Hello friends this time formula.co.id will discuss articles about Ambiguous Meaning in slang as well as understanding, meaning, word origin, types, factors and examples so that it is easy to understand.

That ambiguous – is an understanding of sentences that have multiple meanings / taxa that will cause doubts for others and usually become wrong sentence structure as the use of polysemic words, so that in making sentences according to sentences that are in fact.

just look at the discussion below ???

Table of contents :

Ambiguous Is


Ambiguous is an uncertain and clear meaning that is intended to be understood by someone in the form of words with the aim of causing confusion containing interpretation.

Ambiguous is also a type of adjective that has more than one meaning or many meanings so this can lead to ambiguity, as a word of doubt with an understanding of the sentence.

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In doubt or ambiguity a word or phrase usually becomes ambiguous due to incorrect sentence structure, intonation and use of polysemic words.

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary, ambiguous means a word that has more than one meaning so that it can cause doubts in determining the written sentence.

In written language this can happen if spelling marks are not placed correctly and lead to meanings that will appear in words, phrases, or sentences.

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Ambiguous Occurrence Factor


A. Morphological Factor

Morphological factor is a problem that comes from the formation of the word itself.


Daffa pen brought by Anggi

This sentence means:

  • Daffa's pen was accidentally carried by Anggi
  • Daffa's pen was accidentally brought by Anggi

The example shows that ambiguity can be caused by word formation in a sentence.

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B. Syntax Factor

The syntactic factor is a problem that will occur with the formulation of the sentence.


  • Ditto a stubborn man who is hard to advise.
  • Rino has a head that is hard as a rock so she can break blocks of ice.

In the example above it has a different meaning after the order of the words has been arranged and changed.

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C. Structural factors

Structural factor is a problem that occurs with the formation of structure in a sentence.


  • Lala is being treated at Permata Hospital and is suffering from dengue fever
  • Lala is being treated at Permata Hospital due to a mosquito attack

Sentences can be described that the meaning of the word is deliberately changed to a random form by the formation of words in a sentence.

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Types of Ambiguous Sentences

In various types of vocabulary or sentences that can be used as sentence-forming materials, we will also provide several types of ambiguous sentences, including:

1. Phonetics

Phonetics is one of the sentences resulting from the pronunciation of sound equations because this happens during conversations that often occur in daily dialogue.

In this case it also often appears in a tone that is pronounced between “saying”, giving food and “knowledge”, providing information to listen to the whole conversation.

2. Grammar

Grammar is one of the types in sentence formation. Like an educational process in grammar that leads to words in the context of medium sentences.

3. Lexical

Lexical is one of the types in the formation of sentences with type ambiguity caused by the word itself which is not good, so sentences have different meanings.

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Example of Ambiguous Sentence

To further add to the understanding related to ambiguous sentences, we will also provide some examples of ambiguous sentences in Indonesian.

Among them:

The school building will be inaugurated by the Regent.

The sentence above is an expression.
New building The school has been inaugurated by the Regent
Aunt Ira's daughter who is wearing a white dress come from Bali

The sentence above is an expression.
The aunt's daughter in white clothes come from Bali

So friends, we can convey a discussion about meaning of ambiguous sentence in Indonesian understanding, the types, hopefully it can be useful, thank you so much.

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