√ Definition of the Water Cycle, the Process and Its Stages

Definition of the Water Cycle, The Process and Its Stages - On this occasion About Knowledge will discuss about the Definition of the Water Cycle. Which in this discussion explains the meaning of the water cycle, the process of the water cycle and its stages briefly and clearly. For more clarity and easy to understand, see the article below.

Definition of the Water Cycle, The Process and Its Stages

The definition of the water cycle is the circulation of water from the atmosphere to the earth and then back to the atmosphere. In this cycle there are various stages that must be passed starting from condensation, precipitation, evaporation and transpiration.

We need to know that the earth has a surface which consists of water and land. Where looking from a distance it will be seen that the waters are wider than the land. The sources of water on the surface of the earth have various kinds including river water, lake water, springs, oceans and so on.

Water cycle process

The process of the water cycle is one of the biogeochemical cycles that occur on earth, where the water cycle has three phases namely gas, liquid and solid and in the 4 layers of the earth consisting of the atmosphere, lotosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

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There are many benefits that occur from water, including being able to regulate environmental temperature, regulate weather changes, can create rain and maintain balance in the biosphere on earth.

Understanding Process Water Cycle and Its Stages

Water Cycle Stages

There are 7 stages of the water cycle that occur systematically and regularly, namely:

  • evaporation

Evaporation is a process of evaporation of water that is on the surface of the earth caused by the presence of heat energy from the sun. In this stage liquid water from various types of water sources, be it sea water, lake water, river water, etc., turns into steam and then rises up to the atmosphere layer. Where the greater the heat energy from the sun that reaches the surface of the earth, the greater the evaporation rate.

  • Transpiration

In the process of transpiration where evaporation in the water cycle occurs in plant tissue, it is called transpiration. This happens because plant roots absorb water and then push it to the leaves so that it can be used in the process of photosynthesis. The result is water from photosynthesis which is released by plants through the stomata as water vapor.

  • Sublimation

The process of the sublimation water cycle which contributes to the formation of water vapor in the air, where sublimation is the process of changing ice into water vapor without having to be in the liquid phase first. The main sources of water in a sublimation process are ice sheets from the south pole, north pole and various ice from the mountains. This sublimation water cycle process becomes a process that is slower than evaporation.

  • Condensation

The condensation water cycle is the process by which water evaporates into water vapor which rises to a higher altitude in the atmosphere certain so that water vapor becomes very small ice particles caused by the influence of high air temperature low. Where the ice particles approach each other to become one after that they form into clouds and fog in the sky.

  • Precipitation (precipitation)

The process of the water cycle of precipitation or precipitation in which clouds or condensed water vapor descends to the earth's surface (rain) caused by the influence of hot winds or due to changes in temperature. If the temperature is very low, below 0 degrees Celsius, the droplets turn into snow or hail. This process becomes one of the processes of the water cycle where water will then return to the lithosphere layer.

  • runoff

The process of runoff is the process by which the water flows over the surface of the earth. In this case the water moves and moves towards a lower place through waterways such as rivers, swamps that reach lakes, seas and oceans. At this stage the water cycle process will re-enter the hydrosphere layer.

  • Infiltration

Infiltration process where this occurs after rain, not all of the water will go through the runoff stage. Some of them will move deep into the ground. This water is also known as infiltration water. Water seeps down and becomes groundwater.

Thus the explanation about Definition of the Water Cycle, The Process and Its Stages, hopefully it can be useful and add to your insight.

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