Definition of Poverty, Impact, Factors, Types and Examples

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Education. Co. Id – This opportunity we will discuss about Poverty, an explanation of this poverty will be described as follows:

Definition of Poverty, Impact, Factors, Types and Examples

Definition of Poverty

Quick ReadShow
1.Definition of Poverty
2.Understanding Poverty According to Experts
3.Reitsma and Kleinpenning
4.Faturachman and Marcelinus Molo
5.Hall and Midgley
8.National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)
10.Types of Poverty
11.Subjective Poverty
12.Absolute Poverty
13.Relative Poverty
14.Natural Poverty
15.Structural Poverty
16.Cultural Poverty
17.Factors that Cause Poverty
18.High Unemployment Rate
19.Population growth
20.Natural disasters
21.Lazy factor at work
22.Family Burden
23.Low Education Level
24.Uneven Distribution
25.Poverty Impact
26.High Death Rate
27.Crime Rising
28.Closed Access to Education
29.Increasing Unemployment
30.The Emergence of Conflict in Society
31.Share this:

This definition of poverty is a condition in which a person is unable to fulfill basic needs such as housing, food, clothing, proper health, as well as education.

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Poverty is defined quantitatively as a condition where a person's standard of living is lacking or does not have property. Meanwhile, qualitatively, this definition of poverty is a condition of human life that is not feasible.

Understanding Poverty According to Experts

To better understand what poverty is, we can refer to several expert opinions, including:

Reitsma and Kleinpenning

This definition of poverty is the inability of an individual or a person to meet their needs, both materially and non-materially.

Faturachman and Marcelinus Molo

This definition of poverty is the inability of a person or several people (households) to meet their basic needs.

Hall and Midgley

This definition of poverty is a condition of material and social deprivation that causes a person or individual to live under poverty a decent standard of living, or also the conditions under which a person or individuals experience this relative deprivation compared to other.


This definition of poverty is inequality in opportunities to formulate social power which can be in the form of: financial resources, socio-political organizations, goods or services, assets, social networks, information, knowledge and Skills.


This definition of poverty is a low standard of living because it has material deficiencies in the class or a number of people when compared to the standard of living prevailing in society surroundings.

National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)

This definition of poverty is a situation that is completely deprived because of circumstances that cannot be avoided by an individual or someone with the power they have.


This definition of poverty is a lack of goods and services needed to achieve a decent standard of living.

Types of Poverty

There are several types of poverty that exist in society. For more details, below are the types of poverty and examples of poverty.

Subjective Poverty

This subjective poverty occurs because a person has his/her own rationale which assume that their needs have not been adequately met, even though the person is not very poor.

An example of subjective poverty: seasonal beggars in big cities.

Absolute Poverty

This definition of absolute poverty is a form of poverty in which individuals or families have incomes that are below the minimum standard or also below the poverty line. The person's income cannot/can be used to meet basic needs such as housing, education, food, health, clothing.

An example of absolute poverty: a family living below the poverty line.

Relative Poverty

This definition of relative poverty is a form of poverty due to the influence of development policies that have not been evenly distributed or have also touched all levels of society. With the influence of these policies can / can cause income inequality and welfare standards.

An example of relative poverty: fewer jobs so unemployment increases.

Natural Poverty

This definition of natural poverty is poverty that occurs due to rare natural surrounding factors of natural resources, thus making the local community have a high level of productivity low.

For example: people who live on the African continent which has dry and barren land.

Structural Poverty

This definition of structural poverty is a type of poverty that occurs because there is a social structure that is unable to connect the community with the resources they have.

An example of structural poverty: the Papuan people who do not benefit from the establishment of Freeport.

Cultural Poverty

This definition of cultural poverty is a type of poverty that occurs as a result of attitudes or habits a society with a relaxed culture and also no desire to improve their standard of living like the community modern.

Examples of cultural poverty: Bedouin tribes who are firm in their stance to maintain customs and reject the progress of the times.

Factors that Cause Poverty

After understanding what poverty is and the types of poverty, then to be able to be more complete we need to know about the factors that cause poverty. The following are some of the causes of poverty:

High Unemployment Rate

Limited employment opportunities can / can lead to high unemployment. So that the more unemployment, the poverty rate also increases. The increase in the unemployment rate also causes other problems such as beggars, crime, and so on.

Population growth

The higher birth rate is also one of the factors causing poverty because it can increase the rate of population growth to be large. If this population growth is not proportional to economic growth, it will result in an increasing poverty rate.

Natural disasters

One of the causes of poverty that cannot be prevented is natural disasters. Natural disasters such as landslides, tsunamis, floods, and others can cause infrastructure and psychological damage. This major natural disaster event can make people experience poverty because they lose their property.

Lazy factor at work

It is no longer common knowledge that the lazy work disease that infects a person can prevent him from progressing and living below the poverty line. This is because many think that fate and destiny to live in poverty is a way of life that makes them indifferent and not enthusiastic to work.

Family Burden

The number of family members that is not matched by an increase in the income obtained can lead to poverty, this becomes a problem one of the factors causing poverty because with the large number of family members, the demands and the burden of living must also increase fulfilled.

Low Education Level

One of the factors causing poverty is that the low level of education tends not to have adequate knowledge, skills, and insight. So that in the end those who have a low level of education are not able to compete with people who are highly educated in the world of work. This in turn makes poverty and unemployment rates increase.

Uneven Distribution

The last factor causing poverty is unequal distribution. The dissimilarity of the pattern of ownership of the resources that are owned can / can lead to inequality in the distribution of income. Usually people who only have limited resources and have low quality are below the poverty line.

Poverty Impact

The impact of poverty is closely related to welfare issues and also the minimum level on which the standard of living of the people of a country is based. Poverty has become a global problem, where every country has members of the community living below the poverty line.

The impact of poverty can have a negative impact on society. Below are some of the effects of poverty that often occur:

High Death Rate

One of the effects of poverty is the high mortality rate. This is because people who live under poverty usually do not have access to adequate health care. So that this will lead to high mortality rates in people living below the poverty line.

Apart from that, malnutrition is a scourge that often occurs in underprivileged communities. Poor nutritional intake can lead to poor health and physical development.

Crime Rising

Poverty is often associated with crime. The increased crime rate is one of the effects of poverty, this is because people who underprivileged are more likely to do anything to meet the needs of life, including taking action crime. Some forms of crime that often occur are theft, fraud, robbery, robbery, murder, and so on.

Closed Access to Education

The next impact of poverty is the difficulty of accessing education. This is because the cost of education is not cheap, making it difficult for the poor to access the world of education. So that the poor become difficult and unable to compete which results in them being unable/able to rise from the adversity they experienced.

Increasing Unemployment

The large number of poor people who do not get access to the world of UTY education will find it difficult to compete in the world of work. So the impact of this one poverty can / can cause the unemployment rate to increase.

The Emergence of Conflict in Society

The existence of a sense of dissatisfaction and disappointment in the poor is generally vented by anarchic actions and can even lead to conflicts with SARA nuances in society.

That's all and thank you for reading about the Definition of Poverty, Impact, Factors, Types and Examples, hopefully what is described can be useful for you.

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