7 Definitions of Data According to Experts (Complete Discussion)

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7 Definitions of Data According to Experts (Complete Discussion) – In scientific research, data is an important element that must be present, because all research must contain data. Without data, research will die and cannot be called research. Likewise, the quality of research is largely determined by the data we collect. If the data quality is invalid or inappropriate, then the research results will be unclear.

7 Definitions of Data According to Experts (Complete Discussion)

What is meant by data? So what's the difference with information? The following will be explained by experts.

Understanding Data

Data is everything that has been recorded. These things can be in the form of documents, water, people, rocks, trees and so on. Everything is actually a fact and that fact has always existed. Facts also always exist regardless of our naming them. All facts can become data if we record them (either in writing, recording or other forms of recording).

Therefore, facts are the raw material in scientific research. But facts alone mean nothing if they are not recorded, managed and analyzed properly. If the data has been processed and interpreted, then this data will turn into information.

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Understanding Data According to Experts

The meaning of data according to experts is as follows:

1. Congratulations Riyadi

Explain that data is a collection of information obtained from observations where data can be in the form of numbers or symbols.

2. Zulkifli A.M

Data is information, evidence or facts about a reality that is still raw (original) and has not been processed.

3. Haer Talib

Data is a collection of facts that are nothing more than an event or reality.

4. Arikunto

According to him, data is all the facts and figures that can be used as material to compile information.

5. Kristanto

Data is a fact about an object that can reduce the degree of uncertainty about a situation or event.

7 Complete Definitions of Data According to Experts

6. Wahyu Supriyanto & Ahmad Muhsin

Data is raw material for information or symbols that represent quantities, facts, actions, objects and so on.

7. Lia Kuswayatno

Explaining data as an event that actually happened in real life.

That's our brief explanation this time regarding 7 Definitions of Data According to Experts (Complete Discussion), hopefully it can provide benefits for readers, thank you so much.

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