Understanding Patriotism, Types, Characteristics, Attitudes and Examples

Education. Co. ID - In the past, the Indonesian people fought against the invaders by taking up arms to realize Indonesia's independence. For those who can't physically attend the battle, they will donate their energy as well as the price of their objects. All of these things were created because of a patriotic attitude based on love for the homeland or also nationalism as an Indonesian citizen.

Understanding Patriotism, Kinds, Characteristics, Attitudes and Examples

Patriotism is one of the attitudes to defend the country and is also nationalist, meaning that this patriotic feeling is related to the attitude of love for the country.

Understanding Patriotism

Quick ReadShow
1.Understanding Patriotism
2.Types of Patriotism
3.Blind patriotism
4.Constructive patriotism
5.Characteristics of Patriotism
6.Examples of Patriotism
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Patriotism is an attitude that is brave, unyielding and also willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and state.

Patriotism is derived from the words "patriot" and also "ism" which means heroism or the spirit of a hero, or also "heroism" and "patriotism" in English. The sacrifice can be in the form of property or body and soul.

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Types of Patriotism

Patriotism can take many forms. Ervin Staub divides this patriotism into two parts, namely blind patriotism and constructive patriotism.

Blind patriotism

Blind patriotism is defined as an attachment to the state with the characteristics of not questioning everything, being loyal, and also intolerant of criticism. Seeing this definition, this blind patriotism has the characteristics of demanding no positive evaluation and also being intolerant of criticism. This blind patriotism is the initial trigger for totalitarianism or chauvinism. History has recorded the bad consequences of blind patriotism, such as Hitler-Germany or Mussolini-Italy, for example. The massacre of innocent people became legal in the name of patriotism.

Constructive patriotism

This constructive patriotism is defined as an attachment to the nation and the state with the characteristic of supporting criticism and questions from members about the various activities carried out, so that a positive change is obtained in order to achieve prosperity together. This constructive patriotism also demands loyalty and love for members (people) of their group (nation), without abandoning human values. Criticism and evaluation of the beloved group is precisely one form of loyalty. This criticism and evaluation aims to be able to keep the group on the right track or also positive.

Characteristics of Patriotism

Patriotism itself has several characteristics, including the following:

  1. Sympathy for the nation. This patriotism makes a person able to love the nation and country without making the country a profitable destination for oneself.
  2. Solidarity. This patriotism creates solidarity in order to achieve the welfare of the nation.
  3. Patriotism is able to see the strengths and weaknesses of the nation.
  4. Cultural Values ​​of the Nation. With the capital values ​​and culture of the nation, struggling at this time to be able to achieve the ideals of the nation.
  5. A sense of self-identity. Patriotism is an attitude of wanting to see, accept, and develop the character and personality of the nation.
  6. Open nature. This patriotism means seeing the nation in the context of the world's life, being willing to be involved in it and also willing to learn from other nations for the betterment of the nation.

Here are the characteristics of a patriot:

  1. Love the homeland
  2. Don't know give up
  3. Renewal Spirit
  4. Placing the unity and integrity of the nation above personal and group interests.

Examples of Patriotism

Examples of attitudes and activities that reflect the spirit of patriotism in everyday life, including the following:

  1. Attending state holidays.
  2. Participate in social service activities.
  3. Participate in activities such as scouts, PMR, etc.
  4. Follow cultural arts appreciation.
  5. Respect Teachers/Parents/People around.
  6. Study diligently,
  7. Bring Pancasila in everyday life.
  8. Love and use domestic products
  9. Does not damage the environment
  10. Participate in maintaining public facilities
  11. Participate in nation building
  12. Obey existing regulations
  13. Preserving the nation's culture

Well that's an explanation of the Definition of Patriotism, Types, Characteristics, Attitudes and Examples, hopefully what is described above about Patriotism can be useful for you. thank you

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