Facts and Opinions: Definition, Characteristics, Differences and Examples
Understanding Facts
The definition of fact is an event or situation that actually happened and not a myth and never happened seen by humans themselves or have been tested and confirmed in the public general.
Facts can also be referred to as the result of objective observations that can be verified by anyone. The information heard can also be called a fact if the information is an event in the form of reality and actually happened.
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Fact Features
- It has been tested for truth in public and is objective.
- Have accurate data or evidence to support the truth.
- It has been seen by humans and has been tested and confirmed in the general public.
The characteristics of facts in sentences are as follows:
- Have Accurate Data
In fact sentences, friends tend to be able to find clear data on an event. In the sentence, the data can be in the form of statistical numbers, the date and time of the incident, or other things that have been verified. -
What is meant by objective in the sentence of fact is that the statements contained in it are general in nature and have been acknowledged to be true by many parties, especially by official bodies or institutions. -
Really happened
A sentence can be considered a fact if the statement in it describes a situation that actually happened. Actually happening means you can see it with your own eyes or hear the news report from the person in charge.
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Definition of Opinion
The definition of opinion is an idea, thought, or opinion that is usually not objective and has not been validated.
Like a prediction where there is no one who can confirm that it really exists or happens. Even though an opinion is not a fact, if the opinion can be proven true then the opinion will become a fact.
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Opinion Features
Opinion Features:
- It has not been verified and is still subjective.
- Does not have supporting data or accurate evidence.
- Is an event that has not happened, because it is an opinion.
The characteristics of opinion in sentences are as follows:
- Contain Personal Opinion
The name opinion, means that in this sentence you will find opinions from yourself or from others. In some cases, opinions are found in statements from well-known people so that they seem to be facts. In fact, the person's words are still only an opinion that cannot be proven true. -
Almost the same as the first characteristic, the second characteristic of the opinion sentence is that the statements presented in the sentence tend to be subjective. This means that the things stated are only according to one party so they cannot be said to be neutral. -
Having a Relative Adjective
In opinion sentences, you will tend to find words that are relative. What is meant by relative here is that the word or phrase tends to change depending on who says it. Words that are relative, including most, more, somewhat, or usually.
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Difference between Facts and Opinions
- A fact is something that actually happens. in a sense, the fact is a portrait of a situation or event. Therefore, facts are difficult to refute because they can be seen, or also known by many parties. However, these facts may change if new, clearer and more accurate facts are found.
- While Opinion is an opinion that is not true. This personal opinion can be right or wrong. One person's opinion is also different from the opinion of another person. An opinion will be able to get closer to the truth if it is supported by the existence of a strong and convincing fact
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Easy Ways to Distinguish Facts and Opinions
As we have seen in the characteristics above, facts have data that has been tested for accuracy and is objective, so it can be obtained categorized as fact, using your imagination whether the sentence is a true thing that has happened or just an opinion people only.
In opinion sentences usually there are words such as could, should, I think, and so on, because these words indicate that the sentence is still in the planning or opinion and has not been proven true. The following are the characteristics of opinion sentences.
- It is subjective and comes with a description of an opinion, suggestion, or a prediction.
- Cannot be proven true.
- Based on my own thoughts and there are no sources.
- Does not have data and evidence that has been tested for accuracy.
- Indicates events that have not or may occur in the future and are in the form of plans.
- Just someone's opinion or argument.
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Examples of Facts and Opinions
Example Facts
- Now, the average time for each student to study is about five hours per day
- Meanwhile, in the previous year, according to a survey from an NGO, their study time outside of school activities was only 2-3 hours per day.
Example of a fact sentence:
- The tiger is an animal with four legs.
- Indonesia is an archipelagic country.
- Sugar can make drinks sweet.
- The pencil costs two thousand rupiah.
- Oxygen is needed by humans.
Sample Opinion
- Awareness of the importance of learning among Indonesian youth is increasing, especially in terms of the number of hours they study. This awareness needs to be supported by the care of parents and also the Government, for example by how to provide quality reading material and also in accordance with the level of psychological development of students teenager.
- There needs to be a change in seating formation so that the atmosphere in learning in class can be more fun
Example of opinion sentence:
- Tomorrow I want to go abroad.
- The house is huge.
- Indonesia is a beautiful country.
- The car is very fast.
- Mom's food is delicious.
From this description it can be concluded that useful facts are the basis for an opinion. Someone should be able to state the facts first, then put forward an opinion. On the other hand, these facts can also serve to clarify the existence of opinions. In this case, one should be able to give an opinion first, then only be able to accompany it with accurate facts.