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Phrases in Indonesian has many types of phrases. One of them is a DM patterned phrase or explained to explain. A DM patterned phrase is a phrase that starts with from the function is explained which is then explained or equipped with an explain function. To better understand it, here are some examples of DM patterned phrases:

  1. Tuti reading thick book which he just bought this afternoon.
  2. Dita put red basket under the dining table.
  3. Teacher explains Guru Biology using a replica of the human body.
  4. We ran into the room because rain heavy which came suddenly.
  5. Mbah Shaman reads magic spell which can make a person invulnerable.
  6. Doni is going to next door to trade.
  7. Gisela plucks weeds growing around the ornamental plants.
  8. We eat toast bread for breakfast this morning.
  9. Mom's cooking grilled chicken for today's lunch menu.
  10. Olivia bought acrylic paint to color their creations.
  11. Brother loves to watch cartoon in the afternoon.
  12. We drink hot tea when gathering in the evening.
  13. Ali wears loafers to work.
  14. Silvia daub night cream on his face before going to sleep.
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  16. Hamidah reading women's magazine every Wednesday.
  17. Sofia is a child who likes to collect Hello Kitty doll.
  18. Susanti is learn math in his room.
  19. The best drink in that cafe is hot chocolate delicious.
  20. Brother chooses bread that contains black sticky rice for breakfast.

That's the article about examples of DM patterned phrases in sentencelanguageIndonesia. To add to your insight. You can also read the article entitled examples of DM, MD, and MDM patterned phrases, examples of common phrases, examples of adjective phrases in sentences, noun phrase example frasa, characteristics of verbs and nouns, examples of affixed attributive phrases, example of ambiguous phrase, simple phrase example frasa, difference between phrases, clauses and sentences, example of derivative phrase, basic phrase example frasa, and examples of endocentric and exocentric phrases. May be useful. Thank you.

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