Examples of Friendship Poems in Indonesian
In Indonesian, there are several types of poetry, including figurative poetry, religious poetry, historical poetry, banner poetry, romantic poetry and friendship poetry. Poetry is included in types of old poetry which in each stanza consists of four lines (lines) that end with the same sound. Here are examples of friendship poems you can learn:
Friend you are always in my heart
You always make me happy
When my days are lonely
You are always there and make me happy
Only you are always a friend
When I'm sad or happy
You always cheer me up
I will remember the beauty of the day with you
When I remember the past
I'm sad I'm sad
Because my best friend is no longer by my side
And it doesn't make me happy anymore
Friend why did you leave me
When you left my life was empty
I miss when you were still my best friend
Now nothing else makes me laugh
O friend, remember
We meet only for a moment
But you will always be remembered
Watching this deeply
Hi friends, next time we meet
You are with a new friend
Don't you forget me
We should reminisce about the past
Friend you mean a lot to me
You are like my shadow
Who always accompanies me
In my joy
True friends, eternal friends
Where should I look
If we don't meet again
You don't know how broken my heart is...
That's an example of friendship poetry in languageIndonesia that you can learn. There are many forms literature others you can learn more about, such as types of poetry, the characteristics of the poem, examples of rhymes talibun, various kinds of poetry and their explanations, example of advice, sonnet poetry line writing pattern, example of figurative poetry, example of a rhyming poem a-a-a-a, examples of poetry about life, example of 5 stanza, example of a 4 stanza, example of a 3 stanza, examples of educational poems and their meanings, example of 2 stanza, sample love poem 4 stanzas, example of poetry about love, examples of 4 stanzas of advice and their meanings, and examples of prosaic poetry. May be useful. Thank you.