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Phrases in Indonesian is a combination word or more that do not have a central element. Some examples of phrases like example of ambiguous phrase and MD patterned phrase example we have discussed in the previous article. In this article we will discuss about one of the types of phrases the other is the MDM patterned phrase (explains explained explains). To better understand the form of MDM patterned phrases, here are some examples in sentence:

  1. Dila drinks a glass of warm milk before sleeping.
  2. Rukmana buy a bracket to wear on Eid.
  3. Loli cooking a new recipe which he got from Tantri's recipe book.
  4. We went to an old house in the middle of the forest for shelter from rain.
  5. Sora is going on vacation to a deserted island which is a modern tourist attraction.
  6. Rosa drawing a beautiful view on his canvas.
  7. It is a young boy who are still unstable in making important decisions.
  8. Tika trying to make a miniature building in elementary school children's craft competition.
  9. Mother put nastar cake inside a glass jar.
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  11. The merchant gave a beautiful souvenir to its customers.
  12. Kirana will follow an entrance exam in order to be accepted at the university of choice.
  13. Neysha is an assistant professor of physics.
  14. Faris said that he would visit a small village in Riau province.
  15. Lia will visit a big city namely Medan.
  16. In that library, we found old coin in an envelope tucked into a history book.
  17. Alina is very happy to get a gift a pair of ballet shoesfrom Mother.

Those are some examples of MDM patterned phrases in sentences languageIndonesia. Articles related to other phrases are types of phrases based on the type of word, difference between phrase and clause, idiomatic phrases and examples, straightforward phrases and idiomatic phrases, noun phrase example frasa, examples of verb phrases in Indonesian, base phrases and derived phrases, types of phrases based on their meaning, simple phrase example frasa, and examples of prepositional phrases in Indonesian. May be useful. Thank you.

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