10 Meanings of -an Suffixes and Examples in Sentences
The suffix or what is known as the suffix inside languageIndonesia is an suffix contained in a word which is located at the end or end of a word. In Indonesian itself, there are several kinds of suffixes or endings and of course they have meanings each and of course the meaning of this affixed word will be different from the base word. Words that have suffixes can form adjectives, verbs, or nouns. One example of a suffix that is often used in words or sentences is the -an suffix.
The suffix -an is quite a productive ending in Indonesian. The -an suffix will not affect the form of the word in combination with other elements. The function of the -an suffix here is to form nouns. However, due to the influence of certain regional languages and dialects, sometimes the ending -an can also form an adjective, although it is not quite common. Here are some meanings of the -an ending and examples in sentences.
1. The -an suffix that denotes a place
Adding the suffix -an to nouns to indicate a place or place. Example:
- Base + an = Base.
- Lots base motorcycle taxis that you can find in the village.
- Tourists can borrow bicycles to get around the tourist area next door base horse.
- Field + an = Field.
- Children playing soccer in field Village.
- They play in the feeding area, due to unavailability field to play.
- Beetle + an = Wallow.
- Lots puddle water formed in the housing after rain come.
- Due to not being careful, sister fell into puddle.
2. -an suffix that denotes a tool
Adding the -an suffix to a verb can express a tool. Example:
- Weigh + an = Scales.
- Mom bought a balance to replace balance old broken one.
- After Eid al-Fitr, balanceI gained almost 3 kg.
- Brackets + an = Brackets.
- time confinement The prison of the thieves is considered unfair by most people.
- Every evening, grandfather always put his rooster inside confinement.
- Play + an = Play.
- Currently various toy from China dominate the Indonesian market because of the low price relatively cheap.
- I accidentally dropped toy sister to the fish pond.
- Swing + an = Swing.
- The village government finally built a play area and swing on the vacant land as a recreation area for local residents.
- Watching the little boy play swing, reminds me of my childhood in the village.
- Street + an = Street.
- The roads in Sukamaju village are now paved and have good lighting.
- Those government officials are reviewing street, damaged by the landslide last night.
3. -an Suffix that Expresses Things or Ways
The -an suffix in verbs can also indicate a way or thing. Example:
- Educate + an = Education.
- Education about Pancasila is now starting to be strictly taught to children at the elementary school level. The meaning of education here means how to educate.
- Whatever the attitude of a child, it is the upbringing of his parents.
- Lead + an = Leader.
- The village leader invites all residents to have a discussion at the Balai Village this afternoon.
- The office has been sealed by the police, since the fraud case committed by the chief leaderhis.
- Reply + an = Reply.
- Sinta accepts reply email from the company regarding letter the job application he sent.
- Mother gave the gift to Mrs. RT as a reply on the Eid parcel yesterday.
4. -an suffix that expresses resembling or like or imitation
The addition of the -an suffix which means like or like. Usually it is a noun that is repeated and ends in -an. Example:
- House + an = Houses.
- Brother and sister playing houses from the sand.
- Handiwork houses of the ice cream sticks it got the best score.
- Cars + an = Cars.
- Dad bought a gift toy car for my sister for winning the coloring competition.
- Brother likes to play racing toy car with his friends.
5. -an suffix that expresses the result or result of an action
The addition of the suffix -an which means a result or result of an action that has been done. Example:
- Create + an = Create.
- Creation artificial Cindy's hands are valued quite highly by art lovers.
- The sports shoes we use are genuine for an Indonesian.
- Law + an = Punishment.
- Andi charged punishment by the teacher, for not doing homework.
- Convicted of drug cases was dropped hukuman die.
- Help + an = Help.
- Help from the Government for flood victims have arrived at the scene.
- The victims of these natural disasters need a lot helpfrom generous.
6. Declare Whole or Set
The addition of the -an suffix that expresses the meaning of the whole or set. Example:
- Sea + an = Ocean.
- ocean Indonesia is rich in natural resources that have the potential for Indonesian tourism.
- No wonder people nicknamed him a mermaid, because half of his life, he spent in ocean.
- Land + an = Land.
- The highlands in the city of Bandung are mostly used as tea plantations.
- Most of the mainland on the island of Bangka Belitung has been damaged by tin mining.
- Dirty + an = Dirt.
- Mom cleans dirt sticking to the vegetables until clean.
- We use dirt chicken as fertilizer for plants.
7. Declare Each
The -an suffix that expresses the meaning of each of something. Example:
- Dozen + an = Dozen.
- Mr. Ridwan doesn't sell books in retail but in bulk dozens.
- Dozens the egg was damaged by falling fruit.
- Day + an = Daily.
- Mother receives salary daily from his job making handicrafts at the village hall.
- After retiring, he is now a laborer daily at the food restaurant.
- Month + an = Monthly.
- Salary monthly which Adi received was always used to buy the clothes he liked.
- Mom always makes a shopping list monthly to manage finances in our family.
8. The suffix -an that has a trait
The addition of the -an suffix which has the meaning of an attribute as a thing mentioned in the root word. Example:
- Sweet + an = Sweets.
- Mother buys sweets mango as a gift for us.
- Sweets is one of the taboo foods for diabetics.
- Salted + an = Pickled.
- pickles Mother's homemade fruits are selling well.
- PKK women try to process cabbage into pickles vegetable.
9. The suffix -an denotes quality
The suffix -an means to express a quality of an object. Example:
- Height + an = Height.
- Brother looks a bit height after years of not seeing each other.
- Small + an = Minor.
- After looking around, it turns out that this dress lookssmall when used by email.
10. The -an suffix that expresses something that... or who have
The addition of the -an suffix will usually indicate something that has been done or has been done. For example:
- Note + an = Note.
- Note Imron is really neat and interesting to look at.
- Prohibit + an = Prohibition.
- Mother applies ban Ane came home late at night because he felt he was still immature.
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Those are some of the meanings of the -an suffix and examples in sentence. May be useful.