Civilization is: Definition According to Experts, Characteristics and Differences

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Civilization is: Definition According to Experts, Characteristics and Differences – In this discussion we will explain about Civilization. An explanation that includes the meaning of civilization according to experts, the characteristics of civilization, what are the differences between culture and civilization which will be discussed in full.

Civilization is: Definition According to Experts, Characteristics and Differences

For more details, please read the review below carefully.

Understanding Civilization

Civilization is part of culture that is refined, beautiful, advanced and high. Civilization is also defined as a collection of the broadest identity of all the results of human cultivation which covers all aspects human life in the form of physical such as buildings, roads or non-physical such as planting values, arts and culture and science and technology, which is identified from general objective elements, such as language, history, religion, customs, institutions or by self-identification which is subjective. Or the notion of civilization is a relative and complex descriptive term for agriculture and urban culture.

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The term civilization is often used to provide opinions and assessments of cultural development when cultural development reaches a point highest level of culture in the form of subtle, high, beautiful, polite, noble and so on, then a society that has that culture is said to have a civilization that tall.

Understanding Civilization According to Experts

Meanwhile, according to experts, you can read the meaning of civilization below.

1. Alfred Weber

According to him, civilization refers to practical and intellectual knowledge as well as a set of technical methods whose function is to control nature.

This culture is composed of a series of values, principles, norms and ideas that are unique in nature. This aspect is more about nature cumulative and more ready to be distributed, more broad for an assessment, and also more developed when compared with aspects culture. Civilization is impersonal and objective, while culture is personal, subjective and unique.

2. Oswald Spengler

According to him, civilization is a level of culture when it has reached the highest and most complex level. Apart from that, he expressed another opinion that civilization is the level of culture when it no longer has productive aspects, is frozen and crystallized. Culture towards something that is alive and creative.

3. Huntington

According to Huntington, civilization is the broadest identity of culture, which is identified together within objective elements such as language, religion, history, institutions, habits and through self-identification subjective.

Based on this understanding, American society, especially the United States and Europe, has been around for a long time These are united by language, culture and religion and can be classified into one civilization, namely civilization west.

4. Prof. Dr. Koentjaraningrat

According to him, civilization is a subtle and beautiful part, such as art, of a society that has advanced in a particular culture, meaning it has a high level of civilization. The term civilization is usually used to indicate our opinion and assessment of cultural development when cultural development reaches its peak in the form of cultural elements that are subtle, beautiful, high, polite, noble and so on, the society that owns that culture is said to have a civilization that tall.

5. Arnold Toynbee

According to Arnold Toynbee, civilization is a culture that has reached a higher level of technological development. Apart from that, he also stated that civilization is a collection of all the results of human cultivation, which includes everything aspects of human life, both physical such as buildings, roads and non-physical such as values, order, arts and culture and science and technology.

6. Bierens De Hann

According to Bierens De Hann, civilization is all social, economic, political and technical life. Thus, this civilization has a practical function in social relations.

7. Albion Small

According to Albion Small, civilization is the ability of humans to control their basic human urges in order to improve the quality of their lives. Meanwhile, culture refers to humans' ability to control nature through science and technology.

According to him, civilization is related to improvements that are qualitative and also related human inner condition, while culture refers to something that is material, factual, relevant and concrete.

8. KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary)

According to the KBBI, civilization is progress (intelligence, culture) physically and mentally or matters relating to manners, language and culture of a nation.

Characteristics of Civilization

The characteristics of a civilization are as follows:

  • There is the construction of new cities with better, beautiful and modern spatial planning systems.
  • With laws and regulations, the government system becomes better.
  • The development of advanced science and technology, for example astronomy, writing, architecture, geometry and so on.
  • People in all types of work, skills and also more complex social strata.
Understanding Civilization According to Experts, Characteristics, Differences in Culture and Civilization

Differences in Culture and Civilization

Culture is something that is becoming (it becomes), and civilization is something that has been completed (it has been). Examples of culture such as food, drink and clothing and all things that still have a tendency to always develop. Meanwhile, examples of civilization are monumental buildings such as the Borobudur Temple, the Pyramids, the Great Wall of China and all other monumental buildings.

Thus has been explained about Civilization is: Definition According to Experts, Characteristics and Differences, hopefully it can increase your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting.

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