Understanding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) & its return

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Understanding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) & its return – Basically the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is a modern state and nationality, where Basically, a modern state was formed on the basis of a high national spirit or nationalism.

Understanding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) & its return

With high determination, society can build a future together under the auspices of the same country. Even though within one country there are differences in religion, tribe, ethnicity, race and also class, we are still the same or bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Understanding the Republic of Indonesia

Sovereignty in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is based on Belief in One Almighty God, Just and Civilized Humanity, Unity Indonesia, Democracy Led by Wisdom in Representative Deliberations, and Social Justice for All People Indonesia.

The struggle using weapons and diplomacy finally resulted in the Indonesian people gaining recognition of sovereignty from the Dutch. The sovereignty obtained was implemented on December 27, 1949.

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By gaining recognition of Indonesian sovereignty, the form of the Indonesian state is a united state using the name of the United Republic of Indonesia (RIS). Where the Basic Law and also the constitution used are the Basic Law or RIS.

The Round Table Conference resulted in one of the decisions that Indonesia became the Republic of the United Indonesia (RIS). Then after the KMB, the Dutch implemented sovereignty over the RIS on December 27 1949.

Based on the RIS Constitution, our country has a federal form, consisting of seven states and nine autonomous regions. The following are the seven parts of the RIS countries.

Seven RIS States

The RIS State has seven parts. To find out about the seven parts of the RIS State, see below.

  1.  South Sumatra
  2. Pasundan
  3. East Sumatra
  4. Madurese
  5. East Java
  6. East Indonesia Country
  7. Republic of Indonesia (RI)

Nine Autonomous Regions

The RIS country also has nine autonomous regions. For more details on where the nine autonomous regions are, let's see below.

  1. Bangka
  2. Riau
  3. Banjar
  4. Belitung
  5. Southeast Kalimantan
  6. Great Dayak
  7. West Kalimantan
  8. Central Java
  9. East Kalimantan

The seven states of the RIS and also the nine autonomous regions could not stand alone or were often called puppet states because they were created by the Dutch. The countries that were created like puppets had the aim that the Dutch could control them and defeat RI, where RI was also part of it.

A federalist state is not the form of state that the Indonesian people aspire to because it does not correspond to the ideals expected by the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence.

After approximately six months of the RIS's existence, many people have spoken out and want it to return to the form of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Because the proclamation of August 17 1945 had the desire to have unity among the entire Indonesian nation.

For this reason, the Indonesian people returned to the form of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Groups who agreed with the form of a union or federalist state began to have their crimes revealed when Sultan Hamid from West Kalimantan, who at that time took office The Minister of State conspired with Westerling Raymond, Westerling carried out the massacre of thousands of people in South Sulawesi with the use of APRA which he owns.

The adventures of APRA (Ratu Adil's Armed Forces) which were carried out in Bandung in January 1950 made the people have great dissatisfaction with the RIS government. Because the people of Bandung are demanding that the Pasundan state government be dissolved so that it can rejoin the Republic of Indonesia.

States in the RIS

In February 1950 the RIS government then issued an emergency law which stated that the Pasundan government would give its powers to to the RIS State Commissioner, where the movement that was then carried out in Pasundan was then followed by South Sumatra as well as other states other.

Other countries that followed were more inclined to rejoin the Republic of Indonesia. And at the end of March 1950 only three states remained in the RIS.

And these are the three states in the RIS

  1. East Sumatra
  2. West Kalimantan
  3. Eastern Indonesia

Then after the Republic of Indonesia was expanded, and on April 21 1950 President Sukawati and NIT stated that NIT wanted to join the Republic of Indonesia and become a unitary state.

There was a lot of support for the Republic of Indonesia to return and also be expanded, so a meeting was held between Moh. Hatta and RIS, Sukawati and the State of Eastern Indonesia and also Mansur and the State of East Sumatra.

And finally, on May 19 1950, a conference was held between representatives of RIS and also representatives of NIT and East Sumatra with RI in Jakarta. The conference that was held resulted in an agreement to return to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This agreement is also often known or referred to as the Charter of Agreement.

Complete understanding and process of returning the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Charter of Agreement

The charter of agreement has the following contents.

  1. Joint willingness to form a unitary state as an incarnation and state of the RIS based on the proclamation of 17 August 1945.
  2. Completion of the RIS constitution, by including important parts and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

To follow up and also have an agreement to return to the Republic of Indonesia so that the return process can be completed in the Republic of Indonesia, this is done using the method of changing the RIS Constitution into a Basic Law Meanwhile RI. The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia was then ratified on 15 August 1950 and also came into force on 17 August 1950.

Since then the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has used the 1950 Provisional Law and democracy, then Liberal Democracy was implemented using a parliamentary cabinet system. So it is different from the 1945 Law in that it uses the Presidential Cabinet System.

That's the explanation regarding Knowledge about Understanding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) & its return. So many processes have been carried out by the heroes so that Indonesia becomes a truly independent country, as the nation's successor we must be the successors of the nation who can make the nation proud and also protect what the heroes have fought for, hopefully useful 🙂

Also read:

  • Understanding the Republic of Indonesia (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia), its aims, functions and forms
  • Understanding Regional Government, Terms, Principles, Duties, Rights & Obligations
  • Contents of the Renville Agreement, its purpose and impact (discuss in full)
  • Rules and Basis for the Application of Legislative Regulations
  • Decentralization is: Definition according to experts, characteristics, objectives, examples and impacts

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