Best Barbershop Franchise Business Package Recommendation

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Currently, there is a trend wave among men, namely haircuts at Barbershops. This trend is then ogled by people who are business literate. Many people end up looking for franchise The best Barbershop so you can run a Barbershop business.


Apart from the trend, people are interested in running this business for a number of reasons.

This business is relatively easy to manage. Especially if you run a franchise Barbershop business. Competent human resources have been provided, you don't need to intervene directly, you just need to supervise.

Apart from being easy to manage and Barbershop is not a seasonal business. Everyone needs a haircut. In a certain period of time, the hair will lengthen and the services of a Barbershop will be needed.

Barbershop is also believed to be one of the best business investments. Buying a barbershop franchise with a large enough capital is brave to do because the potential return on investment is quite fast.

Choosing the Best Barbershop Franchise

Quick Readshow
1.Choosing the Best Barbershop Franchise
1.1.Brand Popularity
1.2.Partnership System
1.3.Capital Issued
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2.Best Barbershop Franchise Recommendation
3.Planning a Barbershop Franchise Business
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There are many Barbershop franchise providers in Indonesia. You need to be careful in choosing it. All must promise beautiful things, but is there a guarantee?

There are many considerations that you need to pay attention to so you don't choose the wrong franchise. Buying a Barbershop franchise requires large funds. It is a pity if the funds spent are not comparable to what is obtained.

Following are the things you need to pay attention to.

  • Brand Popularity

Running a franchise business must consider how popular the brand name you want to franchise is. If you intend to buy a franchise, it is better to choose a brand that already has a name.

People are quite attached to the brand name. Psychologically, people tend to believe more in brands that are quite familiar.

For example, the brand name is not popular enough in your area, at least on social media the brand is quite active and has a positive image. This is to facilitate the promotion process.

  • Partnership System

Every brand Barbershop carrying out a variety of partnership systems.

But what you need to make sure is how HR training, Barbershop business concept, equipment, supply chain, barbershop decoration or design, promotional materials (design), and how it is managed.

You can check the details about this partnership system on the official website. Make sure the partnership system meets your expectations and is profitable for your side.

  • Capital Issued

You also have to consider the amount of capital that needs to be spent. This is related to your financial capabilities.

In addition, you also need to consider the amount of money spent to buy a franchise worth it or not. Do not just choose a cheap Barbershop franchise if the profit potential is not optimal.

Best Barbershop Franchise Recommendation


One of the Barbershop brands that is quite trusted with its services is Giovani Barbershop.

Giovani Barbershop not only provides haircut services. There are a number of other services such as: hair wash, hair color, hair tattoo, shave, cream bath, facial, and back massage. Giovani Barbershop also has its own pomade products.

By purchasing the Giovani Barbershop franchise, you will get a Barbershop business package with all the services provided by Giovani Barbershop.

A franchise that provides the best service, will be more profitable in business.

Giovani Barbershop provides franchises with a partnership system that will benefit you. With a capital of 70 million to buy a franchise, you have got competent human resources, use of the Giovani Barbershop brand name, design for promotional materials, planning setup Barbershop, and commitment as a management organizer (Direct Management).

Giovani Barbershop's commitment as a franchise partner is:

  • Direct Management. Running Barbershop management directly starting from marketing, finance, HR, operations, risk, control & monitoring, and asset management.
  • Business Development. Partnering on an ongoing basis from planning to when the business is running.
  • Design & Construction Analysis. Helping to analyze the location, the design of the Barbershop's place, and the need for funds in the process of renovating the place.
  • HR training. Prepare competent and competent human resources attitude.
  • supply chain. Provide a continuous supply of Barbershop needs.
  • Product & Sales Support. Guarantee the quality of products and services so as to optimize business profits.

Planning a Barbershop Franchise Business

For those of you who are new to this business and confused about where to start, here are things you can do to start this business.

Like any other business, running a Barbershop franchise business also requires planning. With a franchise scheme, you no longer need to do product or service-related planning, but there are still other things that need to be planned.

Careful planning will facilitate the process setup business. Don't just be reckless capital, be a wise entrepreneur who is able to measure risk and can make proper business plans.

In the business plan, the things that need to be considered are as follows:

  • Location

Businesses like Barbershop need a strategic location. This business focuses on services performed on site. Therefore, location is an important element that must be taken into consideration.

A good franchisor will definitely help analyze the location.

  • Target Market

The target market for the Barbershop business is usually B-A. You can target young slang and trendy adult men. Just adjust the service to meet the needs and satisfaction of the target market.

Determining the target market is also related to location selection. See the character of the potential people around the location. Choose a location that is close to elite schools, office areas, hangout areas for young people, etc.

  • Startup Capital

Prepare capital as needed. In addition to buying a franchise, you still need capital for space rental, room decoration, provision of Barbershop facilities, operational costs for at least the first 3 months, etc.

You also have to know where the capital can be obtained. Whether from bank loans or savings.

Partner with a frinchisor who can conduct open business analysis. This will make it easier for you to plan setup Barbershop. Analysis of all equipment, equipment, and financing needs will be carried out by the franchisor team. You only need to provide the funds.

  • Promotion

A business, of course, needs a promotion. The convenience of a franchise business is the promotional materials that have been provided. You no longer need to create designs for promotions.

You just need to plan how effective promotions are to attract the interest of target consumers.

Digital marketing must be optimized. Setup maximum social media, register Barbershop to Google Business, and register Barbershop service to Go Life (Gojek service).

With a good promotion or marketing, your Barbershop business will rise in prestige faster.

  • Management

You will be facilitated if you choose a franchise that carries the concept of direct management. You don't need to bother making management plans anymore.

All management, from marketing management, finance, operations, human resources, assets, etc., can be assisted by the franchisor team.

If you choose a franchise that only provides business assistance, planning business management is crucial so that the business can run well.

  • Service Optimization

When buying a business franchise, there must be a business package or service provided. This makes it easier for you to plan and run your business. So that your business can be more optimal, you can prepare possible service optimizations.

In the Barbershop business, the optimization of services that can be provided, for example, a strong WiFi signal, providing snacks and drinks, on call haircut services, providing hair care products men, etc.

The Barbershop business really prioritizes the customer experience. In addition to optimizing services, unique room decorations can also provide an interesting experience.

Those of you who are really serious about building a Barbershop business, you need to consider partnering with Giovani Barbershop. Giovani Barbershop is ready to be involved from planning until the business starts operating.

You will be facilitated because Giovani Barbershop will manage its management with a competent team. If you are looking for the best Barbershop franchise, this brand is the right choice.

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