Characteristics of Vertebrate Animals (Bronzes) Complete Discussion

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Characteristics of Vertebrate Animals (Bronzes) Complete Discussion – Animals with backbones or what are often called Vertebrates have different classifications and characteristics, but have common characteristics. Animals with backbones belong to the phylum Vertebrata.

Characteristics of Vertebrate Animals (Bronzes) Complete Discussion

Compared to Invertebrates, animals belonging to the Vertebrata group have a more complex body structure and organs. Vertebrates not only have a backbone but Vertebrates also have a skeleton made up of bones.

Classification of Phylum Vartebrata

Phylum Vartebrata has a classification in five classes including:

1. Fish or fish

Fish or fish can move using fins. Not only that, fish have a body covering, namely scales and covered with mucus.

2. Amphibians or Amphibia

Amphibians or Amphibia can move using four legs and also have wet skin as an aid to the respiratory apparatus.

3. Reptilia or Reptilia

Reptiles move in slithering and some use four legs, reptiles also have hard skin consisting of horny substances and also some reptiles have scales.

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4. Birds or Aves

Birds can move using a pair of wings and legs, birds also have skin covered with feathers

5. Mammalia or Mammalia

Mammals or Mammalia can move on four legs and some also move on two legs and two hands and some have a pair of limbs that resemble flippers and are also mammals grown by hair.

How to Breed Characteristics of Vertebrate Animals

All vertebrates reproduce sexually. Where male animals have testicles that can produce sperm. Meanwhile, female animals have ovaries that function as producers of egg cells. The union between sperm and egg is called fertilization or fertilization which then produces a zygote.

And then the zygote develops to become an embryo and then a new individual. The process of Vertebrate fertilization can be divided into two types, such as external fertilization or external fertilization and internal fertilization.

In fish and amphibians fertilization occurs outside the body, sperm and egg cells are released in water and fertilization takes place in water. Whereas in reptiles, birds and mammals fertilization occurs inside the body. In some reptiles such as snakes and lizards, there are those who release their eggs, so that the embryo develops inside the egg in the body.

When the snake has hatched which seems to give birth to its children, this is also called breeding by means of laying eggs and giving birth to children or in Latin it is called Ovoviviparous. While animals that release their eggs such as birds, and also fish in Latin are called Oviparous.

Meanwhile, in mammals, the yolk does little to develop the embryo which takes place in the uterus or in Latin it is called the Uterus. After they are old enough, the child is born, animals that give birth to children in Latin are often called Viviparous.

Fish have blood circulation, the heart consists of two chambers, one atrium and one chamber. Meanwhile, amphibians have three rooms, including two porches and also one chamber. Reptiles have four chambers, including two atria and two chambers, while the hearts of birds and mammals have four separate chambers, namely two atria and two chambers.

Characteristics of Complete Vertebrata Animals

Characteristics of Vertebrate Animals

Vertebrates are a group of animals that have characteristics that embrace all types of animals vertebrates for more details, what are the characteristics of vertebrates or backbones, we see below this.

  1. Part or all of the notorcoda is replaced by vertebrae or vertebral column.
  2. Having a skull or cranium filled with a brain.
  3. Has an endoskeleton or inner skeleton composed of hard bones and cartilage.
  4. Has a small to large body and has a body shape that is bilateral symmetry.
  5. Have limbs that function as locomotion such as fins, tail, legs, and also hands which are composed of muscles and bones.
  6. Has two pairs of jaws except on Agnathaor Cyclostomata.
  7. A closed circulatory system, namely blood flowing in the blood vessels, the heart which consists of rooms in the form of chambers or ventricles and also porches or atria. Blood containing the pigment hemoglobin found in red blood cells or erythrocytes.
  8. Has a complete digestive system, which consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines and also the anus.
  9. Respiratory organs in the form of gills or also lungs, in high-level vertebrates gaps in the gills are present in the embryonic phase.
  10. Has a pair of kidneys for excretion tool.
  11. Has sensory organs in the form of a pair of eyes and also a pair of ears.
  12. Separate sex organs or hermaphrodites, external fertilization and also internal fertilization which are oviparous or laying eggs, ovoviviparous embryos that develop inside the eggs, but the eggs hatch inside the female's body or are also called viviparous or give birth child.


Some explanation about Characteristics of Vertebrate Animals (Bronzes) Complete Discussion which has been explained by About Knowledge. Vertebrate animals are animals with backbones that have a more complex body structure, hopefully this is useful 🙂

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