13 Anatomy of the Human Body and Its Functions

13 Anatomy of the Human Body and Its Functions - In branch of biology, there are those who study anatomy, namely biology, which studies the composition of the body structure of living things.

For this discussion, About Knowledge will discuss the anatomy of the human body and its functions briefly and clearly. Where the results of a study of the anatomy of the human body are related to the functions and systems of the human body. The anatomy of the human body is organized into several parts of the body system. For an explanation, see below.

13 Anatomy of the Human Body and Its Functions

Let's discuss the anatomy of the human body carefully.

Anatomy of the Human Body

The following is a complete explanation.

Framework System

The human body consists of an arrangement of skeletons or various kinds of bones that are interconnected with one another. Inside the head consists of 8 bones, 25 chest bones, 14 facial bones, 26 spine & hip bones, 6 ear bones, 64 arms, 1 tongue and 62 leg bones. The framework functions are:

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  • Can hold body parts so as not to collapse;
  • Can protect all delicate organs such as the heart, lungs and brain;
  • The skeleton is where the muscles in the body are attached;
  • Can give shape to a building body;
  • To move the body through the muscles;
  • Place of manufacture of blood cells, especially red blood cells.

Muscular System

The muscular system that functions to move the body. Muscles are what enable humans to do everything from walking to lifting heavy objects. The muscular system in humans consists of 600 muscles.

Bloodstream system

Circulatory system or circulation and cardiovascular functions to pump blood throughout the body. The human circulatory system is the heart, which is conical and upside down.

The inside of the heart consists of 4 chambers namely the left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle. Between the left atrium and the left ventricle are interconnected, so are the right atrium and the right ventricle are interconnected with each other.

Digestive system

Namely the human organ system whose function is to receive food, digest food, process food digestion, absorb nutrients that are carried into the bloodstream, and remove parts or leftovers that cannot be digested by body. The digestive system starts from the mouth to the anus, namely from the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and ends at the anus.

Respiratory system

The organs used for breathing are the lungs. In the respiratory system, oxygen is a very important requirement, because humans inhale oxygen and emit carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Endocrine System

The system that controls glands without any ducts that produce hormones or communicate within the body with hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that are synthesized and secreted by endocrine glands. The endocrine glands consist of the thyroid gland, hymophyse glands, hypothalamus, parathyroid, pineal and adrenal glands.

Immune System

The immune system or the immune system is throughout the body, especially in the spleen. This immune system is the human body's defense system against infections or attacks by foreign molecules such as bacteria, viruses and parasites that cause disease.

Senses System

The sensory system in humans functions as a recipient of stimuli from the surrounding environment. Humans have 5 senses which are commonly referred to as the five senses, namely the sense of sight or eyes, senses hearing or ears, sense of smell or nose, sense of touch or skin and sense of taste or tongue. Each part of the senses has a different function.

Lymphatic System

Namely the circulatory system that functions to drain lymph in the human body. The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels and lymphoid organs. Some of the functions of lymphatics include: transporting lymphocytes, returning fluid & protein to the blood circulation, destroy and filter microorganisms, if there is infection then these lymph glands can produce substances antibody.

Excretion System

The excretory organs in the human body consist of the kidneys, liver, skin and lungs. The kidneys function in excreting urine, the liver functions to secrete bile or urine dyes, skin functions to excrete sweat, while the lungs function in removing water vapor & carbon dioxide.

12 Complete Anatomy of the Human Body and Its Functions

Nervous system

The nervous system in humans is composed of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system consists of the brain & spinal cord. Meanwhile, the peripheral nervous system consists of the autonomic and somatic nervous systems.

The nervous system is responsible for conveying stimuli from receptors to be responded to by the human body. In responding to stimuli, there are several important components that the nervous system must have, namely: receptors, impulse transmitters and effectors.

Reproduction system

That is a series and interaction of internal organs that function to reproduce. The female reproductive system is centered on the ovaries whose function is to produce ova and hormones.

The female reproductive organs consist of the uterus, ovaries, and sexual organs. The ovaries are the sex glands that produce egg cells. While the reproductive organs in men are the testes which function as a producer of sperm and the hormone testosterone.

Urinary System

The urinary or urinary system also includes the excretory system. But the urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys function to filter blood to remove waste and produce urine.

The ureters, bladder and urethra together form the urinary tract which functions to drain urine from the kidneys, store it, and then release it during urination. In addition to filtering and eliminating waste from the body, the urinary system is also able to maintain homeostasis of water, ions, pH, blood pressure, calcium, and red blood cells.

Here's a little explanation about 13 Anatomy of the Human Body and Its Functions, hopefully it can be useful for readers. That is all and thank you.

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