16 Definitions of Learning According to Experts (Complete Discussion)

16 Definitions of Learning According to Experts (Complete Discussion) – Every living and rational human being must need it learning in carrying out the process of life. In this learning, it means that humans have learned.

16 Definitions of Learning According to Experts (Complete Discussion)

On this occasion, alloverknowledge.com will discuss the meaning of learning according to experts.

Understanding Learning According to Experts

In general, the word "learning" is widely used in educational environments. The following is a discussion of the meaning of learning put forward by experts.

1. Wikipedia

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavioral potential as a result of reinforced experience or practice. Learning is the result of an interaction between stimulus and response. A person is considered to have learned something if he or she can demonstrate a change in behavior.


Learning is trying to gain intelligence or knowledge.

3. Abdullah (2002)

Says learning is a conscious effort made by individuals to change behavior, either through training or experience involving cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects to achieve goals certain.

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4. Dimyati & Mudjiono (2006)

Learning is a complex internal process. Those involved in this internal process include affective elements (related to attitudes, values, interest, appreciation and adjustments to social feelings).

5. Slameto (2003)

Explain that learning is a process of effort carried out by a person to achieve changes in behavior new behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experience in interacting with his environment.

6. Muhibbin

States that learning is a process activity and is a very fundamental element in the implementation of every type and level of education.

7. Djamarah (2002)

Defining learning as an activity that involves two elements, namely body and soul. The physical movements shown must be in line with the mental process to achieve a change. And the change obtained is not a physical change, but a change in the soul due to the influx of new impressions. These changes are the result of the learning process.

8. Sudjana (2010)

States that learning is a process marked by changes in a person. Changes in the results of the learning process can be shown in various forms such as: additional knowledge, understanding, attitudes and behavior, skills, habits and changes in other aspects of individuals who Study.

9. Lisnawaty Simanjuntak (1998)

Argues that learning is a relatively permanent change in behavioral potential that occurs as a result of training with excluded reinforcement changes due to maturity, fatigue and possession of the nervous system or in other words knowing and understanding something so that a change occurs within oneself someone who studies.

10. Ernest R. Hilgard (2001)

Explain that learning is a process of actions carried out deliberately, which can cause changes and the circumstances are different from changes caused by other things.

11. Gagne (2007)

Defining learning as a process where the behavior of an organism changes as a result of an experience.

12. Winkel

Putting forward the word learning as a mental and psychological activity that takes place in active interaction in the environment, which can produce changes in the management of understanding.

13. Morgan

Proposes learning as a relatively permanent form of behavior as a result of experience.

16 Most Complete Definitions of Learning According to Experts

14. Vernon S. Gerlach & Donald P. Eli

Expresses learning as a change in behavior, while behavior is an action that can be observed. In other words, behavior is an action that can be observed or a result resulting from an action or several actions that can be observed.

15. Gerow

States that learning is demonstrated by relatively permanent changes in behavior that occur as a result of practice or experience.

16. Hilgrad & Bower

States that, learning is a way of gaining knowledge or mastering knowledge through personal experience, remembering, mastering experience and obtaining or finding information.

So the conclusion is: Learning is a form of activity carried out consciously to obtain a change, both changes in attitudes, behavior, thought patterns, and the process of increasing knowledge.. This learning can be done anywhere, anytime, with anyone and is not limited by time. It can also be obtained at school, personal experience, books and other media.

That's our discussion this time about 16 Definitions of Learning According to Experts (Complete Discussion), Hopefully this can be helpful and useful for all readers. That's all, thank you 🙂

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