Classical Malay literature to date has been recorded in more than seven forms, such as seloka, gurindam, pantun, saga, karmine, talibun and verse. Some of these classical Malay literatures are made in the form of poetry. Not many people know types of poetry. In general, people only know the type of poetry old and new poetry. One of the old types of poetry in literature classic malay is seloka. The verse is made into four or more lines and is interconnected like a rhyme. In it there are proverbs or parables that contain advice, satire, jokes and there is also ridicule.

Example of a verse of advice in language Indonesia as follows:

(1) Go to the market looking for vegetables
Buy a bunch of spinach
Intention to be an honest human
Trust is easy to get

(2) Buy a bunch of spinach
Don't use pepper
Trust is easy to get
When you say avoid lies

(3) Cook don't use pepper
Pepper grows not in the garden
When you say avoid lies
Think calmly the soul is comfortable

(4) Roses bloom near bees
Being stung by a bee becomes strong
Study hard, knowledge increases
In order to be a useful human

instagram viewer

(5) Being stung by a bee becomes strong
People are strong because of exercise
In order to be a useful human
Many thanks for what there is

(6) People are strong because of exercise
Healthy soul fertile
Many thanks for what there is
escape from kufr and arrogant

(7) The sun's rays warm the earth
Morning greeted by the chirping of birds
Ignore the advice of the heart don't die
Cheerful looking face not gloomy

(8) Morning is greeted by the chirping of birds
The sky is decorated with a mega parade
Cheerful looking face not gloomy
Passion for work, keep working

(9) The sky is decorated with a mega procession
The wind blows caressing the weeds
Passion for work, keep working
Inspiring many adventurers

(10) Glutinous tape wrapped in guava leaves
Handiwork from the city of brass kuning
Competing to be number one
Don't elbow left and right

(11) Handiwork from the city of brass
The city of horses where the first to meet
Don't just be a dream
Make dreams come true with real effort

(12) The city of horses where you first meet
Exchange story miss
Make dreams come true with real effort
Help each other hand in hand

In the example of the verse above, it can be seen that the characteristic of the verse is that the second line in the first stanza becomes the first line in the second stanza. While the fourth line in the first stanza becomes the third line in the second stanza. The same thing happened in the second and third stanzas. In addition to examples of verse in the language Indonesia above, you can see too examples of old poetry seloka as reference other.