hello buddy Formula.co.id this time we will discuss the material of implementing Pancasila as the basis of the state, in everyday life - complete with understanding and principles and functions so that it is easy to understand.

Implementation of Pancasila – is a form of just and civilized humanity and has equal rights in the fulfillment of welfare in law and other legal matters.

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Table of contents :

Implementation of Pancasila is


Implementation of Pancasila is a noble value in the culture of the Indonesian nation which is based on the elements of culture as a whole by going through a process that has been made.

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In this case, implementation is an ideology that is not closed and able to adapt to the times as an aspiration to society, so that Pancasila will make flexibility in openness ideology.

However, its openness to the core values ​​of Pancasila can be changed or replaced with other core values, because the values ​​of Pancasila have been a reality since ancient times.

In the life of the Indonesian people, it is very necessary to implement the noble values ​​contained in Pancasila with the norms and ethical values ​​contained in Pancasila.

So that this will truly become an integral part and can be integrated into the personality of every Indonesian citizen and can form a pattern of attitude towards the Indonesian people.

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In addition, implementation has also been stated by:

According to Notonagoro that the Implementation of Pancasila can be trusted as the basis of a state which is a way of life and a united tool for the nation. So it will be given in the regulatory values ​​in ideology.

Then this will serve as a guide in the life of the nation and state for all people in Indonesia, as a philosophical foundation for the state and ideology of the Indonesian state.

The implementation of Pancasila is universal in nature which consists of five regulations and has different values ​​in each regulation.

In Realize values ​​will refer to potential:

  • Believe in God Almighty according to their respective beliefs and must be sincere without coercion.
  • Respect each other's religion and beliefs.
  • Take care of each other in religious life.

This implementation will shape the provisions contained in the 1998 reform movement with behavior that is contrary to the rules set out in Pancasila,

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Kinds of Implementation of Pancasila

From what we have said above, we will also convey several kinds of Pancasila implementation, including the following.

Implementation of Pancasila in the field of defense and security

The implementation of Pancasila in the field of defense and security is a provision that has been naturally formed by the state and can be interpreted as a collection of legal communities.

So that it is formed in legislation, of course this is very necessary in the state as a matter and obligation of citizens to be able to regulate order and existing law.

Implementation of Pancasila in the socio-cultural field

The implementation of Pancasila in the socio-cultural field is a function for the community that is still related to reform from all fields, so that it will be related to social values.

So the community will not actually have social conflicts with differences of opinion that can affect social inequality.

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Implementation of Pancasila in the economic field

The implementation of Pancasila in the economic field is a value that is owned in the political field, but this can be implemented with its values ​​and concepts.

The economic field has a free competition in economic development with the interests of humanity and the good of society.

Implementation of Pancasila in politics

The implementation of Pancasila in politics is an action in existing regulations with values ​​that exist in the political field and must know a state subject.

In this case political life must be taken seriously and can produce goals as a method that functions to protect human dignity.

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Principles of implementing Pancasila as morality

The principle of Pancasila as the morality of the nation and state and has regulations consistently and can be a pillar of achievement in the ideals of the nation.

Implementation principles as the morality of the nation and state and can be described are as follows.

First Principle

The first principle is a source of ethics and ethics as an important role of the foundation in the life of the Indonesian state that can separate "religion" from "state".

Because this can affect the religious role of the community with the basic values ​​of Pancasila and the state is expected to offer a protection in the development of religious life.

Therefore, religion is expected to play a role in strengthening social ethics that can support one element of religion to determine government regulations.

Second Principle

The second principle is that a human value comes from the law of Allah and the natural law that exists in human nature, because social beings are very important as the basis of ethics in the life of the state.

This principle broadly means a unity which will be realized through externalization and internalization in efforts to create a world order based on freedom from justice social.

Then the Indonesian people will recognize and glorify the fundamental rights of the people that exist in the relationship between the state and citizens.

Fourth Principle

The Fourth Principle is an application of human values ​​that must prioritize the social community in order to make progress with the values ​​of national unity.

And can overcome or understanding groups of individuals, in the community unit that will be managed on the basis of the concept of nationalism to reflect unity with diversity which the expression "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" Ika".

Fourth Principle

The fourth principle is a human value with the value of unity towards the love of nationalism with its application which must maintain the sovereignty of the people guided by wisdom.

Then a democracy will be formed that can gain the power of the people made by consensus determined by the majority.

But this will be guided by wisdom that supports rationalism with the wisdom of every citizen to reflect the benefits themselves.

Fifth Principle

The fifth principle is a human value in the sense that it can realize social justice which must reflect important ethical values ​​and principles.

This principle can be measured by social justice in the life of the nation and state.

How many friends can Formula.co.id sconvey a discussion about the implementation of Pancasila in the environment, hopefully the article above can be useful and useful, thank you so much.

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