.
      Example: a moment, a long time, soon
    • The adjective distance refers to the space/space between two objects or places.
      Example: far, near
    • The adjective of mental attitude refers to the mood/feeling.
      Example: sad, happy, proud, embarrassed
    • Adjective perception refers to something that can be felt by the five senses.
      Example: sweet, noisy, wet, smelly, bright
  2. Ungraded adjectives that express membership in a group.
    Example: eternal, round

Syntax (Order/Order Sentence)

  1. Attributive adjectives are adjectives that are the subject, object or description of the subject. Located after/after a noun.
    Example: black umbrella, blue tent
  2. A predicative adjective is an adjective that acts as a predicate.
    Example: The new palace is very grand.
  3. Adverbial adjectives are adjectives that are adverbs or complements of the main adjective. The patterns are:
    • … … (with) + (se-) + adjective + (its)
      Example: Act appropriately.
    • Adjective repetition
      Example: Remember carefully.


  1. Basic adjectives (monomorphemic) are adjectives that have not undergone the process of affixation or addition of affixes.
    Example: sour, beautiful, tall
  2. Derivative adjectives (polyfermis) are adjectives that have undergone the process of affixation/addition of affixes, repetition/reduplication, absorption, and compounding.
    • Affixation (adding an affix) is an adjective that has been added to an affix.
      Prefix: as- and the most (such as: as beautiful as, best)
      Infix: -em- (such as: shaking, rumbling)
    • Reduplication (repetition) is an adjective formed from the process of repetition / reduplication of words.
      Example: the best, the best, the tattered, pitch dark, colorful
    • Compound adjectives (compounding) are adjectives that are formed from combining words that form new meanings or connotative meanings that refer to the nature of an object or object.
      – a combination of synonyms or antonyms (such as: bright cheerful, good or bad)
      – a combination of bound morphemes (such as: versatile, superpower)
      – a combination of free morphemes (such as: kind, generous, bloated)
  3. Absorbed adjectives are adjectives that come from a foreign language and are absorbed into languageIndonesia.
    • Suffix -i, -iah, -wi. Example: natural, mundane, natural
    • Suffix -if, -al, -is. Example: active, structural, technical

Examples of Adjectives in Sentences

  1. A comfortable home can make residents feel more at ease.
  2. This big company has a lot of employees.
  3. Budi buys blue soccer shoes.
  4. Credit applications will be approved immediately after the process observation done.
  5. A teacher will feel proud if all his students pass and get satisfactory grades.
  6. On weekends this residential area is always noisy because of youth events.
  7. The round dining table is a gift from dad's co-worker for our new housewarming event.
  8. Yellow coconut is a symbol of the wedding party.
  9. The scenery on the remote island is very beautiful and beautiful.
  10. Dress appropriately when attending the new office opening event that will be held tonight.
  11. Read carefully the command questions before answering questions during the exam tomorrow.
  12. The good and bad behavior of a child is a reflection or result of parental upbringing.
  13. The RT head of our housing complex is known for his open-minded nature.
  14. When she grows up, Luna wants to grow up to be a tall girl like her mother when she was young.
  15. Fadil's behavior is not as good as his brother who is friendly and polite to his parents.
  16. Andri managed to become the fastest runner in the annual running competition held by his school.
  17. My hands trembled when my father asked me to feed one of his pet beasts.
  18. A cleric, priest, priest and monk is definitely someone who is religious.
  19. Street children who are often seen at city red lights wear tattered clothes.
  20. As clever as a champion, he must have experienced failure.
  21. Collect as many coins as possible so that they can be exchanged for attractive prizes.
  22. The park in the middle of the city becomes colorful with various types of flowers.
  23. Young children are usually scared and can't sleep when it's pitch black.
  24. Mother always leaves the house clean and tidy when she goes to work.
  25. A company is required to be innovative and creative in order to survive in the midst of increasingly fierce competition.

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That's the discussion of the types word properties and examples in Indonesian. Hopefully the article is useful.