√ Definition of the accumulator bones, their functions and parts

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Understanding the accumulator bones, their functions and parts - On this occasion Regarding Knowledge will discuss the Collector Bones. In this discussion, we explain the meaning of the lower jaw, its function, parts, characteristics and movement process briefly and clearly. For more details, see the following article about the joint bones.

Understanding the accumulator bones, their functions and parts

The definition of the ulna bone is a shaft bone with two ends that is shorter than the ulna bone which is found on the lateral side of the forearm. This bone is also called the radius, which is the bone that makes up the forearm with the ulna.

The function of the humerus bone is as a means of movement at the top that connects the elbow and the thumb. The radius or joint bone is a type of bone that makes up the forearm.

Function of the Collision Bones

The following are some of the functions of the accumulator bone, including:

  • Regulates the movement of the lower hand
  • Role of moving fingers
  • Forearm strengthening
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  • Elbow movement controller
  • Connecting the finger to the upper arm bone
  • Place of attachment of arm muscles
  • As a support for arm strengthening
  • Parallel to the ulna
  • As a bone, its function is to connect the elbow joint and also the thumb or thumb
  • Located bone marrow
  • As a bone whose role is to move the upper body
  • Lower arm organizer
  • As a bone whose role is to make up the lower arm.

Looking at the various functions of the ulna bones which are assisted by the ulna. These two bones are the size of a long pipe and are enlarged at the ends and have a cavity located in the middle of the bone which is shaped like a pipe. In the center of the cavity there is bone marrow.

At the end of the ulna and ulna a muscle is attached which functions internally move the forearm which will move up and down using the hinge joint located on elbow.

The ulna and ulna bones automatically attach to the upper arm and the other end of the ulna attaches to the wrist bone.

Understanding the function of the accumulator bones and their parts

Part of the Collecting Bone

The joint bone is connective tissue consisting of fibers, extracellular matrix and cells. The bone matrix is ​​the hard textured part located on the outermost layer of the bone. The matrix occurs due to the deposition of minerals in the bones where the bones undergo classification so that the bone matrix is ​​formed.

Looking at the function and workings of the central nerve which transmits stimulation is called an action potential. This action potential will be sent to the motor nerve cells, which then release a chemical element called acetylcholine. Then it binds to receptors through the muscle surface which produces a reaction with every muscle action.

The following are the muscles that attach to the umbilical bone, including:

  • Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
  • Supinator muscle
  • Pronator teres muscle
  • Brachioradialis muscle
  • Pronator quadratus muscle.
  • Extensor pollicis brevis muscle
  • Abductor pollicis longus muscle
  • Biceps brachii muscle
  • Flexor pollicis longus muscle.

Bone growth in children aged 4 years will start from the middle of the head of the bone. After 10 years there will be growth of the olecranon and at the age of 16 the superior part can be seen articulating with the humerus. Next at the bottom will occur when the age is around 20 years.

Characteristics of the Collision Bones

The characteristic of the collapsing bone is that it is a long bone like a pipe with an enlarged cavity at the end. The part of the bone which is composed of bone marrow contains blood, protein and blood vessels.

The bone marrow consists of yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow. Yellow bone marrow forms white blood cells, while red bone marrow forms red blood cells.

Working Process of the Collecting Bones

The working process of the accumulator bone is when the central nervous system transmits a stimulus called an action potential. Where the action potential will be delivered to motor nerve cells which then release the chemical element acetylcholine. Furthermore, it is connected to receptors through the muscle surface to produce reactions to each muscle action.

When acetylcholine binds to the receptor, a contraction process occurs which causes sodium ions to enter the inner membrane The cytoplasm will release calcium ions to diffuse within the muscle fibers to form protein bonds in the cells that muscle. This can change and then a contraction process occurs.

When the impulses from the central nerve stop, the chemical reactions that occur in the muscles also stop, causing the muscles to relax again.

That's the explanation about Understanding the accumulator bones, their functions and parts, hopefully it can be useful and broaden your insight.

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