Monday's Flag Ceremony Arrangement, Complete in 2021
assalamualaikum buddy time, I want to convey an article about Monday's Flag Ceremony Arrangement, complete with methods, guidelines, functions, understanding and steps so that they are easy to understand
Flag Ceremony Arrangement – we often hear this as an activity every Monday morning before teaching and learning, so every school in Indonesia will start and commemorate the flag ceremony starting from elementary school, MI, high school, vocational school are required to hold a flag ceremony on the day of Monday. The flag ceremony will take place every Monday at the school aiming to show discipline for students and teachers as well as to commemorate the nation and the spirit of nationalism.
Just take a look at the article below…?
Table of contents :
The Arrangement of the Flag Ceremony is

The flag ceremony is an activity at school and is usually held every Monday so that the ceremony takes place from start to finish.
The ceremony is a series of steps in the implementation of activities that will be held at the school and this is a routine activity and is held every Monday.
The flag ceremony is usually held every Monday at school aimed at training students' discipline and express love for the homeland and nation, and as a spirit of nationalism or love for the homeland.
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Ceremony Purpose
In order for the ceremony to run smoothly it must know the purpose of the ceremony, the ceremony aims to.
- Strengthening the unity and integrity of the nation and the Republic of Indonesia
- Practicing discipline and order
- Cultivating a leadership attitude
- Cultivating an attitude of nationalism towards the homeland
- Cultivating a responsible attitude
- Improve attitude in cohesiveness or cooperation
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Example of the Arrangement of the Flag Ceremony

From the discussion above, we will also provide examples contained in the composition of the ceremony, including:
1. Each leader of each line must prepare a line.
The leader of the line must hold a line and tidy up the ranks in members.
2. The leader made the opening on the field and prepared.
The leader walks towards the center of the ceremonial field and faces the ceremony participants.
3. The respect of participants to the leader and led by the leader of the line.
All participants salute the Leader with a signal from the Leader on the far right.
4. Leader's report For ceremonial leaders.
The Squad Leader stepped forward, and reported the readiness of his Troops.
Then the Leader took over his army.
5. The organizer goes to the supervisor to provide a report on the readiness of the implementation that the flag ceremony can pick him up by giving a break signal on the spot.
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Ceremony Core Event
1. The coach opened the ceremony field.
The coach walked towards the coach and was accompanied by the Ceremony Organizer who brought the Pancasila script,
All Participants will be prepared by listening to cues.
2. Participant's respect for the ceremonial supervisor led by the ceremonial leader.
All participants pay respect to the coach by following the instructions of the leader.
3. The leader's report to the coaches in preparation for the ceremony will begin.
The leader takes a few steps forward by facing the coach to give a report and then retreats to his original place.
4. Raising the Red and White Flag and accompanied by the anthem Indonesia Raya.
5. The flag-raising officers approached the flagpole together and prepared to raise the flag.
5. A moment of silence led by the coach.
The participants of the ceremony asked all participants in to bow their heads, and sing the hero's song.
7. Reading of the 1945 Constitution.
Readers of the opening text of the 1945 Constitution and all participants attended the ceremony.
Student Promise Reading
Read by the officer then followed by all participants of the ceremony.
1. The reading of the Pancasila text and all ceremony participants.
Reading Pancasila Text Teks
2. Trust the ceremonial builder with the participants and rest.
Then the coach gave a speech to all the participants of the ceremony.
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Chanting prayers
The officer reads the prayer, and all participants listen while raising their hands.
1. Report to the ceremonial master that the ceremony has been completed.
The leader takes a few steps forward and faces the coach then returns to his original place.
2. Respect for the ceremonial leader and led by the ceremonial leader.
All participants pay their respects to the Master of the Ceremony.
3. Then the builder leaves the ceremonial field.
The ceremonial master leaves the ceremonial grounds that the Ceremony report has been completed and is returned to the officers.
4. Respect for the ceremonial leader by the far right leader.
All participants salute the Leader
Closing Ceremony
1. Announcements
Each Troop rests its troops
2. The ceremony was over and the lineup was disbanded.
That's what we can convey, hopefully this article can help and be used as reference material for all of us, thank you so much.
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