The formula for the area of ​​a tube blanket and an example of the problem

click fraud protection – On this occasion we will discuss the formula for the area of ​​the tube blanket and in the previous discussion we have discussed the momentum formula. And in the formula for the area of ​​the tube blanket, there is a formula for the length of the tube blanket, examples of the area of ​​the tube blanket, and the surface area of ​​the tube without a lid.

Table of contents :

Definition of Tube

The definition of tube is construct a 3-dimensional space formed by 2 identical parallel circles and a rectangle surrounding the two circles.

Definition of Tube Blanket

Tube blanket is curved sides that are on the left and right of the tube that wraps or envelops the tube itself.

However, for our discussion this time we will not discuss the entire tube but, we will only discuss the area of ​​the tube blanket. So please have a look at the discussion below:

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For the first discussion we will discuss about the characteristics of a tube.

Characteristics of a Tube

A tube has the following characteristics:

  1. The tube has 2 edges
  2. The base and lid of a circular cylinder tabung
  3. The cylinder has 3 sides, the first is the base plane, the second is the blanket, and the third is closed

And if you want to see an example of an image from a tube like this, here's an example:

tube blanket

Information :

  • r = radius / base of the tube
  • t = height of tube

After we see the picture of the tube above, we can get an element from the tube, so, go to the next stage, which is about the elements that are owned by the tube:

Tube Elements

  1. Tube Side:

The definition of a side is a circular side with its center in the middle, and the upper side is a circular side whose center is the same in the middle.

  1. Tube Blanket:

The definition of a tube blanket is the curved side that is on the left and right of the tube.

  1. Circle Diameter Of A Tube:

The definition of diameter is the line segment AB, and the diameter of the upper circle, the line segment CD.

  1. Circle Radius:

The definition of the radius is the line T1A and T1B, and the upper radius is the line T2C and T2D

  1. Circle Center Of A Tube :

One of the elements of a circle is the center of the circle. Likewise with a tube, where the point T1 on the side of the base and T2 on the lid of the tube is called the center of the circle. And the notion of the center of a circle is a certain point that has the same distance from all points on the circle itself.

  1. Tube Height:

The line segment joining the point T1 and T2 that is what is called the height of the tube, usually it is symbolized by the letter ( t ). And the height of the tube is also called the axis of symmetry of the tube rotation.

Tube Blanket Area Formula

How to find the area of ​​​​the tube blanket can actually be determined by using the following method:

  • Area of ​​a Tube Blanket = circumference of base x height of tube
  • Area of ​​a Tube Blanket = 2. π. r x tube height
  • Area of ​​a Tube Blanket = 2. π. r x t

Additional! after we know about the formula for how to find the area of ​​the tube blanket, then we can also determine the area of ​​the tube side but, with the following formula:

  • Area of ​​a side of the cylinder = area of ​​the base circle + tube blanket + area of ​​the lid circle
  • Area of ​​a side of the cylinder = π. r2 + 2. π. r. t +. r2
  • Area of ​​a side of the cylinder = 2. π. r2 + 2. π. r. t
  • Area of ​​a side of the cylinder = 2. π. r ( r + t )

Example of a Tube Blanket Area Question

Question :

1. A cylinder has a base radius of 7 cm and a height of 20 cm. What is the area of ​​the blanket of the cylinder?


Is known :
r = 7 cm
t = 20 cm

The area of ​​the tube blanket?


• Area of ​​tube blanket = 2πrt
= 2 (22/7). 7. 20
= 880 cm²

So, the area of ​​the blanket of the cylinder is 880 cm²

That's a complete explanation of the formula for calculating the area of ​​a tube blanket along with its understanding, characteristics, elements, and examples of the problem, hopefully it's useful...

Related Formulas:

  • Circle Area Formula
  • The formula for the circumference of the base of a cone

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