Definition of Social Deviance, Factors, Characteristics, Types, Forms and How to Prevent It

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Education. Co. ID – On this occasion we will discuss about social deviance, Often in this day and age we see behavior what some humans do is not in accordance with the values ​​and norms that exist in the environment around us, so for that Here will be explained the meaning of social deviation, factors, types and ways to prevent this social deviation, full explanation penjelasan below this :

Definition of Social Deviance, Factors, Characteristics, Types, Forms and How to Prevent It

Definition of Social Deviance

Quick ReadShow
1.Definition of Social Deviance
2.Factors That Cause Social Deviance
3.Traits of Deviant Behavior
4.Types of Social Deviance Based on Their Frequency
5.Types of Social Deviance Based on the Number of People Involved
6.Types of Social Deviance Based on Its Nature
7.Forms of Social Deviance
8.Social Deviance Prevention Factor
9.1. Mass Media Factor
10.2. Environmental Factors and Friends
11.3. School Factor
12.4. Family Factor
13.Share this:

The definition of social deviation in general is all actions that deviate from the values ​​that apply in an area social system and also lead to efforts by the authorities in the system to correct deviant behavior that. Deviations in one society do not mean they are deviations in other societies due to differences in standards or measures of values ​​and norms.

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Factors That Cause Social Deviance

There are two (2) factors that cause social deviation, including internal factors and external factors.

  1. Internal factors
    is intelligence or the level of intelligence, age, gender and also one's position in the family. Examples of internal factors: someone who is not normal and also age. While
  2. external factors
    These are household or family life, education at school, association and mass media. An example of external factors: a child who often sees his parents fighting can deviate towards drugs or drugs.

Traits of Deviant Behavior

Traits of Deviant Behavior – According to Paul B. Horton, this social deviation has the following characteristics:

  • Deviance must be defined
  • Deviations can be accepted or can be rejected
  • Relative deviation and absolute deviation
  • Deviation from real or ideal culture
  • There are avoidance norms in social deviance
  • Social deviance is adaptive (adjusting)

Types of Social Deviance Based on Their Frequency

Primary Social Deviance

This definition of primary social deviation is a deviation that is temporary in nature. People who do it can still be accepted by their social groups because they do not continuously violate the rules. For example, usually breaking traffic signs or drinking liquor at a party.

Secondary Social Deviance

The definition of secondary social deviation is a social deviation carried out by the perpetrator continuously even though sanctions have been given. Therefore, each of these actors is generally known as a person who behaves in a deviant manner. For example, someone who gets drunk every day because it has become a habit.

Types of Social Deviance Based on the Number of People Involved

Individual Deviance

The definition of individual deviation is a deviation that is done alone, meaning without other people. Only one person commits a social deviation, meaning that it is against the prevailing norms.

Group Deviation

The definition of group deviation is a deviation that occurs when the individual deviant behavior is carried out jointly by a certain group.

Types of Social Deviance Based on Its Nature

Deviation is Negative
This negative definition of deviation is a tangible social deviation from action towards social values ​​that are considered low and disgraceful are caused because they are not in accordance with the values ​​and norms that apply.

Deviation is Positive
Positive deviation is a form of deviation or behavior that is not in accordance with values ​​and norms that apply, but have a positive impact on himself or herself Public. For example, positive deviation
For example, in a society that is still traditional, women who carry out activities or who also carry out professions are generally carried out by men, for example, such as having a career in In the political field, this woman who has a career in politics is an example of a deviation that has a positive, being a racer, taxi driver, etc. taboo. However, this has a positive impact, namely the emancipation of women.

Forms of Social Deviance

Below are the types of social deviations that are very often possible for us to encounter. There are 5 types of social deviation including the following:

  1. Criminal Action
  2. Brawls or fights between students
  3. Sexual perversion
  4. Abuse of narcotics, illegal drugs and alcohol serta
  5. Sexual intercourse freely

Social Deviance Prevention Factor

After understanding some of the important points about social deviation above, we must also know how to prevent it This social deviation, because it is very feared that this social deviation will continue to spread and damage the successors nation. Prevention of this social deviation can be done so that a person does not fall into social deviations that are more dominant in having negative and detrimental sides and characteristics. The following are factors that will support the prevention of social deviance, including the following.

1. Mass Media Factor

In an era that is completely modern, like today, where small children who used to not know technology and still are playing with their peers, nowadays technology such as gadgets has become a necessity for small children like now this. The mass media, whether printed or electronic, should also be a means of socialization that can influence one's life. Then someone can sort out the mass media that have good information and have positive ones in order to avoid social deviations.

2. Environmental Factors and Friends

Environmental factors and friends also greatly influence a person's character or character as well as a person's good/bad habits. This is because in the association a person is required to adapt / adjust to the environment in which they live and also friends. So we have to be smart in choosing good friends so that we can get along without violating the norms and applicable laws.

3. School Factor

Schools are now also a second home for children. And in school also children can get formal knowledge. the school also has a very important role in the moral and ethical development of students so that at every step the students can be positive.

4. Family Factor

This family factor is the most important prevention factor. Because the role of the family is very influential on the development of children. Family is also the beginning of the process of socialization and personality formation. A person's personality will be well formed if he is born and grows up in a good family environment and vice versa. That way the family should be able to set a good example.

Now that's an explanation of the definition of social deviance, factors, types, and ways to prevent it, hopefully what is described above can be useful for you.

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