Definition of Fiction According to Experts, Characteristics, Types, and Examples

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Education. Co. ID – Surely we often see on the tv screen when watching soap operas when they first start, what will appear is a statement that states that the story in the soap opera is not real fiction, well below we will discuss the full fiction, for an explanation below :

Definition of Fiction According to Experts, Characteristics, Types, and Examples

Definition of Fiction

Quick ReadShow
1.Definition of Fiction
2.Definition of Fiction According to Experts
3.1. Krismarsanti
4.2. Thani Ahmad
5.3. Henry Thunder Tarigan
6.4. Semi
7.Characteristics of Fiction
8.Types of Fiction
9.1. Novel
10.2. Romance
11.3. Short story
12.Examples of Fiction Stories
13.1. Examples of Romance Fiction
14.2. Examples of Fiction Novels
15.3. Short Fiction Examples
16.Share this:

Fiction is a narrative prose that has the nature of imagination or non-scientific composition of the author and is also not based on reality. In other words, this fiction does not occur in the real world and is only based on someone's imagination.

Although this fiction is only imagination, it still makes sense and can contain truths that can dramatize human relationships. The word "Fiction" itself comes from English, namely "Fiction" which means fiction or fantasy.

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There are several types of works of art that are included in fiction writing, including:

  1. Novel
  2. Short story
  3. soap operas
  4. Drama
  5. Telenovelas
  6. Comedy movies, and more

As for the definition of non-fiction itself, it is a writing whose contents are not the imagination or fiction of the author. What this means is, this non-fiction writing is a work of art that is factual in nature or also based on reality and contains truth in it. for more details below will be explained about the definition of fiction according to some experts.

Definition of Fiction According to Experts

After understanding the meaning of fiction in general, then to be able to better understand the meaning of fiction In this case, we can see the notion of fiction put forward by several experts including: following :

1. Krismarsanti

According to Krismarsanti, the notion of fiction is a rock that contains stories or stories made based on the imagination or imagination of the author.

2. Thani Ahmad

According to Thani Ahma, the meaning of fiction is a narrative story that arises or emerges from the imagination of the author and does not care about historical facts.

3. Henry Thunder Tarigan

According to Henry Guntur Tarigan, fiction is a literary work that comes from the imagination of the writer.

4. Semi

According to Semi, the notion of fiction is a type of literary narrative and is in the form of fiction/imaginary stories of the author regardless of the reality.

Characteristics of Fiction

Referring to the definition of fiction described above, we can identify a work of fiction from its characteristics. Below are the characteristics of fiction, including:

  1. Fiction is fiction or also the imagination of the author
  2. In fiction there is a truth that is relative or not absolute
  3. Generally, this fiction uses language that has a connotative nature or is not true
  4. This work of fiction does not have a standard systematic
  5. Generally, this work of fiction targets the emotions or feelings of the reader, not logic
  6. In this work of fiction there is also a certain moral message or mandate

Types of Fiction

Below are some types of fiction in literary works, including the following:

1. Novel

This novel is a fictional essay that tells about a main character with a pros and cons in the story, from the beginning to the end of the novel that has a climax or endings.

2. Romance

Definition of Romance is a work of fiction that tells about several characters in the storyline. This romance contains a lot of wisdom in the story and tends to lead to a classic story.

3. Short story

The definition of short story is a piece of fiction whose contents are far less than romances let alone novels. However, this short story has its own charm because this short story can be an initial learning for writers in making a written work.

Examples of Fiction Stories

Based on the definition, characteristics and types of fiction described above, the following are some examples of fiction stories, including the following:

1. Examples of Romance Fiction

There are many literary works in the form of romance. Apart from that, there are also quite a few types of romance, for example, adventure romance, psychological romance, romance romance, and others.

Some examples of literary works in the form of Romance, including:

  1. Frog Wants To Be An Ox (Roman Psychology)
  2. Girls of the Four Ages (Romantic Romance)
  3. Si Dul Anak Jakarta (Romance for Children and Teenagers)
  4. World Hell (Educational Romance)
  5. Looking for a Virgin Child Thief (Criminal and Detective Romance)

2. Examples of Fiction Novels

Similar to Romans, literary works in the form of Novels are also very abundant nowadays and are very easy to find in bookstores. Well below are some examples of novels including:

  1. Dylan 1990
  2. Siti Nurbaya
  3. The sinking of the Vander Wick Ship
  4. When love glorifies God

3. Short Fiction Examples

Examples of short stories (short stories) are also often found in Indonesian print media, such as newspapers and magazines. Some of the titles of these short stories include:

  1. Love Never Arrives
  2. Oh Mama Oh Papa

Now that's an explanation of the definition of fiction according to experts, characteristics, types, and examples, hopefully what is described above can be useful for you, thank you.

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