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Some examples of certain meaningful rephrasing have been shown in several articles ago. Some of these articles include: example of plural meaning ulang, examples of words that have different meanings, example of the word repeat means intensity,example of the word repeat meaning to each other, example of a word that means resembling, examples of verbs meaning about and even though, as well as examples of meaningful words in a situation.

This article will also show some examples of special meaning rewords, where the meaning is an act for fun. This meaning itself explains the name of an act that is done only for personal pleasure.

To better understand this type of special meaningful reword, here are some examples of action meaning rewords that are displayed as follows!

  1. Mr. Broto and his colleagues are doing an event eating out at a restaurant in Kemang area.
    • The word repeat means action for fun: eating, the meaning of the word: eating together which is intended for fun only.
  2. Since there is no work, I decided to 
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    sitting in an office chair while resting my body and mind.
    • The word repeat means the act of swimming for fun: sitting around, meaning word: a sitting activity done to relax or have fun.
  3. The cat is in the middle sleeping on the sofa in the living room.
    • The word repeat means an action for fun: sleeping, the meaning of the word: sleeping activities carried out to relax or unwind.
  4. daddy is read-read newspaper subscription on the porch of the house.
    • The word repeat means an action for fun: reading, the meaning of the word: a leisurely reading activity.
  5. Middle barrel strolling relax in the city park.
    • The word repeat means an action for fun: taking a walk, the meaning of the word: a leisurely walking activity aimed at having fun or relaxing for a moment.
  6. Before we part, we take our time to having fun for a moment.
    • The word repeat means action to have fun: to have fun, the meaning of the word: to do activities to please the heart.
  7. That football team have fun celebrating their first victory in ten years.
    • The word repeat means action for fun: to have fun, the meaning of the word: the same as the meaning of the word having fun.
  8. Andini is having fun playing around with his pet cat.
    • The word repeat means action to have fun: to play, the meaning of the word: to have fun by doing something.
  9. Because he is not working, Mr. Agus too leisure by reading books.
    • The word repeat means the act of having fun: leisure, the meaning of the word: spending leisure time.
  10. Because my body feels sore, so do I fall down on my bed.
    • The word repeat means action for fun: lying down, the meaning of the word: lying down to rest the body.
  11. This drowsiness makes me this lying down in my room.
    • The word repeat means action for fun: lying down, the meaning of the word: putting the body to sleep.
  12. Since there's no homework or homework from school, so can I Lazy in my room.
    • The word repeat means action for fun: lazy, the meaning of the word: put to sleep or sit down without do any meaningful work, with the aim of lying down or relaxing for a moment.

Here are some examples of rewords meaning action for fun. Hopefully useful and able to add insight to all readers, whether it's about rephrasing in particular, or even languageIndonesia in general. Please forgive if there are errors contained in this article, I don't know from the writing side and the explanation side. Thank you and thank you.

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