Give an example of a request for help from the word disaster

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The following are some examples of requests for help fromword disaster :

  • Please do not throw cigarette butts carelessly, considering the long dry season this year, so as not to trigger fires.
  • Due to the danger of volcanic eruptions in this area, please cooperate with the residents to follow the officers' directions.
  • Please give a little aid to flood victims, the little money you give will really help them.
  • We ask all residents to register their family names, so that the SAR Team can immediately find and evacuate victims.
  • Let's care about our environment, so that we can overcome natural disasters together.
  • It is hoped that all residents will care about the cleanliness of the environment in their respective places of residence, in order to eradicate the dengue fever disaster which is endemic.
  • Let's use domestic products to strengthen the economy so that the economic disaster, namely the domestic financial crisis, does not happen again.

Those are some examples sentence who uses the word disaster, may be useful!

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