Understanding, Characteristics and Types of Political Culture in General According to Experts
Education.co.id – In a democratic country, it is very important to understand political culture, because it is highly expected that the full involvement of the Indonesian people in the political structure is expected.
The involvement of the state community reflects the manifestation of the goals of the political system, as well as maximizing the understanding of factors that influence political culture in the political system in the community.
In the life of political culture, society must be concerned with the economy, religion, social and economics in personal life widely.
Understanding Political Culture According to Experts
There are several opinions from experts regarding the meaning of political culture, including the following:
Miriam Budiardjo
According to Mirian Budiardjo, political culture is the whole from a political point of view that influences attitudes such as norms, patterns on political orientation to the point of view of life in general.
Larry Diamond
According to Larry Diamond, political culture is a belief, value, idea, sentiment, attitude and evaluation to society about the point of view on the country's political system and the role of each individual's system.
Rusadi Kantaprawira
According to Rusadi Kantaprawira, political culture is a society's perception of every pattern of attitudes towards various political problems that are brought into the form of political culture the political structure of government and society, because the political system is an interrelation between society concerning matters of authority, power and rules.
Robert Dahl
According to Robert Dahl, political culture is a political aspect of a value system consisting of customs, myths, knowledge and ideas. All of these aspects are recognized in large part by all levels of society.
Samuel Beer
According to Samuel Beer, political culture is a value of belief in factors that explain patterns of government that must be carried out properly.
Gabriel A. Almonds & G. Bingham Powell, Jr.
Political culture in the opinion of Gabriel A. Almonds & G. Bingham Powell, Jr. contains values, beliefs, attitudes and skills for all levels of society that have special patterns in the layers of society.
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Characteristics of Political Culture
There are several characteristics of political culture, including the following:
- There are several elements of power regulation in the central government as well as in the regions.
- There are several policies made by the central government.
- The pattern of behavior of officials and government officials of a country.
- There are several political parties.
- Every government power has turmoil and there is no turmoil in revealing power.
- There are pros and cons in political culture regarding the issue of legitimacy.
Types of Political Culture
According to Rusadi Kantaprawira, there are 3 types of political culture, including the following:
1. Parochial Political Culture
Parochial political culture is a political culture where the level of participation in politics is minimal or low, because in general society is still traditional in its activities.
2. Kaula Political Culture
The political culture of the subject is a political culture in which people's lives tend to be advanced both in in the social and economic fields, although the community is passive, they still obey the laws that apply.
3. Participant Political Culture
Participant political culture is a political culture where people have political awareness themselves, because no matter how small their participation in politics is, they play a direct role.
Thus the description of the material explanation about Materi Understanding, Characteristics and Types of Political Culture in General According to Experts
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