Discussion Text: Definition, Purpose, Principles, Structure and Examples

Discussion Text: Definition, Purpose, Principles, Structure and Examples – In this discussion we will explain about the discussion text. Which includes writing the discussion text, the purpose of the discussion text, the language rules of the discussion text, the structure and examples of the discussion text with complete and easy-to-understand discussion. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Discussion Text: Definition, Purpose, Principles, Structure and Examples

Let's discuss the meaning of the discussion text very thoroughly and carefully.

Definition of Discussion Text

Discussion is a form of activity to exchange thoughts and ideas by two or more people with the aim of obtaining an agreement or understanding of ideas or opinion. In addition, discussions can also broaden knowledge and add experience. Types of discussions include seminars, workshops, congresses, national meetings, conferences and so on.

Discussion text is a text that presents two unequal opinions about a matter, either the pros or cons, which makes the two parties talk to each other about the issues that are at issue in the discussion.

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Purpose of Discussion Text

The purpose of the discussion is to reach an agreement or an understanding of an opinion or idea. Which is the purpose of the discussion, among others, namely:

  • To be able to recognize and test evidence of value systems, opinions and responses of an idea or another person.
  • Conduct joint testing of an idea put forward by others
  • To exchange thoughts and ideas
  • To learn to express and also respond to unidirectional information
  • To connect data and conditions from various views of other people and different backgrounds.

Language Rules of Discussion Text

The linguistic rules or characteristics of the discussion text elements are as follows:

Use of Contrasting Conjunctions
The discussion text uses conjunctions of resistance, for example: but, whereas, however, on the contrary.

Use of Lexical Cohesion and Grammatical Cohesion
Lexical cohesion is cohesiveness obtained by choosing words. Meanwhile, grammatical cohesion is cohesiveness obtained by using grammatical elements and rules

Modality Use
Modality is a word that has the meaning of possibility, reality, and so on which is stated in the sentence. Often expressed with words such as must, will, want, maybe.

Discussion Text Structure

The structure of the discussion text or the arrangement of the discussion text, namely:

  • Issues, in terms of material issues, the content is related to the problem to be discussed further
  • Arguments support. This is the content material that supports the subject matter in the discussion
  • Arguments against. This material content is contrary to the arguments in its favor
  • Conclusion. It contains conclusions and recommendations about the issues being discussed which should be taken in the middle way about something that is being discussed.

Example of Discussion Text

The examples of the discussion text are as follows:

Example A
The Impact of Watching Television for Teenagers

In the current era of globalization, television viewing is unavoidable. By watching television, we can obtain various kinds of information, which includes entertainment. The question is whether there is a negative impact that arises from watching television? Some people think that watching television has a positive impact, but many people also think that watching television has a negative impact.

Supporting Arguments
The positive impact of watching television is as follows:

First, television has advantages in delivering news, television is generally always up to date. This of course will make teenagers not miss obtaining information and provide broad insights to teenagers quickly.

Second, if television shows programs related to education, this is very beneficial for students. A student can benefit in the form of educational information from the television program earlier.

Third, television shows often show figures who have influence, whether in the world of education, the world of business, entertainment or others. The characters shown in this television can make teenagers to emulate their success.

Challenging Arguments
On the other hand, the negative effects of watching television are as follows:

First, television makes teenagers forget about time. For students, being addicted to watching television is counterproductive to a student's assignments that require him to study.

Second, there are many shows on television that are less educational and can affect the psyche of adolescents. Films that show scenes that are inappropriate for teenagers to watch without censorship are very easy for teenagers to emulate.

Third, television can make teenagers become consumptive. Because television is an advertising medium that has a high influence on consumers. Ads that are displayed continuously throughout the day, teenagers to buy products promoted by advertisers.

Fourth, there are many television shows whose content is not in accordance with the norms of Indonesian society, including also with the news that often shows violence without going through censorship formerly. If a program like that is watched by teenagers who incidentally like to imitate, of course they can imitate it.

From some of these opinions it can be concluded that television has a positive or negative impact. It depends on the television audience.

Definition of Discussion Text, Purpose, Rules, Structure, Examples

Example B

Good or Bad Tea Habits?

Not much different from coffee, often drinking tea has been done for a long time. Even become part of the tradition. Often tea is served during visiting guests, meetings, or part of breakfast and relaxing evenings.

Tea was introduced 5000 years ago that this drink has properties that can increase immunity. The tea plant is native to Southeast Asia and its distinctive taste makes this drink very popular with all walks of life. Although there are many benefits of drinking tea, the habit of consuming tea in excess can bring disadvantages.

Supporting Arguments
There are some active ingredients in tea that are very beneficial for health, such as polyphenols (10-250%) which function as antioxidants that can preventing cancer cells from developing, vitamin C (150-250 mg%) and vitamin E (25-70 mg%) which can help to strengthen the body's immune system and maintain health heart, ß-carotene (13-20%), caffeine (45-50 mg%), and fluorine (0.1-4.2 mg/L) whose function helps in preventing the growth of caries in the teeth and also makes teeth stronger.

Argument Reject
In addition to the many benefits of drinking tea, the habit of drinking tea that is not natural has a bad influence on health. Because the caffeine in tea can be a cause of inhibition of the process of absorption of food.

And also caffeine has the property of making the body dependent so that it will feel unfit if you don't consume it. So that in nursing mothers, caffeine affects the milk glands so that it slows down the smoothness and availability of breast milk.

The caffeine substance in this baby can cause the baby's intestines to spasm. The mineral content in tea also has a tendency to help with kidney stones.

If you want to consume healthy tea, it is highly recommended to consume 5 cups of 200 ml each day. Because that amount is still within normal limits for caffeine levels that can be consumed, which is equivalent to 750 mg/day.

Also try to brew tea with not too much water and not add sugar, the goal is to prevent damage to the substances contained and loss of the benefits of the tea.

For daily habits, you should avoid drinking on an empty stomach because it can increase stomach acid production so that it can affect digestion.

Thus has been explained about Discussion Text: Definition, Purpose, Principles, Structure and Examples, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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