The Meaning of the Affix Meng- and its Examples in Sentences

Affix meng- di a word in languageIndonesia, originally an affix me- which has undergone additional phonemes. Example:

  • me + bite becomes bite,
  • me + gotong becomes to carry,
  • me + decorate to decorate,
  • me + delete becomes delete, and so on.

If it is seen from the example above, then the affix me which if the first letter of the basic word is the letter "g, h", then the affix me- changes to the affix meng-.

The affix in the sentence does a job for someone else. The affix means to perform an action that is repeated as in the word beat. Another meaning is to give something to others as in the word salt. The suffix meng also means doing an action related to a place such as visiting. And meaning that causes something to be as it is called in the basic word as in the word wetting.

Definition of Affix Meng-

The prefix meng- serves to form verbs both transitively (requires an object) and also intransitive (does not require an object). The affix itself does not change when it is followed by a root word that begins with a vowel, namely a, i, u, e, o or consonants such as g, h, k. Example:

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  • meng- + sharpen (basic word starting with vowel a) = sharpen
  • meng- + iris (basic word starting with vowel i) = slicing
  • meng- + tail (basic word starting with vowel e) = to follow
  • meng- + babble (basic words starting with vowel o) = babbling
  • meng- + roll (basic words that start with the letter g) = roll up
  • meng- + disappear (basic words starting with the letter h) = disappear
  • meng- + send (basic words that start with the letter k) = send

Basic words that start with the letter "k" experience decay/change when combined with the suffix meng-). However, the affix will change its form when it is followed by a root word:

  1. Becomes me-: when followed by a word starting with the letter: l, m, n, r, w, y. Example:
    • report becomes report, step becomes step
    • eat to eat, cook to cook
    • cry to cry, dance to dance
    • lament becomes lament, broken becomes destructive
    • color to color, plague become epidemic
    • sure to be convinced-i/kan
  2. Becomes men-: when followed by a root word starting with the letters: c, d, j, t and z. Example:
    • seek to seek, try to be try
    • support to be support, push to be push
    • the snare becomes a snare, sewing becomes sewing
    • catch to catch, write to write
    • unjust be tyrannical-i
  3. Becomes mem-: when followed by a root word starting with the letters: b, f, p and v. Example:
    • read to read, buy to buy
    • photo becomes photo
    • plug into install, nail into nail
  4. Becomes meny-: when followed by a basic word with the letter prefix: s. Example:
    • Cover to cover, strain to filter, cross to cross
  5. Become meng-: when followed by only one word. Example:
    • Brakes to brake, paint to paint

Basic words that begin with the consonants k, p, s and t will experience melting or omission of letters If it gets an affix, for example, hooking, nailing, sweeping, pulling and etc.

However, this melting will not occur if the first letter of the phoneme is k, p, s or t, if it is followed by a double consonant such as crystallizing, promoting, requiring, transmitting and so on.

Examples of Affixes Meng- in Sentences

The following are some examples of the use of words that have the affix in sentences.

  • When knowing Susi lied, mother punished her not to repeat the same mistake.
  • My family is busy paint back home wall for welcome Eid Al-Fitr.
  • The terrorist who bomb the shopping center was finally caught.
  • Don't like mocking your friend, because it is a dishonorable act.
  • All students do the math problem carefully.
  • Jake succeeded manage the company very well.
  • That director explain what are the new staff jobs.
  • Mr Bahar always put forward satisfaction from restaurant customers.
  • In the world of work, they continue to work professionally and rule out current family problems.
  • David did it dispel the ball that glides towards the goal very well.
  • Andika lift wooden box into the barn of his house.
  • brother stirring the dough carefully so as not to curdling.
  • Unemployed youth is always mess up crazy when drunk.
  • My dog dig land when he wants hide the bones he found.
  • deed beg what that person did made the locals feel disturbed.
  • Incubate always done by the hen for incubate the eggs.
  • Smoke steaming from the pile of garbage that mother burned.
  • After wander After many years, he finally returned to his hometown.
  • That rat shrivel up all the wooden furniture in my house.
  • Horror movie he watched make it couldn't sleep all night.
  • The fugitive succeeded remove trace so troublesome police for catch it.
  • He is busy wash her clothes already mountain.
  • Daddy's teeth show yellow because of the bad habit of smoking that my father continued to do.
  • The sugar turns into crystallize when frozen in the refrigerator.
  • The lion in the zoo roar hardly.
  • He collect various data required for the research being carried out.
  • That cat meow when sister accidentally step on the tail.
  • The man made it inciting mass for To do demonstration.
  • After being urged, finally Coki confess if he who take Boni's pencil.
  • For got color unique, we mix several colors into one.
  • Grandmother make My favorite food when I visit his house.
  • Daddy promises to invite we watch concert next week.
  • The competition committee prepare lots of prizes for the winners of the competition.
  • Head of RT announce Sunday morning residents were asked to gather for community service.
  • This afternoon the sun really dazzling eye.
  • We have agreed to do the paper together.
  • The word no care other people's feelings.
  • We're ready to go for harvest corn in the fields this afternoon.
  • sister pay attention carefully when dad explain his job.
  • The mother laughed look the children sing funny.

Other Language Articles

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  • Examples of Pronouns
  • Types of Prepositions
  • Examples of Noun Phrases
  • Compound Words
  • Nouns and Verbs Ver
  • Types of Words
  • Types of Nouns

Thus the explanation of the meaning of the suffix meng- and an example in sentence. May be useful.