Facilities and Infrastructure – Definition According to Experts, Functions, Methods, Scope & Examples

Facilities and Infrastructure – Definition According to Experts, Functions, Methods, Scope & Examples – For this discussion we will review about Facilities and infrastructure which in this case includes the definition according to experts, functions, methods, scope and examples, so in order to better understand and be understood, see the complete review below.

Facilities and infrastructure

Understanding Facilities and Infrastructure

In general, what is meant by facilities and infrastructure is a set of tools used for an activity, these tools It can be a main tool or a tool that helps the activity process, so that the goal of the activity can be achieved achieved. In fact, facilities and infrastructure do not only include a set of tools or goods, but can also be a place or room for the process of activities.

Procurement of facilities and infrastructure can be done by buying, making it yourself or receiving help from others. Of course, the use of facilities and infrastructure is to utilize all types of tools or goods that suit your needs.

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When using it, you must take into account several things, such as the goals you want to achieve using these facilities and infrastructure, the characteristics of the users, and the existing facilities and infrastructure support.

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Understanding Facilities and Infrastructure

Below are several definitions of facilities and infrastructure, consisting of:

  1. Book on Management of Recreational Infrastructure by Nanik Darsini, S.Pd.

Infrastructure: Everything that is central to the implementation of a process.

Means: Everything that can be used as a tool to achieve meaning and goals.

  1. Indonesia Dictionary

Infrastructure: Everything that is the main support for the implementation of a process (business, development, project, etc.), (BI Big Dictionary, 2002:893).

Means: Everything (which can be a requirement or effort) that can be used as an alternative or medium to achieve aims or objectives (BI Big Dictionary, 2002:999).

  1. Hamalik (1980:23)

Facilities and infrastructure are all forms of intermediaries that people use to spread ideas, so that the ideas can reach the recipient.

  1. Book on Management of Recreational Infrastructure by Nanik Darsini, S.Pd.

Sports facilities and infrastructure is everything that is used as a tool in achieving the aims and objectives of sport, namely providing a sense of pleasure and satisfaction and bringing people to a sense of self-discovery

  1. Republic of Indonesia Law No.3 of 2005 concerning the National Sports System in article 1 paragraphs 20 and 21

OR Infrastructure: Place/space, including the environment used for OR activities and OR administration.

OR Facilities: Equipment / supplies used for OR activities.

  1. Ali

OR Infrastructure: Everything that is the main support for the implementation of a process (Ali, 1996:796).

OR Facilities: Everything that can be used as a tool to achieve goals / objectives (Ali, 1996: 880).

  1. Soepartono (2006:699)

OR facilities and infrastructure is an activity that is used in carrying out physical education which includes fields and OR buildings along with equipment to carry out educational teaching and learning processes physical.

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Function of Facilities and Infrastructure

The function of facilities and infrastructure can differ according to their scope and use, for example educational facilities and infrastructure are different from transportation, tourism and so on, but have the same goal, namely to achieve the expected results in accordance with plan.

The main function of facilities and infrastructure basically has the following objectives:

  • Create comfort.
  • Create satisfaction.
  • Speed ​​up the work process.
  • Makes the work process easier.
  • Increase productivity.
  • Higher quality results.

How to Maintain and Store Facilities and Infrastructure

The ways to maintain and store facilities and infrastructure include:

1. Maintenance of Facilities and Infrastructure

The benefits of maintaining facilities and infrastructure include:

  1. So it is durable so damage rarely occurs.
  2. So it doesn't get stale or expire easily.
  3. And so it doesn't shrink easily.

This maintenance can be carried out in various ways such as:

  • Maintenance based on a certain period of time, for example cleaning and checking equipment once a week.
  • Maintenance carried out every day, for example cleaning floors, tables or other items.
  • Maintenance based on the type of goods, for example movable goods and immovable goods, will certainly have different maintenance methods.

2. Storage of Facilities and Infrastructure

The objectives of storing facilities and infrastructure include:

  1. So it's not easily lost because you forgot to save it.
  2. So that items are stored neatly and easy to find when they are to be used again.
  3. And of course so that the goods are not easily damaged.

There are various ways to save it, such as:

  • Goods are stored based on their type "such as weight, brand, storage period and type of material".
  • Store items in clean condition.
  • Store in a place with sufficient air and adequate space.
  • Important or high-value items should be stored in a locked place.
  • Items that are frequently used should be stored in a place that is easy to retrieve.
  • Avoid certain items from sunlight.

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Scope of Facilities and Infrastructure

Below are several scopes of facilities and infrastructure, consisting of:

a) Office equipment/supplies (office supplies)

Equipment/equipment are tools or materials used to assist in carrying out work office, thereby producing work that is expected to be completed faster, more precisely and more Good. Office equipment/equipment is divided into two, namely

Office equipment/equipment seen from its shape:

  1. Office equipment/supplies in sheet form

Office equipment/equipment in the form of sheets, namely HVS paper, lined folio paper, paper carbon, stencil paper, forms, headed paper, transparent plastic, cardboard, buffalo paper, envelopes and folder.

  1. Office equipment/supplies in non-sheet form

Office equipment/supplies in non-sheet form (not sheet paper), namely pens, pencils, marker, eraser, ruler, sharpener, scissors, paper cutter, letter opener, hole punch paper etc.

  1. Office equipment/supplies in the form of books

Office equipment/supplies in the form of books, including:

  • Notebook (block note), namely a book for writing secretary's daily notes.
  • Organizational manual, namely a manual containing information relating to the organization, from history, structure, products and services, to work procedures.
  • Guest book, which is a book used to record guests who come to the company.
  • Letter agenda book, which is a book that records the entry and exit of daily letters.

Office equipment/equipment seen from its use:

  1. Consumables

Consumable goods are office goods/objects that can only be used once or a few times or do not last long. Examples: paper, ink, carbon, clip, pencil and pen.

  1. Items are not consumable

] Non-consumable items are office items/objects that are durable in use. Examples: stapler, perforator, cutter, and scissors.

b) Office machines

Office machines are tools used to collect, record, and process information materials in office work that work mechanically, electrically and magnetically. Examples: computers, laptops, LCDs, manual and electric typewriters, photocopiers, etc.

c) Office communication machine

Office communication machines are office facilities used for communication, both within the organization itself and outside the organization. Examples: telephone, intercom, fax and wireless telephone.

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d) Office furniture (office furniture)

Office furniture is office objects made of wood or iron to help carry out office work tasks. Examples: tables, chairs, sofas (tables and chairs for guests), bookshelves, cupboards, blackboards etc.

e) Office interior (office arrangement)

Office interiors are office objects that are used to add to a pleasant atmosphere so as to provide enthusiasm and comfort in completing work. Examples: pictures of the president and vice president, pictures of national symbols, flags, organizational structures, paintings, statues, flower vases, live or artificial plants, wall clocks, etc.

f) Office layout (office layout)

Office layout is the arrangement of office space and the arrangement of office equipment and furniture in accordance with available floor area and office space to provide satisfaction and comfort to employees and worker.

Examples of Facilities and Infrastructure

So, here are some examples of facilities and infrastructure around us, such as those found in schools and offices, namely:

1. At school

There are several facilities and infrastructure that can help the teaching and learning process in schools, including:

  1. Classrooms are useful for the learning and teaching process.
  2. Useful for storing and reading subject matter books.
  3. Sports facilities are useful for playing sports for students and teachers, for example volleyball, soccer, basketball and sports fields.
  4. Practice rooms are useful for students to practice subjects, for example chemistry and physics laboratories and computer practice rooms.
  5. Useful as a place of worship for Muslim students and teachers.

2. In the Office

Some of the facilities and infrastructure used to assist the work process in the office include:

  • Machine tools are equipment that helps the process of completing work in the office, for example these tools are used to record, record and process data. For example computers, photocopiers, printers, scanners, projectors, typewriters, etc.
  • Office furniture, equipment that helps in carrying out work processes in the office, for example tables, chairs and whiteboards.
  • Equipment or other supplies are materials or other equipment that can produce something from the work process being carried out, for example paper and books for recording data.

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That's the discussion regarding Facilities and Infrastructure – Definition According to Experts, Functions, Methods, Scope & Examples Hopefully this review can increase your insight and knowledge, thank you very much for visiting.