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hello guys This time I will share insights about Javanese Traditional Clothing based on knowledge, sources, elements and functions because Java has several types of clothing with the value of beauty and uniqueness.

Each traditional dress has various characteristics that are different as one of the sources of artistic works of culture made from each province.

Ok guys, just go ahead, see the discussion below…?

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Get to know Javanese clothes

Javanese Traditional Clothing

Java Province is a province located on the island of Java and has many customs and traditions, ranging from clothes and accessories to the uniqueness made from Javanese traditions.

However, Javanese customs and traditions are known to be very identical because they still use Sundanese culture.

However, this traditional Javanese dress has values ​​that are full of politeness.

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And these clothes also have a lot of impressions made from the ancestors as clothes that were developed with the progress of time and history.

When talking about typical Javanese clothes, of course, this is very identical in aspects of its history so that these clothes are usually used only during traditional activities.

Also Read: East Java Traditional Clothing

The meaning and philosophy of Javanese clothing

Javanese clothes have different meanings and philosophies, so these clothes are very popular in various regions and the wider community.

The meanings and philosophies contained in these traditional clothes are usually symbols of the kingdom made by the ancestors or as a characteristic of the Javanese archipelago.

While the island of Java also has a different philosophy or meaning because it symbolizes the characteristics formed from the island of Java.

In recognizing their clothes, Javanese people usually hold traditional activities, such as weddings and traditional ceremonies at provincial level activities.

Also Read: West Java Traditional Clothing

Name of Javanese Traditional Clothing and Explanation

Javanese custom

Well, guys, we have explained above about typical Javanese traditional clothes, so here we will also explain several types of Javanese clothes based on their development.

The following are the names of Javanese traditional clothes, including the following:

1. kebaya


Kebaya is a Javanese traditional clothing that is often used at parties or weddings.

In general, this kebaya is usually made of velvet and brocade with silk fabrics and has very bright identical colors.

Kebaya has tops and bottoms that make up the beauty, when wearing it.

When wearing a serang kebaya, it can enhance the impression of beauty because it is equipped with various accessories such as rings, necklaces, bracelets that are used when wearing the kebaya.

2. Pangsi


Pangsi is one of the typical Javanese clothes because this clothing is made as an inheritance from the archipelago.

This clothing also has its own philosophy because its shape and stitching are very different from other traditional clothes.

However, pangsi clothes are usually worn by men because they symbolize men who come from the islands of Java.

This traditional dress is made very simply so that it seems very dirty because it shows the profession of a farmer.

When wearing this outfit, it is usually equipped with a headgear and a logen belt.

Also Read: Betawi Traditional Clothing

3. Batik


Batik is a part of Javanese clothing which is very famous in foreign countries because batik has a value of beauty and various motifs.

Although batik is a typical Javanese dress, many people throughout Indonesia like to wear this type of clothing.

With the development of the times and as time goes by, there are many batik models that increasingly have various values.

4. Surjan


Surjan is a typical Javanese traditional clothing in the form of a superior shirt and this outfit is almost similar to Jawi Jangkep, it is very often used by men.

According to history, Surjan has existed since the time of Islamic Mataram and was first created by Sunan Kalijaga.

Also Read: West Sumatra Traditional Clothing

5. blank


Blankon is one of the typical clothes of the Java archipelago or as a complementary accessory which is usually used as a head covering.

This blank is used to cover long hair and can be used in daily life or during traditional ceremonies.

In using this blangkon, it is also very identical to the so-called ties on the back as an accessory to the beliefs held by the ancestors.

Also Read: Central Java Traditional Clothing

6. Sunflower

Kanigara is one of the typical Javanese clothes and is usually worn by the nobility only.

However, this dress is most often used by brides, because it has a very high value and meaning by the local population.

7. wet


Basahan is a typical Javanese dress that is usually used by the bride only.

This dress is very similar to Kanigaran because it is wet and women are descended from the kingdom in the Sultanate.

Namely the people of Ngayogyakarta commonly called Ageng Kanigaran.

Also Read: Aceh Traditional Clothing Pakaian

8. Sinjang or Dodot

Sinjang or Dodot

Sinjang or Dodot is a typical Javanese clothing in the form of a long cloth that can cover the lower body.

This traditional clothing is not very important but is usually used during traditional activities and is only used by the next generation.

9. Kuluk


Kuluk is one of the typical Javanese clothes in the form of accessories such as hats or traditional Javanese caps.

This outfit has almost the same function as a blank covering the head.

However, this type of accessories is only used by men during wedding activities.

Also Read: Kalimantan Traditional Clothing

10. Kris


The keris is one of the traditional Javanese clothes, but the keris is a combination of clothes when someone will use clothes and so on and will be used by a man.

The existence in a history of a keris certainly has a very deep philosophy for the Javanese because almost every Javanese must have this unique item. And will be used in daily life.

Ok guys until here, yes, who can convey a discussion about Javanese Traditional Clothing, hopefully the articles we discuss can be useful and useful, thank you so much.

Also Read: Balinese Traditional Clothing

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