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Previously, we already knew what it was like examples of Indonesian folklore and examples of folklore from Betawi. This time, we will find out what an example of folklore looks like from the western tip of Indonesia, namely Aceh. In this area a lot of folklore. One of them will be shown as an example in this article. The folklore is as follows!

Lucky Mentiko*

One day in the land of Simeleu, there lived a man who had a son named Rohib. In his daily life, the king always pampers his son. This also makes Rohib grow into a spoiled child. One day, the king sent his son to a school outside the city. Unable to bear to study there, the king's son returned to his home country. The king who saw it then scolded him and gave him the words:word. "Hey Rohib, where are the results of your studies over there? Isn't there? What an ungrateful child! Guards, my son, please hang up immediately!”

Hearing this, the empress made a request to the king. He asked his son not to be hanged. He asked the king to give his son capital, so that the spoiled child could one day become a profitable businessman. The king agreed with the idea. The king's son also confirmed it. Rohib finally said goodbye to his parents.

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Rohib finally traveled outside the palace. One time, the king's son also met some children who were shooting at birds with slingshots in their hands. Rohib also forbade them and lured them with business capital money in his hands. They finally failed to shoot the birds. Rohib finally lost all the business capital his parents gave him.

Tired, Rohib rested under a shady tree. Without realizing it, a snake came to the presence of the Rohib who was resting and had lost money. Rohib woke up and was frightened by the presence of the snake. However, the Snake calmed him down and said that he would not pounce on the king's son. In fact, the snake gave a stone named Mentiko Sorcerer to the king's son who he considered a poor good boy.

The snake said, the Sorcerer Mentiko stone can fulfill all the wishes of the Spirit. Rohib was beyond happy to accept the stone, especially after knowing the power behind it. Rohib the king's son also asked for a lot of money from the Sorcerer Mentiko stone to take back to his palace.

The money was later successfully brought by Rohib to the house. The king who is his father is also absurdly happy...


That's an example story people of Aceh in Bahasa Indonesia. Actually, the example above is still there. However, the continuation of the story cannot be written here for one reason or another. The story presented in this article is expected to be useful and able to add new insights for all readers, both about Aceh folklore and material learning language Indonesia.

If the reader wants to add insight into the story, then the reader can open the following articles, namely: example of short story, example of a novel, examples of short fables and their structures, examples of myths or myths, and examples of personal experiences.

*Reference: (full story in this article can be seen on the page listed here)

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