History of the Baduy Tribe: Origins, Religion, Arts and Customs

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In this right the Kanekes people or Baduy people are a group of Sundanese indigenous people in the Lebak district, Banten. The term "Baduy" is a designation given by outsiders to these community groups, starting from the term para. Dutch researchers who seem to liken them to the Badawi Arab group, which is a nomadic society "nomadic".


Another possibility is the existence of the Baduy River and Mount Baduy in the northern part of the area. They themselves prefer to refer to themselves as urang Kanekes or "orang kenekes" according to their name their territory or a designation that refers to the name of their village such as Urang Cibeo "Garna, 1993".

History of the Baduy

Quick Read Listshow
1.History of the Baduy
1.1.Tangtu group
1.2.Panamping Group
1.3.Dangka Group
2.The Origin of the Baduy
3.Baduy Religion and Beliefs
3.1.1. Gotong royong is still a hobby that continues to be preserved
3.2.2. Simple happiness typical of the Inner Baduy Tribe
3.3.3. We can see the frugal life of the Baduy Tribe from the people's fondness for walking
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3.4.4. Pu'un, someone who is considered like the president in Kampung Baduy Dalam
3.5.5. The shape of the house does not reflect the social status of the wealth of the Baduy
3.6.6. Bamboo rods are substitutes for glass
3.7.7. Chicken processed dishes are considered a luxury food by the Baduy people
3.8.8. Inner Baduy parents who have simple dreams
3.9.9. One of the traditions that are considered commonplace and is still practiced, matchmaking Prohibition of visiting for 3 months
4.Baduy language
5.Baduy Livelihoods
6.Baduy Tribe Tools/Tools
7.Baduy Tribe Arts
8.The customs of the Baduy
8.1.1. Law in the Baduy Community Order
8.2.2. Kawalu Fasting Month
8.3.3. Wedding
8.4.Share this:
8.5.Related posts:

Urang Kanekes, Kanekes people or Baduy/Bedouin people are a group of Sundanese sub-ethnic indigenous peoples in Indonesia. Kanekes area is geographically located at coordinates 6°27'27" – 6°30'0" South Latitude and 108°3'9" - 106°4'55" East Longitude (Permana, 2001). They live right at the foot of the Kendeng mountains in Kanekes Village, Leuwidamar District, Lebak Regency, banten-Rangkasbitung, Banten,.

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It is about 40 km from the town of Rangkasbitung. The area which is part of the Kendeng Mountains with an altitude of 300-600 m above sea level (DPL) has a hilly and undulating topography. with an average soil slope of 45%, which is volcanic soil (in the northern part), sedimentary soil (in the middle), and mixed soil (in the northern part). South). the average temperature is 20 °C, Baduy community villages are generally located in the area. Their population is around 5,000 to 8,000 people, and they are one of the tribes that implement isolation from the outside world. In addition, they also have a taboo belief to be photographed, especially residents of the inner Baduy region.

The term "Baduy" originated from the name of Dutch researchers who seemed to equate them with the Badawi Arab group, which is a nomadic society. Another possibility is the existence of the Baduy River and Mount Baduy in the northern part of the area. They themselves prefer to refer to themselves as urang Kanekes or "people Kanekes" according to the name of their region, or a designation that refers to the name of their village.

Baduy or commonly known as the Kanekes community is the name of a group of Sundanese indigenous people in Banten. They are independent, refuse outside help, knit, plant and think ahead with clear brains, honest and sincere. There was no commotion among them there. There is no mutual envy, envy and deceit in their midst. The Baduy tribe is a life group that is so obedient to the customs, rituals and religions they profess. The Baduy tribe lives in the interior of West Java, the last village that can be reached by vehicles is Ciboleger Village (West Java). From this village we can only enter the territory of the outer Baduy tribe. But before we enter the territory of the Baduy tribe, we must first report to the traditional leader called Jaro.

The physical appearance and language of the Baduy tribe are similar to the Sundanese people in general, the difference is their belief system and way of life. The Kanekes people close themselves off from the influence of the outside world and strictly maintain their traditional way of life, while the Sundanese are more open to foreign influences and the majority embrace Islam.

The Kanekes community is generally divided into three groups, namely:

  1. Tangtu group

This group, known as the Kanekes Dalam (Baduy Dalam), is the most strictly adherent to adat, namely the people who live in three villages: Cibeo, Cikertawana, and Cikeusik. The characteristics of the Kanekes Dalam people are:

  • His clothes are natural white and navy blue and he wears a white headband.
  • They are traditionally prohibited from meeting foreigners.

Kanekes Dalam is part of the whole Kanekes people. Unlike Kanekes Luar, Kanekes Dalam residents still adhere to the customs of their ancestors.

  • Some of the regulations adopted by the Kanekes Dalam tribe include:
  • Not allowed to use vehicles for transportation facilities
  • No footwear allowed
  • The door of the house must face north/south (except the house of the Pu'un or the traditional leader)
  • Prohibition of using electronic devices (technology)
  • Using black/white cloth as clothes that are woven and sewn by themselves and modern clothes are not allowed.

  1. Panamping Group

They are known as Kanekes Luar (Outer Baduy), who live in various scattered villages around the Kanekes Dalam area, such as Cikadu, Kaduketuk, Kadukolot, Gajeboh, Cisagu, and others etc. The Kanekes Luar community is characterized by:

  • Wearing black clothes and headband.
  • They are familiar with technology, such as electronic equipment.
  • The process of building houses for the residents of Outer Kanekes has used tools, such as saws, hammers, nails, etc., which were previously prohibited by the Kanekes Dalam custom.
  • Wearing traditional clothes with black or dark blue (for men), which indicates that they are not holy. Sometimes wearing modern clothes such as T-shirts and jeans.
  • Using modern household appliances, such as mattresses, pillows, glass & plastic plates & cups.
  • They live outside the Kanekes Dalam area.
  • Some of them have been influenced and converted to Islam in a significant number.

Outer Kanekes are people who have come out of the Kanekes Inner customs and territory. There are several things that led to the expulsion of Kanekes Inner residents to Kanekes Out:

  • They have violated the customs of the Kanekes Dalam community.
  • Desire to get out of Kanekes Dalam
  • Married to a member of Outer Kanekes

  1. Dangka Group

The Kanekes Dangka group lives outside the Kanekes area, and currently only two villages remain, namely Padawaras (Cibengkung) and Sirahdayeuh (Cihandam). The Dangka village functions as a kind of buffer zone for outside influences.

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The Origin of the Baduy

The Origins of the Baduy Tribe

For this, according to the beliefs they profess, the Kanekes people claim to be descended from Batara Cikal, one of the seven gods or batara who were sent to earth. The origin is often associated with the Prophet Adam as the first ancestor. According to their belief, Adam and his descendants, including Kanekes residents, have the task of ascetic or ascetic "mandita" to maintain world harmony.

Opinions about the origin of the Kanekes people differ from those of historians, who base their opinions by synthesizing several historical evidence in the form of inscriptions, records of Portuguese and Chinese sailors, as well as folklore about the "Tatar Sunda" which is quite minimal its existence. The Kanekes people are associated with the Sunda Kingdom, which before its collapse in the 16th century was centered in Pakuan Pajajaran "around Bogor now” before the establishment of the Sultanate of Banten, this area of ​​the western tip of the island of Java was an important part of the Kingdom Sunda.

Banten is a fairly large trading port, the Ciujung River can be navigable by various types of boats and is used to transport crops from the interior. Thus, the ruler of the area, known as Prince Pucuk, generally considered that the sustainability of the river needed to be maintained. For this reason, an army of highly trained royal soldiers was ordered to guard and manage the densely forested and hilly area of ​​the Mount Kendeng area.

The existence of troops with special duties seems to be the forerunner of the Baduy Community who until now still inhabit the upstream area of ​​the Ciujung River on Mount Kendeng "Adimihardja, 2000”. These differences of opinion lead to the notion that in the past, their identity and history deliberately closed, which may be to protect the Baduy community itself from enemy attacks Alignment.

Van Tricht, a doctor who had conducted medical research in 1928, denied this theory. According to him, the Baduy are natives of the area who have a strong resistance to outside influences "Garna, 1993b: 146". The Baduy themselves also refused to say that they came from refugees from Pejajaran, the capital of the Sunda Kingdom.

According to Danasasmita and Djatisunda "1986: 4-5" Baduy people are local residents who are officially designated as "holy area" mandalas. by the king, because the residents are obliged to maintain the ancient "place of worship of ancestors or ancestors", not Hinduism or Buddhism. Kebuyutan in this area is known as kabuyutan Jati Sunda or "Sunda Asli" or Sunda Wiwitan "Wiwitan = original, origin, tree, teak". That's why their original religion was given the name Sunda Wiwitan.

Baduy Religion and Beliefs

The Kanekes people's beliefs are known as the Sunda Wiwitan teachings, the teachings of the ancestors from generation to generation rooted in respect for God ancestor or ancestral spirits and worship of the spirit of natural forces (animism). Although most aspects of this teaching are original from hereditary traditions, in later developments the teachings This ancestor was also slightly influenced by some aspects of Hinduism, Buddhism, and later Islam.

This form of respect for the spirit of natural forces is manifested through an attitude of protecting and preserving nature; namely caring for the surrounding nature (mountains, hills, valleys, forests, gardens, springs, rivers, and all the ecosystems in them), as well as providing the highest respect for nature, by caring for and maintaining the forbidden forest as part of efforts to maintain the balance of nature universe. The core of this belief is indicated by the existence of pikukuh or absolute customary provisions adopted in the daily life of the Kanekes people (Garna, 1993). The most important content of the Kanekes 'pikukuh' (compliance) is the concept of “without any change”, or as little change as possible.

The most important object of belief for the Kanekes community is the Arca Domas, whose location is kept secret and is considered the most sacred. the people visit the location and perform worship once a year in the month of kalima. In the Domas Arca complex there is a stone mortar that stores rainwater. If at the time of worship it is found that the stone mortar is in a state full of clear water, then share it the Kanekes community is a sign that there will be a lot of rain that year, and the harvest will be successful good. On the other hand, if the mortar is dry or the water is cloudy, it is a sign of crop failure.

Only the highest customary leader puun and only the chosen group can join the group. In the area of ​​the statue there is a lumping stone which is believed if when worshiping the stone looks full it is a sign of rain fall a lot and the harvest will be successful, and vice versa, if it is dry or watery, it is a sign that there will be failure harvest.

Lojor heunteu beunang is cut, pind heunteu beunang is spliced.

(Length cannot / cannot be cut, short cannot / cannot be spliced)

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These taboos in everyday life are interpreted literally. In agriculture, the form of pikukuh is by not changing the contours of the land for fields, so the way of farming is very easy simple, do not cultivate the land with a plow, do not make terraces, only plant with tugal, namely a piece of bamboo that is sharpened. In the construction of the house, the contours of the land surface are also left as is, so the pillars of the Kanekes house are often not the same length.

Their words and actions are honest, innocent, without further ado, even in trading they do not bargain. The belief system adopted by the majority of the Baduy tribe recognizes the Sunda Wiwitan belief which believes in the existence of God as Guriang Mangtua and carry out life according to the teachings of the Prophet Adam as an ancestor who inherits derived beliefs this. Obligations in belief There are 5 important ceremonies, namely:

  1. Kawalu ceremony is a ceremony carried out in order to welcome the month of Kawalu which is considered sacred In the month of Kawalu, the Baduy people carry out fasting for 3 months, namely the months of Kasa, Karo and third.
  2. The Ngalaksa ceremony is a large ceremony that is carried out as a thanksgiving for the passing of the Kawalu months, after fasting for 3 months. Ngalaksa or what is often called Lebaran.
  3. Seba is a visit to the regional or central government which aims to strengthen the relationship between the Baduy community and the government, and is a form of appreciation from the Baduy community.
  4. The rice planting ceremony is carried out accompanied by angklung buhun as a tribute to the goddess Sri, the symbol of prosperity.
  5. The Birth Ceremony carried out by the Baduy tribe through a sequence of activities, namely:
    • Kendit is a 7-monthly ceremony for pregnant women.
    • When the baby is born, it will be taken to a shaman or paraji to be charmed.
    • After 7 days after birth, there will be a perehan or salvation event.
    • The Angiran ceremony is performed on the 40th day after birth.
    • Akikah is shaving, circumcision and naming by a shaman (kokolot) which is obtained from dreaming by sacrificing chickens.

For some people, it is related to the resilience of the community, the beliefs held by the community This Kanekes custom reflects the religious beliefs of the Sundanese people in general before the entry Islam. The Baduy tribe is unique, namely:

1. Gotong royong is still a hobby that continues to be preserved

If possible, the nature of gotong royong has gradually disappeared, eroded by the development of the times, but this does not apply to the Inner Baduy Tribe. The nature of gotong royong is always applied by the Inner Baduy when they have to move from one area to another that is more fertile. As a nomadic tribe (does not have a fixed place) and adheres to an open field system, the Baduy in life help each other. Harmony and mutual cooperation are still highly respected by the Baduy.

2. Simple happiness typical of the Inner Baduy Tribe

The Baduy Dalam tribe is still not electrified. This is what makes this area as if 'dead' as night falls. There are not many activities that we can do at night because of the limited light. But this is precisely what will make us gain new experiences. Usually residents play musical instruments such as the harp to accompany their evening, while not forgetting to chat and exchange stories with neighbors.

3. We can see the frugal life of the Baduy Tribe from the people's fondness for walking

The Baduy tribe is indeed known as one of the tribes that still strongly adheres to ancestral knowledge. One of them is the prohibition of using vehicles such as motorbikes or cars. However, this does not necessarily make the Inner Baduy feel alienated from the outside world. Dolaners will be amazed after knowing that the citizens Inner Baduy Tribe always walk when visiting relatives who live in big cities to visit or sell farm produce and handicrafts typical of the Inner Baduy Tribe. In fact, it is not uncommon for them to walk all the way to big cities, without the slightest complaint.

4. Pu'un, someone who is considered like the president in Kampung Baduy Dalam

Every tribe that lives in Indonesia must have a customary head who functions to regulate its citizens. Likewise, the Inner Baduy tribe has a traditional head who is usually called Pu'un. Pu'un is a person who has different advantages than ordinary citizens. Pu'un's task is to determine the time of planting and harvesting. Applying customary law to its citizens, treating the sick. Pu'un is highly respected and considered like a president of the Inner Baduy community. Therefore, not just anyone can meet him, only people with special and urgent interests can meet Pu'un.

5. The shape of the house does not reflect the social status of the wealth of the Baduy

If in general, someone who has a luxurious house is considered a rich person, high ranking, and is seen by many people, but this does not apply to the Inner Baduy Tribe. The Baduy Dalam tribe has a house shape that is almost similar to each other. On the rules Baduy In this case, what distinguishes their wealth status is the pottery made of brass which is kept in the house. The more pottery that is stored, the higher the status of the family and is seen by people.

6. Bamboo rods are substitutes for glass

The prohibition of using glasses and plates as a place to store water and a place to eat does not make the Inner Baduy lose their minds. Equipped with many natural resources, the Dalam Baduy make glasses and drinking water cisterns made of long bamboo. And it is precisely with this long bamboo that the distinctive aroma that arises naturally makes the drink brewed in it produce a different and even more delicious taste.

7. Chicken processed dishes are considered a luxury food by the Baduy people

Unlike people in general who usually provide a chicken menu for every food served, this is not the case with the Inner Baduy Tribe. Although actually, at the time we visited the region Baduy, then we can easily find chickens roaming freely in the village, it doesn't mean that chickens can be used as daily food. The Baduy Dalam tribe only eat chicken dishes at least once a month or only during major ceremonies, such as weddings and births. This is because processed chicken dishes are considered a luxury and special food here.

8. Inner Baduy parents who have simple dreams

If most of those who have aspirations are those of us who still have a long future, aka still young. But we can get unique things when we are visiting Baduy village. Where, here it is not only young people who have aspirations, but parents also have aspirations. Quite simply, they just want their children to help out in the fields. It's very simple to hear the ears of 'modern' people like us, but that's where their local wisdom is very pronounced.

9. One of the traditions that are considered commonplace and is still practiced, matchmaking

Matchmaking. Yes, the word seems synonymous with ancient times. A thing that is not commonly done today but still applies in the Inner Baduy Tribe. A girl who is 14 years old will be betrothed to a boy who comes from Inner Baduy Tribe. During the matchmaking period, the parents of the Inner Baduy man are free to choose the Inner Baduy woman he likes. But if you haven't found a suitable choice, both men and women must obey the parents' choices or the choices given by the Pu'un.

10. Prohibition of visiting for 3 months

One of the traditions of the Inner Baduy that is still being carried out is the Kawalu tradition. Kawalu is a fast carried out by the residents of Inner Baduy which is celebrated three times for three months. During this fast, the Baduy Dalam residents pray to God so that this country will be given a sense of security, peace, and prosperity. When the Kawalu tradition is carried out, tourists are prohibited from entering the Inner Baduy area. If there is an interest, usually tourists are only allowed to visit until the Outer Baduy and even then they are not allowed to stay.

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Baduy language

The language they use is Sundanese, the Sundanese-Banten dialect, to communicate with outsiders they are fluent in using Indonesian, even though they do not get this knowledge from school. The Kanekes "in" people do not know written culture, so that customs, beliefs/religions and ancestral stories are only stored in oral speech.

Baduy Livelihoods


The Baduy people's livelihood is farming and selling the fruits they get from the forest. In addition, as a sign of obedience/recognition to the authorities, the Kanekes people routinely carry out seba which is still routinely held once a year by delivering crops to the local authorities, namely the Governor of Banten.

This creates a close interaction between the Baduy community and outsiders. When their work in the fields is insufficient, Baduy people usually travel to big cities around their area on foot, generally they go with a small number of between 3 to 5 people to sell their honey and handicrafts to meet their needs his life. Trade which was originally only carried out by barter is now using the rupiah currency. Baduy people sell their agricultural products and fruits through middlemen. They also buy necessities of life that are not produced by themselves in the market. Markets for Kanekes people are located outside the Kanekes area such as Kroya, Cibengkung, and Ciboleger markets.

They usually store their agricultural products in the form of rice in their rice barns in every village. Besides rice, they also make handicrafts such as koja bag which is made of woven bark. As has been the case for hundreds of years, the Kanekes people's main livelihood is farming huma rice and gardening, processing palm sugar and weaving. In addition, they also get additional income from selling the fruits they get in the forest such as durian and tamarind, as well as forest honey.

Baduy Tribe Tools/Tools

As follows:

  • Machete/Bedog

A machete or bedog is a daily attribute of Baduy men. There are two kinds of machetes made and used by the Baduy, namely plain machetes and prestige machetes. Plain machetes are made by the usual process, using scrap steel springs forged motor vehicles that are repeatedly forged. This machete is used by the Baduy people to cut trees, take bamboo, and other purposes. Golok prestige has veins or image motifs that resemble wood veins from the base to the tip of the machete on both surfaces. The manufacturing process is longer and requires special mixing of iron and steel. The strength and sharpness of the prestige machete exceeds the ordinary plain machete, in addition to having its own charisma for those who carry it.

The machetes made by the Inner Baduy are different from those made by the Outer Baduy. Clearly the difference lies in the nest and the milk, both prestige and not.

  • Cleaver


Kujang is a tool for farming purposes in huma, for example for nyacar, ngored, and made. Objects like this in other areas of Sunda are often called sickles. The cleaver is made of forged iron and steel. This tool is called a cleaver because it is shaped like a cleaver as a typical weapon of Pajajaran and has now become a symbol of the West Java region.

The term cleaver is intended for a shape like a cleaver with the bottom (stalk) like a machete, and this tool is widely used by the Baduy Dalam people. Meanwhile, the Outer Baduy people usually use the term kored (a tool for ngored work/cleaning the grass in the huma).

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  • Pickaxe

Baliung is a tool to cut down large trees or as a tool to build a house. In other areas it is also called an ax. The handle is made of wood which is rather long (30-35 cm). Baliung's strength and compressive power must be greater than that of a machete, and therefore it is made of steel which is bigger and thicker at the base (which is blunt).

  • Weapon

There are two villages in Outer Baduy which are famous for making sharp tools, namely Batu Beulah and Cisadane villages. These two villages are located not far apart, and are in the south of Baduy (Kanekes). The craftsman who makes this sharp tool is called Panday Beusi. He made, among others, Golok, Kujang, and Baliung. Villages that are very popular for their machetes are from Panday Beusi, Batu Beulah and Cisadane. Since the first these two adjacent villages have been famous for their very great machetes (because of their strength, sharpness and prestige).

  • Lodong

One of the activities of the women of the Baduy tribe is looking for land to be used as palm sugar. Every morning they bring a lodong, a 1 meter long bamboo tube, to collect the land (water sap) from the palm trees that grow around the village and forest.

Once collected, the fields are boiled until thick before being molded using the shell into palm sugar which is ready to be sold. In a day at least he can make 40 cups of palm sugar. A handful of palm sugar produced from two shells is sold for Rp. 4,000.

Baduy Tribe Arts

In carrying out certain ceremonies, the Baduy people use art to enliven it. The arts are:

  1. Music Arts (regional songs, namely Cikarileu and Kidung (rhymes) used in weddings).
  2. Musical instruments (Angklung Buhun in the rice planting event and the harp)
  3. Batik Carving Art.

Angklung Buhun is one of the arts of the Baduy community that was first born, this traditional art has a magical smell and has a switch element. Angklung Buhun is not a performance art that can be watched at any time, but Angklung Buhun is performed once a year, with the same style and version. All expressions are based on the grip, which is made mandatory, in addition to the songs, dances, and beats that must be able to blend with the artists who play them.

The art of Angklung Buhun is present together with the Baduy people, and has an important meaning as a continuation of the mandate, to the heirs to maintain the continuity of the Baduy descendants. The art element is an attraction that is able to touch the taste, the performance is a bridge as a communication tool in conveying, inviting, warning, prohibiting, and lighting.

Rendo Accompaniment Pantun is one of the traditional art tools of the Baduy community which gives a variety of colors to cultural life, as a reminder for the residents to remember the mandate of their ancestors. Rendo comes once a year for sure, after the ngored season is over, before the rice trees begin to flower. This event is a free time that is used for busy reading rhymes, in opening the veil of the history of the life of their ancestors.

Mantun activities are usually led by community leaders, who know better, and are responsible for conveying the message. Mantun is a small ceremony that is carried out from house to house, at night for lek-lekan until late at night.

The customs of the Baduy


1. Law in the Baduy Community Order

According to Mr. Mursyid's statement, Deputy Jaro Baduy Dalam, he said that in the Baduy community, it is rare for members of the community to violate customary provisions. And because of that, it is rare for Baduy people to be subject to punishment, both based on customary law and positive (state) law. If someone commits an offence, they will be punished. Just as in a country where there are law enforcement officers, the Baduy tribe also has its own field in charge of carrying out punishments for people who are punished. The punishment is adjusted to the category of violation, which consists of a serious violation and a minor violation.

The light punishment is usually in the form of calling the violator of the rules by Pu'un to be given a warning. Included in the types of minor violations are quarrels or quarrels between two or more Baduy residents.

Severe punishment is intended for those who commit serious violations. The offenders who received this punishment were summoned by the local Jaro and given a warning. In addition to receiving a severe warning, the legal officer will also be included in a correctional institution (LP). or traditional detention house for 40 days to be guarded while being given advice, traditional lessons, and guidance.. In addition, if he is almost free, he will be asked again whether he still wants to be in Inner Baduy or will he leave and become a resident of Outer Baduy in front of the Pu'un and Jaro. The Outer Baduy community is more lax in applying the customary rules and regulations of the Baduy.

Uniquely, what is called a severe punishment here is that if there is a citizen who even bleeds a drop, it is considered heavy. Adultery and dress like city people, as we dress in urban society, are also serious offenses that must be severely punished. The Baduy people never fight at all, at least they just bicker.

The Baduy community has always adhered to all the provisions and rules that have been set by their Pu'un (Traditional Head - ed). Compliance with these provisions is an absolute guide to living life together. In addition, driven by strong beliefs, almost all of the Outer Baduy and Inner Baduy people have never opposed or rejected the rules applied by the Pu'un.

By living a life according to the customs and rules set by the Customary Chief there, a community with a very peaceful and prosperous society is created. “In the Baduy community, there are no rich people, but no poor people. Their lives, in essence, are the same as the lives of other people. It's just that the difference is that there are so many traditional rules that seem old-fashioned that they must obey.

2. Kawalu Fasting Month

At the time of Kawalu, people from outside the Baduy Dalam community were strictly prohibited from entering their territory. This is one of the customary provisions of the Inner Baduy, they must undergo a fast which they call "Kawalu" and the month falls in the Adaptation Month. During Kawalu, there are many traditional activities and no other activities. All activities carried out were focused on the Kawalu procession. In this month they are not allowed to repair the house or salvation but preparing to welcome the coming of the big day for the Baduy people called Seba, the end of the period Kawalu.

The only main preparatory activity they do is to collect the harvested rice from their fields and pound it into rice. In one year the Baduy people fast for 3 consecutive months in accordance with their customary mandate.

3. Wedding

In the process of marriage carried out by the Baduy community, it is almost similar to other communities. However, couples who are about to get married are always matched and there is no such thing as dating. Male parents will stay in touch with female parents and introduce their two respective children.

After getting an agreement, then proceed with the application process 3 times. In the first stage, the parents of the boy must report to Jaro (the village head) with enough betel leaves, areca nut and gambier. The second stage, in addition to bringing betel, areca nut, and gambier, this time the application is equipped with a ring made of white steel as a dowry. The third stage is to prepare household necessities, clothes and wedding gifts for the women.

The marriage contract and reception were carried out at the Traditional Hall which was led directly by Pu'un to ratify the marriage. Uniquely, according to customary provisions, the Baduy do not recognize polygamy and divorce. They are only allowed to remarry if one of them has died.

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