
Balanced sentences are compound sentences that pay attention to parallels in their structure. This type of sentence can be in the form of equivalent or mixed compound sentences. Something sentence It is said to be a balanced sentence if there are parallels in the form and information between the main clause and the subordinate clause. Example:

  1. When the father is busy in the office and the mother is busy with her social gathering, it could be that the child is busy with his dark world.
  2. If the father is always unemployed at home, the mother becomes angry and the younger brother is not comfortable at home.
  3. My father provided for all the household needs, my mother served healthy food and my younger sister became more and more clever in studies.
  4. Online jobs began to grow rapidly, many students and unemployed began to be interested in doing business online.
  5. If Hana always eats nutritious food, Hana will be healthier and grow well.
  6. If Adit always plays games, Adit will become individualistic and less sensitive to his surroundings.
  7. instagram viewer
  8. There are fewer teachers, more students have no teachers and more stupid children.
  9. The culinary industry is increasingly promising, entrepreneurs and businesspeople are starting to turn to the culinary business.
  10. A child who does not drink milk, will be deficient in calcium and stunted growth and development.
  11. The economy is deteriorating, the level of welfare and social stability must also decline.
  12. A person's body condition decreases and an unhealthy environment increases the risk of contracting the disease.

This is an example of a balanced sentence in LanguageIndonesia. May be useful.