Definition of Tribe, Characteristics, and Kinds According to Experts
Education. Co. ID – On this occasion we will discuss about the Tribe. In general, ethnicity is a social group that exists in an area with certain characteristics. For more details below in full:
Definition of Tribe
The definition of ethnicity is a social group that exists in the community that is used to distinguish one group from another. Usually each of these tribes has its own characteristics. Tribe can also be interpreted as a group of people who are bound by the cultural order of a particular society. Now for more details, below will be explained the understanding of tribes put forward by some experts.
Definition of Tribe According to Experts
1. According to Frederick Barth
According to him, ethnicity is a collection of people who have or have similarities in terms of race, religion, national origin, and are equally bound in certain cultural values.
2. According to Hasan Shadily MA
According to him, the definition of ethnicity is a group of people who are considered to have or have a biological relationship.
3. According to Koentjaraningrat
According to him, the definition of ethnicity is a group of people who are united with the local culture consciously, and usually communicate using the same language.
4. According to Raroll
According to him, the tribe is a group of people who identify themselves with each other, usually based on the lineage that is considered the same. A group can be recognized as a tribe if it has its own characteristics in terms of culture, language, religion, behavior, or also biological characteristics.
5. According to the Indonesian Encyclopedia
According to the Indonesian Encyclopedia, ethnicity is a social group that has or has a certain position due to lineage, customs, religion, language, and so on. Usually each member of the tribe has similarities in terms of history, language, customs and also in tradition.
Tribal Characteristics
Below are the characteristics of a tribe that distinguish it from one tribe to another, including:
1. Differences in physical characteristics
The difference from these physical characteristics is the first characteristic that distinguishes one tribe from another. Each tribe usually has its own physical characteristics that distinguish it from other tribes. For example, just like the Japanese tribe who have olive skin color. As for the African tribes, most of them have black skin color.
2. Language difference
Each tribe has its own way of speaking, be it the national language or the traditional language. Not only that, each of the tribes usually also has its own way of conveying its own language. Therefore, we can know a person's ethnicity from the way he conveys or the accent he uses when speaking.
3. Cultural differences
In addition to being different in terms of physical appearance and language, each tribe also has its own culture which is one of the characteristics of each tribe. For example, the culture of the tribes in India is of course different from the tribal culture in Europe. We can see these cultural differences in terms of customs, arts, and so on.
4. Have a domicile area
For Indonesia today, there may have been many of these tribes spreading in each region, but still, each tribe has its own domicile area. For example, the Batak tribe who lives on the island of Sumatra, the Toraja tribe who lives in Sulawesi, and so on.
Kinds of Tribes in Indonesia
Below are the names of the tribes in Indonesia, including:
That's all and thank you for reading about Definition of Tribe, Characteristics, and Kinds According to ExpertsSorry if there are conveyers or mistakes in the names of the tribes in Indonesia. I hope what is described above can be useful for you
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