7 Types of Mountain Shapes and 7 Types of Volcanoes

7 Types of Mountain Shapes and 7 Types of Volcanoes – A mountain is a form of the earth's surface that rises very high and has slopes, peaks and mountain bases. And here I will discuss in full how a mountain has its own shape and type.

7 Types of Mountain Shapes and 7 Types of Volcanoes

Type of volcano. Indonesia is one of the countries that has entered the ring of fire. This means that there are a number of volcanoes that are still active. In fact, in its history, one of the mountains in Indonesia was reported to have erupted very violently, with the ash from the eruption covering the skies of Europe for months.

Recently, Mount Anak Krakatau, Mount Semeru and Mount Merapi have shown their actions so this forced the surrounding residents to evacuate and stay away from the ashes volcanic. But did you know that mountains in Indonesia and the world have different types?

Let's discuss the shape of the mountain first.

7 Types of Mountain Shapes

Most people would think that volcanoes are cone-shaped. This assumption is correct, volcanoes in the world are generally conical in shape. But one thing you should know, not all volcanoes are cone-shaped. There are volcanoes that have shapes other than cones. Usually, based on type, volcanoes have three shapes, namely Strato volcanoes, Maar volcanoes and shield volcanoes. What is the difference?

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1. Strato or Cone Volcano

Most volcanoes in the world are cone volcanoes. This cone was formed due to the formation of material from volcanic eruptions which was a mixture of the results of effusive eruptions and explosive eruptions. The melt that comes out of this mountain causes its slopes to be filled with layered igneous rocks. Examples include volcanoes in Sumatra, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Maluku which are classified as cone volcanoes.

2. Maar Volcano

Marar volcanoes are formed because there are explosive eruptions from relatively small or shallow magma chambers. This volcano looks like a dry lake. The main characteristic of the Maar volcano is that it has a funnel-shaped crater. Examples include Mount Bromo and Mount Tangkuban Perahu in Indonesia.

3. Shield Volcano

Shield volcanoes are formed because magma comes out of a liquid magma chamber. This volcanic eruption will not explode like the two volcanoes above because it has low gas pressure. Meanwhile, liquid lava comes from shallow magma chambers and liquid magma. In Indonesia there are no shield-shaped mountains. An example of a shield volcano is Maona Loa Hawaii, United States.

4. Rift Volcano

A fractured volcano is a volcano that has a type of crack in the form of a long crack on the earth's surface. Magma escapes through these cracks. These cracks produce thick and extensive basalt layers. This rupture type volcano can be found in the northwestern region of the United States and India.

5. Volcano Caldera

The Volcano Caldera is a round-shaped area that stretches low above the ground. This area was formed when the ground collapsed due to an explosive eruption.

6. Dome volcano

The Dome Volcano originates from thick lava containing acid levels that appear during the eruption. This lava then fills the crater opening at the top of the mountain. An example of a domed volcano, namely in the Sierra Nevada.

7. Mixed Volcano

Formed from a combination of lava flows and pyroclastic material during an explosive eruption. The lava layer then mixes with frozen pyroclastic material and then accumulates to form a new layer.

7 Types of Volcanoes

Volcanic eruptions sometimes cause fatal consequences with severe damage and many casualties casualties, but sometimes it also does not cause significant damage and does not result in casualties. This could be due to various factors. Apart from the size of the eruption, it can also be caused by the type of eruption. Sometimes we find volcanoes that erupt but erupt in different ways. Eruptions or eruptions from volcanoes are different and can be classified into several types. Some types or types of volcanic eruptions include:

1. Stromboli

This type is caused by an eruption pressure that is not too strong but lasts a long time, p This is because the magma is liquid, the gas pressure is moderate and the location of the magma chamber shallow. An example is the Ttromboli volcano in the Lipan Islands, which erupted in approximately 12 minutes. So every 12 minutes the lava will boil and then erupt. The material released from this eruption was in the form of bombs, lipar and volcanic ash. There are also mountains in Indonesia that experienced this type of stromboli eruption, namely Mount Raung. Meanwhile, another example is Mount Vesisvius in Italy.

2. Hawaii

The characteristics of this type are its weak eruptive power, including because the lava is liquid, the gas pressure is low, plus the magma chamber is shallow. The shape of the volcano is a shield. The scale of the Hawaiian type eruption is relatively small but the intensity is high. Why is this type of eruption called the Hawaiian type? This is because many mountains in Hawaii experienced this type of eruption, such as Maona Loa, Maona Kea, and Kilauea which are very high in Hawaii.

3. Weak Volcano

The characteristics of this type are that the gas pressure is moderate, and the magma chamber is not too deep. Examples include the eruption of Mount Bromo and Semerudi, East Java.

4. Strong Volcano

The characteristic of this type is that the gas pressure is high, because the magma chamber is also deeper. An example of this type is the eruption of Mount Etna in Italy.

5. Merapi Type

The characteristics of this type are that it has the properties of thick liquid lava and rather low gas pressure. The lava is released through a kepun pipe very slowly so that it freezes and becomes a lava plug. The blockage at the mouth of the crater that was lifted and broken was finally thrown out. These materials will go down the mountain slopes to become ladu or gloedlawine. Not only does this type of eruption produce material, it also produces hot clouds or what is called gloedwolk. This type of eruption of Merapi is a type that is dangerous for the people around the mountain. This type that occurred on Mount Merapi (Central Java) claimed many lives.

The most complete variety of shapes and types of mountains

6. Peleess Type

The characteristics of this type are that the eruption is very explosive because the magma is very thick, the gas pressure is high, plus a deep magma chamber. If the blockage in the mountain crater is not too strong, the mountain will erupt. An example is Mount Pelee in Central America.

7. St. Vincent

This type is characterized by an eruption that is not too strong. The magma is very thick, plus the magma chamber is shallow so the gas pressure is moderate. Examples of this type of mountain are St Vincent in the Antiles Islands and Mount Kelud in Indonesia.

Materials released from volcanoes include:

  • Eflata or solid material consisting of bombs (Eflata which has a large size) and lapilli (Eflata which has a small size, such as gravel, sand and dust).
  • Lava and lahars, which have liquid material.
  • Exhalation (gas) which has the form of nitrogen sulfur which is also called solfatar, water vapor which is also called fumarole and acid gas which is called moffet.

That is the explanation above regarding 7 Types of Mountain Shapes and 7 Types of Volcanoes which you can see, hopefully the article above can be useful and also look at other articles. Thank You.

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