Tectonism: Definition and Orogenetic Movement

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Tectonism: Definition and Orogenetic Movement – What do you know about tectonism? For those of you who are studying geography, especially about land, mountains, earth and so on, tectonism will definitely be familiar to you.

Tectonism: Definition and Orogenetic Movement

For more details, let's discuss it in full here.

Understanding tectonism

What is meant by tectonism is energy originating from the earth's crust which causes changes in the layers of the earth's surface, both horizontally and vertically.

Orogenetic Movement

Orogenetic movement is movement that can cause folds, faults, cracks caused by large movements in the earth and their occurrence Movements in the earth's crust prove that the earth's crust is dynamic, this movement occurs due to pressure both horizontally and vertically As a result, there is a change in the position of the rock layers in the form of warping, folding, jointing and faulting. (faulting).


This curvature is formed if there is uneven vertical movement in an area, especially one that contains 

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sedimentary rock, resulting in a change in layer structure from horizontal to curved, if the layer If it curves upwards it will form a dome and if it curves downwards it will form a basin (basins).


Folds are movements in the earth's layers that are not too large and last for a long time so causes the layers of the earth's crust to wrinkle or fold, the wrinkles or folds of this earth which will later become mountains. Fold ridges are called anticlinals, while valley areas are called synclinals, and very wide areas are called geosynclinals.


Faults are movements in the earth's layers that are very large and occur in a very fast time, causing the earth's crust to crack or break. Fault types can be divided into three types based on the direction of plate movement, namely reserve fault, normal fault, strike slip fault.

  • Reserve fault is a fault where the rock plate moves up the fault plane and in the opposite direction to the gravity force.
  • Normal fault is a fault where the rock plate moves downward along an inclined plane following the direction of gravity.
  • Strike slip fault is a fault where the rock plate moves horizontally in the opposite direction.
Understanding Tectonicism According to Geographers

Of these three basic types of faults will result three forms of the earth's surface such as graben or slenk, horst and fault scrap.

  • Graben or slenk is land subsidence, which occurs when a rock block experiences subsidence
  • Horst (ground rise) is the part between two faults that experiences uplift, so that its position is higher than the surrounding area.
  • Fault scrap (cliff) is a steep wall produced by a fault where one side has shifted upwards, so the position looks higher, but sometimes this scrap fault is not visible because experiencing erosion.

That's the explanation about Tectonism: Definition and Orogenetic Movement which you can see, also see other articles and hopefully they can be useful for readers, thank you.

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