Radio Waves – Definition, Benefits, Types and How They Work

Radio Waves – Definition, Benefits, Types and How They Work – For this discussion we will review about Radio Wave which in this case includes the definition, benefits, types and ways of working, so to better understand and be understood, see the full review below.

Radio Wave

Understanding Radio Waves

Radio waves are part of electromagnetic waves that have the lowest frequency. Frequency is the number of wave vibrations every second. Radio signal frequencies range from 1 hertz (vibrations/second) to 100 billion hertz (100 giga hertz).

Bands for radio broadcasts vary from 100,000 hertz (100 kilohertz) to just over 100 million hertz (100 mega hertz). The radio signal frequency used for TV ranges between 54 and 890 megahertz.

Not all radio signals are reflected back by the ionosphere layer of the Earth's atmosphere. Only short waves (Short Wave/SW), namely signals with frequencies between 2 and 30 megahertz, are reflected. SW broadcasts are divided into SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4 used for long distance broadcasts.

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There are 2 types of sending radio program signals to listeners, namely Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM).

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In AM, the number of vibrations is fixed, but the wave amplitude changes with the source sound.
In FM broadcasts what changes is the vibration, the amplitude remains the same. FM produces better sound quality and suffers almost none of the pile-up that AM broadcasts often suffer from.

FM waves have a frequency between 80 and 108 megahertz, while Medium Wave (MW) is for local frequencies between 500 and 1,600 kilohertz, there are Low Wave (LW) broadcasts with low frequencies, 150 – 280 kilohertz.

Benefits of Radio Waves

According to Maxwell, GEM occurs because there is a gel cut. magnetic field and gel. Electric fields propagate perpendicular to each other.

The GEM spectrum consists of:

  1. Radio Wave
  2. Microwaves
  3. Infrared waves
  4. visible light waves
  5. Ultra red waves
  6. X-ray waves
  7. Gamma waves
  8. easy to remember, namely RA MI IN CA UL X GAMMA

The benefits of GEM for human life are enormous, including:


Can be used as radio waves, for communication.

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Microwaves, because of their large energy, and ability to absorb water very quickly, if they hit an object it becomes "SOFT", then a microwave oven can be made to make cakes.

Microwaves are also used as RADAR (DETECTION AND RANGING). RADAR can be used to measure the distance of an airplane from an airport or also measure the depth of the sea. In ancient times, the sea was measured with stones tied to ropes, but now we can measure the depths of the sea with just microwaves.

How to measure the distance from a plane to the airport using microwaves, using the formula:

GLB, S = c.t.

S = plane distance

c = GEM speed in air

t = time required for the micro gel pulse from being released until it is received again.


Produced from cosmic rays, it can be used, among other things: to help vision in the dark, for example, a firefighter who is disturbed by smoke can use infrared rays to help his victims red. Infrared is also used for remote control. In the medical field for the treatment of gout, nerve therapy.


Produced by sunlight. It can be used, among other things, to help photosynthesis, and can be used as an optical fiber.

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From the sun, it can blacken the skin, it can kill germs, fiber can cure skin diseases.

X-rays, have the ability to penetrate flesh but not bone, so they can be used to photograph the inside of the body (commonly known as X-rays).

How Radio Waves Work

Radio waves propagate in free air at a speed of 300,000 km/sec. Sound vibrations in telephone conversations, or vibrations generated by the sender of telegraph or facsimile signs are converted into electrical vibrations during transmission.

Upon arrival at the destination, the electrical vibrations are converted back into information vibrations that can be heard and heard understood by the recipient of the news, via telephone, telex, fax or a recipient's monitor television.

Types of Radio Waves

The following are several types of radio waves, consisting of:

  1. Long waves (long waves)

This type of wave has a long signal so it can cover a very wide range of areas. The disadvantage of this wave is that it requires very large electrical power so it is expensive operational, because the type of wave is long and wide, making it vulnerable to interference (noise).

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  1. Short wave (short wave)

Waves that use air as a mediator. This type of wave is SW (short wave). The advantage of this wave is that it can cover a wide area (coverage area). Widely used by international or intercontinental transmitters. The disadvantage of this wave is that there is a lot of noise, especially from the sun, weather, air, lightning, etc. The human voice can be heard well but the use of sound effects loses its quality (blurred).

  1. Medium wave (medium wave)

Waves that use the earth's surface as a mediator. In general, most of the waves used by radio stations. The types used by this wave are AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulation).

The advantage of these waves is that the earth's surface is less affected by the weather so no noise occurs. Broadcasting quality is better in terms of sound quality and sound effects. The disadvantage of these waves is that the ground absorbs the waves faster than the air, which causes the broadcast range to be narrower, requiring a booster.

Radio Wave Transmission

The following are several radio wave transmissions, consisting of:

  • Radio waves via cables are an easy way to transfer sound via radio, but also the most expensive. The principle of transmitting waves like this is generally used inside buildings or better known as in-house radio (for example, campuses in America or in-house radio at Matahari department store) The advantage of this wave is that the sound is very good, there is no interference. The disadvantage of this wave is that it costs a lot because it requires thousands cable.

  • Radio waves through the air Transmission in this way usually uses short waves. The working mechanism is to throw sound waves at a certain angle to the ceiling of space. The sound in wave form is then reflected at the same angle to the earth's surface.

  • Steaming Radio / Online Radio Online Radio is transmitted using technology digitally based, which is sent via data sending media such as satellites and networks cable. Sounds and music from radio stations will be converted into binary numbers, which form codes which can later be converted back into sound that we can hear.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Radio Wave Transmission

The following are several advantages and disadvantages of radio wave transmission, consisting of:

1. Advantages of Radio Wave Transmission:

  • Can send signals in any position (does not have to be straight) and is possible while moving.
  • Has a fairly large work area.
  • Installation costs in general are quite cheap.

2. Disadvantages of Radio Wave Transmission:

  • Quality and performance are less than optimal.
  • Frequently experiencing signal interference,

That's the discussion regarding Radio Waves – Definition, Benefits, Types and How They Work Hopefully this review can broaden your insight and knowledge, thank you very much for visiting. 🙂 🙂 🙂