The meaning of fairy tales is, examples, structures, elements, characteristics, types

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Education. Co. ID In short, this definition of fairy tales is an old literary form that tells about a story things that are fiction or meaning not real, but are still very liked by many people in particular children. This explanation is not only the meaning, but also we discuss the structure of fairy tales, characteristics and types of fairy tales. the explanation is as follows:

fairy-tale sense

Definition of Fairy Tale

Quick ReadShow
1.Definition of Fairy Tale
2.Fairy Tale Structure
3.Fairy Tale Elements
4.Intrinsic Elements of Fairy Tales
5.Fairytale Extrinsic Elements
6.Fairytale Characteristics
7.Kinds of Fairy Tales
8.Fairy Tale Example
9.The fairy tale of the Conch Mas
10.Share this:

Fairy tale is an old literary form that tells about an extraordinary event or occurrence in the form of fiction (not real) or fantasy. This fairy tale is a form of traditional story or also a story that is passed down from generation to generation from ancestors who have the function of being able to teach moral values ​​as well as entertainment.

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From the understanding of fairy tales described above, we can conclude that the notion of fairy tales is one type of fairy tale a literary work that tells something that is not real, fictitious to be used as a lesson and as entertainment for students Public.

Fairy Tale Structure

A fairy tale is built by three (3) important parts, namely the introduction, content or events, and closing. Below is an explanation of each part of the fairy tale.

  1. Introduction, contains an introductory sentence to start a fairy tale.
  2. Content (events/events), is an important part of a fairy tale that tells about the sequence of events of an event.
  3. Closing, is the final part of the story that is made to end the story.

Fairy Tale Elements

There are intrinsic and extrinsic elements in fairy tales, the explanation is as follows:

  • Intrinsic Elements of Fairy Tales

  1. Theme
    Theme is a main idea that underlies the formation of a fairy tale.
  2. Background
    Background or setting is space, time, atmosphere, as well as tools for events/events that occur in a literary work.
  3. Plot
    This plot or plot is the storyline in a literary work.
  4. Character
    Characters are actors in a story.
  5. Characterization (Character/Character Character)
    Characterization is the character, nature, attitude, physical condition and also the character possessed by the character in a story.
  6. Viewpoint
    Point of view is the author's position in viewing an event in a story.
  7. Mandate
    The message is a message that a writer or storyteller wants to convey to the reader.
  • Fairytale Extrinsic Elements

Community Background

The background of this society is the factors in the author's society that influence the writing of the fairy tale by the author. Some examples of this community background include:

  1. State Ideology
  2. Political Condition
  3. Social Condition
  4. Economic Condition
  5. Values ​​and norms that apply in the community

Author Background

The author's background is the factors within the author that influence the writing of the fairy tale, several factors from the author's background include:

  1. Author's biography
  2. Psychological condition
  3. Writer's literary genre

Fairytale Characteristics

Like other stories, fairy tales have several characteristics that distinguish them from other forms of stories. Below are some of the characteristics of a true fairy tale.

  1. Told in a simple plot.
  2. The storyline is short and fast.
  3. The characters are not described in detail.
  4. The events in it are mostly fictitious or imaginary.
  5. Written in an oral style.
  6. More emphasis on the content or events.

Kinds of Fairy Tales

There are several kinds of fairy tales that you need to know, Below is a division of the types of fairy tales, including:

  1. Myth is a form of fairy tale that tells about supernatural things such as stories of gods, ghosts, fairies, and other supernatural things.
  2. Sage is a fairy tale that tells about the heroism, might, and magic of a character.
  3. Fable is a form of fairy tale in which the main character is an animal that behaves like a human.
  4. Legend is a fairy tale that tells about events or events or the origin of a place or object.
  5. funny story is a story that contains funny events or events that entertain anyone who watches it.
  6. The story of consolation is a story that is usually used to entertain guests and also uses media such as puppets and other tools.
  7. Parable is a form of fairy tales that contain figures of speech or advice.

Fairy Tale Example

The fairy tale of the Conch Mas

Example-Fairy Tale

Next, the Indonesian children's fairy tale that can be a reference for you is Keong Mas. This fairy tale is included in the category of Indonesian popular fairy tales of all time. Why? Keong Mas is one of the fairy tales that is often shown in various drama performances at school.

Once upon a time, there was a king who had two beautiful daughters. Even though they are both beautiful, the two princesses have different characters. The older brother is very kind and not arrogant. On the other hand, the younger brother is arrogant and rude.

One day, the king summoned the elder brother, and asked him to marry a handsome prince from a neighboring kingdom. Hearing the news, the younger brother did not accept and felt jealous. Finally the younger brother went to the witch's house and asked the witch to turn her brother into a snail. And the brother turned into a snail. The witch said the older brother could change form again if he found his true love.

Meanwhile, in a village, an old woman was looking for fish in the river. Suddenly the grandmother found a golden snail, because of the beautiful color she brought the snail home. Out of pity to see grandmother who lives alone, Keong Mas often helps with housework when grandmother is not around. She sweeps and mops the house, and cooks dinner for Grandma.

In the late afternoon, grandmother came home and was surprised to see her house was clean and tidy. Grandma was also surprised because there was already a dish of food. Days passed, every time my grandmother came home from work, she was surprised, because her house was always neat and clean. Until one day, Grandma tried to go home early, and she accidentally saw the Conch Mas turn into a beautiful girl.

This Keong Mas story ends happily. Because finally the Prince could find the Conch Mas. Conch Mas also turned back into a princess.

Now that's an explanation of the meaning of fairy tales, structures, elements, characteristics, and types, hopefully what is described above can be useful for you. thank you

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