√ Definition of Customs and Its Characteristics (Complete Discussion)

Definition of Customs and Its Characteristics (Complete Discussion) – Within a country, it is certain that transactions will be made with other countries as a sign that the country uses goods from other countries.

That way, of course, there are rules that govern these transactions or what we often know as customs. The following is a further understanding of customs and excise.

Definition of Customs and Its Characteristics (Complete Discussion)

Let's discuss the meaning first carefully.

Definition of Customs

Customs duty is a State levy imposed on goods that have been imported and exported. Excise is a levy from the State that is imposed on certain goods with the properties or characteristics that already exist in the law.

Provide supervision and also take care of customs or also called customs. Customs is everything that has to do with traffic control of incoming and outgoing goods from customs and collection of import duties.

Customs Features

This excise is a collection from the State that can be imposed on certain types of goods with considerations that have certain characteristics and characteristics. Following are the features which include:

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  1. Controlled consumption
  2. Monitored circulation
  3. Its use will have a negative impact on society and also on the environment
  4. This use requires the imposition of state levies in order to create justice and also something the balance (to an item that has been characterized as a luxury good with a high value) is subject to excise.

In carrying out a customs clearance it is located at a certain location. The area occupied by Indonesian territory is in the western region, waters and also in the air as well located in certain locations such as the location of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf that is inside UU.

The customs area is where in this area there are certain boundaries that exist in each port unit, airport, and also at areas that have been determined and become goods traffic fully within the control area of ​​the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Excise.

Not only that, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise is also an element consisting of a implementation of main tasks with the functions of the finance department in the field of customs and also excise.

Customs cannot be separated from an export and import activity or activity. Export activity is an activity in releasing goods originating from the customs area. Import activity is an activity of entering goods originating from outside into the customs area.

Therefore, all these activities are subject to import duties, which means State levies that are in accordance with the law on imported goods. For export goods, export duties are imposed in accordance with the law.

Definition of Customs and its characteristics

Excise in a type of tax basically has a fundamental difference with other indirect taxes. This can all be caused by several factors.

This duty can be imposed on certain goods in a selective manner. The purpose of the existence of excise duty is so that each type of goods is different, while the general tax will be imposed in general. And for different excise rates according to the goods worn, while for taxes one tariff can be imposed for all objects of excise.

Thus our discussion this time about Definition of Customs and Its Characteristics (Complete Discussion). Hopefully it can help and add insight to all of us. Thank You.

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