Definition of People's Sovereignty According to Experts (Discuss in full)

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Definition of People's Sovereignty According to Experts (Discuss in full) – What comes to your mind when you hear the word sovereignty of the people? Do you think that popular sovereignty is the assembly of the people? Does it have anything to do with politics? Mmmh.., for more details, let's look at the reviews below.

There are many theories about popular sovereignty put forward by experts. The theory of popular sovereignty places the people as sovereign holders. It is the people who hold the highest power and determine their leaders. So, the people do not only act as objects of power, but also as subjects of power in the state.

Definition of People's Sovereignty According to Experts (Discuss in full)

On this occasion, will again discuss the notions of people's sovereignty put forward by the pioneers of the theory of popular sovereignty which are widely embraced by countries around the world, namely John Locke And JJ. Rousseau. The discussion in full will be discussed below.

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Definition of People's Sovereignty According to Experts

Following are some experts who put forward what people's sovereignty is from the results of their research and thoughts;

John Locke

According to him, the country was formed based on pactum unionis which is an agreement between individuals to form a state. From this agreement was formed pactum subjectionist which is an agreement between the people and the government. He also argued that in order for rulers not to have absolute rights or powers, it is necessary to hold a division of powers such as legislative, executive and federative powers.

In the sovereignty of the people there are democratic principles in state power. Where the people function as holders of state sovereignty and the government as a tool determined by the people to manage the country for the benefit of the people.

Definition of People's Sovereignty According to Complete Experts


According to him, the state was formed by the will of the people through a social contract. In the contract, each individual voluntarily and freely makes an agreement to form a state based on their ideals, desires, wishes and interests. It is the aspirations and desires of the people that are the motivation of the state.

The goals and ideals of the people are poured into a social contract in the form of a constitution, where the constitution must be obeyed and obeyed and carried out by the government or leaders. Thus, the government and rulers get authority from the people directly to exercise power in the interests of the people. If the ruler cannot carry out his obligations, then the power can be taken over again.

Well that's a brief explanation about Definition of People's Sovereignty According to Experts (Discuss in full), I hope it can provide benefits for loyal readers around the That is all and thank you.

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