PPKI Organizational Structure: History, Duties, Member Structure and PPKI Sessions

PPKI Organizational Structure: History, Duties, Member Structure and PPKI Sessions – What is the organizational structure of the PPKI?, On this occasion Seputartahu.co.id will discuss it and of course the things that also surround it. Let's look at the discussion in the article below to understand it better.

PPKI Organizational Structure: History, Duties, Member Structure and PPKI Sessions

PPKI is an abbreviation for the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence. PPKI is an organization formed to prepare for Indonesian independence, as the successor to the previously disbanded BPUPKI body. The chairman of PPKI is Ir. Soekarno, while the deputy chairman was Mohammad Hatta.

In Japanese, PPKI is called Dokuritsu Junbi Iinkai. PPKI was formed on August 7 1945 and its membership consisted of Indonesian national figures. The formation of PPKI has also received permission from the Japanese side represented by the Japanese Marshal who is in Saigon, namely Hisaichi Terauchi.

The purpose of forming PPKI is to prepare for Indonesian independence, continue BPUPKI's duties, create a constitutional structure and ratify the state laws that will be used. In carrying out its duties, PPKI held several meetings to discuss certain issues.

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On August 9 1945, 3 big figures, namely Ir. Soekarno, Drs. Moh. Hatta, and Radjiman Wediodiningrat were invited to visit Saigon (Dalat), the seat of General Terauchi. The invitation of these 3 figures was to symbolically inaugurate Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta as chairman and deputy chairman of PPKI.

Several PPKI tasks were discussed in the session, for example in passing laws, electing the president and vice president and forming a national committee to assist the president. After all its tasks were completed, PPKI was officially disbanded on August 29 1945.

History of PPKI

On 12 August 1945 General Terauchi stated that the Japanese government in Tokyo would grant independence to Indonesia which could be done on 24 August 1945. On August 15, 1945 Japan surrendered to the allies and told Japan to maintain the status quo. Because this incident seemed to dash hopes of liberating Indonesia.

PPKI initially planned to hold a trial on August 16 1945, but because of the rengasdengklok incident, namely differences of opinion between the old and young groups regarding the time and place for the implementation of Indonesia's independence session it's cancelled. Young people urge Ir. Soekarno to immediately issue a proclamation.

However, the older group refused on the grounds that the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence had to be prepared carefully and wanted to discuss this with other PPKI members. Because of this pressure, young people, namely Adam Malik and Chairul Saleh, kidnapped Ir. Soekarno and Moh. Hatta was taken to Rengasdengklok, Karawang at 04.30 WIB.

Originally on August 16 1945, Thursday, the Proclamation of Independence would be read by Ir. Soekarno and Moh. Hatta at Djiaw Kie Siong's house. The text of the proclamation has been made and the red and white flag has also been raised by the Rengasdengklok fighters on the previous day, Wednesday 15 August, because they thought that the next day Indonesia would independent.

Kunto and Achmad Soebardjo, who had not heard from Jakarta, decided to go to Rangasdengklok to pick up Ir. Soekarno and Moh. Hatta went to Jakarta to read the proclamation at Jalan Pegangsaan Timur 56. On the 16th at midnight the group arrived in Jakarta.

The next day, August 17 1945, a proclamation reading ceremony was held with the text of the proclamation of Indonesian Independence typed by Sayuti Melik used a typewriter taken from the office of the Chief Representative of the German Navy, Major (Marine) Dr. Hermann Kandeler. The proclamation was heard to thousands of Indonesians secretly through broadcasts by radio employees using Japanese-controlled transmitters.

PPKI tasks

  • Ratify the Constitution
  • Select and appoint Ir. Soekarno as President and Drs. Moh. Hatta as Vice President
  • Forming a National Committee to assist the President's duties before the DPR and MPR are formed

PPKI Organizational Structure and Members

  • Chairman of PPKI

PPKI is chaired by Ir. Sukarno. He was born in Surabaya on June 6 1901 with the real name Koesno Sosrodihardjo. Soekarno became an important figure during Indonesia's struggle for independence, where he was a prominent reader of the text of the proclamation and was elected as Indonesia's first president.

  • Deputy Chairman of PPKI

The deputy chairman of PPKI is Drs. Mohammad Hatta. He was born in Bukittinggi on August 12 1902. Moh. Hatta also became an important figure during the struggle for independence. He accompanied Soekarno in reading the text of the proclamation of independence and was elected as Indonesia's first vice president.

  • PPKI Membership Structure

Apart from the chairman and deputy chairman, there are 19 other PPKI members. The composition of the initial PPKI membership was very varied, consisting of 12 Javanese, 3 Sumatran people, 2 Sulawesi, 1 Kalimantan, 1 Nusa Tenggara, 1 Maluku, and 1 descendant Chinese.

  • Names of Initial PPKI Members:
    • Prof. Mr Dr. Soepomo
    • Dr. KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat
    • R. P Soeroso
    • Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo
    • Kiai Abdoel Wachid Hasjim
    • Ki Bagus Hadikusumo
    • Otto Iskandardinata
    • Abdul Kadir
    • Prince Soerjohamidjojo
    • Prince Poerbojo
    • Dr. Mohammad Amir
    • Mr Abdul Maghfar
    • Teuku Mohammad Hasan
    • Dr. GSSJ Ratulangi
    • Andi Pangerang
    • A A. Hamidhan
    • I Goesti Ketoet Poedja
    • Mr Johannes Latuharhary
    • Drs. Yep Tjwan Bing

After that, PPKI members increased by 6 more people, including Achmad Soebardjo as the organization's advisor. This addition of members was carried out without the knowledge of the Japanese. Therefore, there are a total of 27 PPKI members, including the chairman and deputy chairman.

  • Names of Additional PPKI Members:
    • Achmad Soebardjo
    • Sajoeti Melik
    • Ki Hadjar Dewantara
    • R.A.A. Wiranatakoesoema
    • Kasman Singodimedjo
    • Iwa Koesoemasoemantri
PPKI Organizational Structure: History, Duties, Member Structure and PPKI Sessions

PPKI Session

After Indonesian Independence, PPKI held 3 sessions, PPKI's first session was on the 18th August 1945, the second session of PPKI on 19 August 1945, and the final session on 22 August 1945.

  • PPKI Session 1

PPKI held its first session after Indonesian Independence on 18 August 1945 at the Road van Indie Building on Jalan Pejambon to ratify the 1945 Constitution. During the session, deliberations took place between groups with different opinions regarding the first principle of Pancasila as stated in the preamble to the Jakarta Charter.

The following are some of the decisions and results of the first PPKI trial:

    • The word Muqaddimah was then replaced with the word Preamble.
    • In the opening section of the fourth paragraph, the sentence "Belief in God, by implementing Islamic law for its adherents" is replaced with "the sentence Belief in the Almighty God".
    • In the opening section of the fourth paragraph, the sentence "According to just and civilized humanity" is replaced with the sentence "Just and civilized humanity".
    • In Article 6 Paragraph (1), which originally read "The President is a Native Indonesian and is Muslim" was replaced with the sentence "The President is a Native Indonesian".

The first PPKI meeting agreed on results including:

    • Ratifying the 1945 Constitution. After previously there was a slight change in it.
    • Elect, determine and appoint the first President and Vice President of Indonesia. The final decision was made by Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh Hatta as President and Vice President.
    • For a time, the president was assisted by a committee called KNIP (Central Indonesian National Committee) before the DPR and MPR were formed.
  • PPKI Session 2

Following are some of the decisions and results of the second PPKI trial:

    • Formed 12 Ministries and 4 State Ministers
    • Forming Regional Government
  • PPKI Session 3

Following are some of the decisions and results of the third PPKI session, including:

    • Established the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP), with 137 members from young groups and the community.
    • Formed the Indonesian National Party (PNI), chaired by Ir. Sukarno.
    • Forming the People's Security Agency (BKR), the function of the BKR is to maintain public security for each region.

That's the review from Seputartahu.co.id aboutPPKI Organizational Structure, Hopefully it can increase your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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