Running Waves: Definition, Properties, Formulas and Example Problems

Traveling Waves: Definition, Properties, Formulas and Example Problems – What is a Running Wave? On this occasion About the will discuss it and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Running Waves: Definition, Properties, Formulas and Example Problems

Waves are the result of vibrations that can propagate either through a particular medium or without a medium. The propagation of the wave will not affect the medium. Because waves carry energy from one place to another. We can know the length of one wave by calculating the distance between the valley and the hill or calculating the amount of density and the gap formed by the wave.

Traveling Wave is a type of wave that has the same amplitude at every point it goes through. This wave can travel and has the equation: y = A sin (ωt – kx). This equation is also obtained from the general wave equation, namely y = A sin ωt and ω = 2π/ T.

Properties of Traveling Waves

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There are properties of traveling waves, namely as follows:

  • Refraction (Refraction)

Refraction is a shift in the direction of wave propagation caused by the medium through which it has a different density.

For example: a pencil dipped in water in a glass. Then we will see that the pencil is broken or bent. due to differences in the medium of propagation of light waves.

  • Diffraction (Deflected)

Wave diffraction is the deflection of waves when they pass through a certain gap. This diffraction is more clearly seen when this wave passes through a narrower gap.

For example: A laser fired at a diffraction grating will get a charming dark and light pattern.

  • Reflection (Reflected)

Wave reflection is a reversal of the direction of wave propagation because it collides with a medium that waves cannot penetrate.

For example: a laser fired at a certain angle will result in a reflection equal to the angle of incidence.

  • Dispersion (Shape Change)

Dispersion is the occurrence of a change in waveform where the wave passes through a particular medium.

For example: a white wave that becomes colorful when it goes through a prism and also a colorful wave. Drawn on a piece of paper and the paper is rotated tightly it will make the colors turn white.

  • Interference (Combined)

Interference is a combination of waves. If the two combined waves have the same phase, they will get amplification, which is called interference.

For example: A sound wave that has the same phase will sound louder. These string waves have the same phase, so the amplitude is getting bigger.

  • Polarization (Absorbed Arag Vibrations)

Polarization is the absorption of the wave vibration direction when passing through a certain medium.

For example: A sound wave passing through a flexible medium such as (foam, sponge, etc.) will sound softer because a sound wave is absorbed by the medium.

Running Wave Formula

y = ± A sin 2π (t/T ± x/ λ)

y = ± A sin (ωt ± kx)

Information :

y = deviation (m)
A = Amplitude (m)
k = wave number
ω = wave frequency
t = time (s)
x = distance from point to source (m)

Problems example

Problem 1

The following is the equation for the traveling wave deviation y = 5 sin π(0.5 t – 10.5 x). The wave period is...

Is known

y = 5 sin π (0.5 t – 10.5 x)


ω = 2π/T

0.5π = 2π /T

T = 2/0.5

T = 4 s

So the period of the wave is 4 seconds

Running Waves: Definition, Properties, Formulas and Example Problems

Question 2

There is a traveling wave that has the equation y = 0.01 sin π (4t- x), x and y in cm and t in seconds. The magnitude of the deviation at a point that is 5 cm from the point, that is, when the origin has been vibrating for 2 seconds, namely ??


Is known

y = 0.01 sin π (4t- x)
x = 5 cm
t = 2 s

Answer :

y = 0.01 sin π (4 2- 5)

y = 0.01 sin π (8- 5)

y = 0

So, the magnitude of the wave deviation is 0

Thus the review from About the about Walking Wave, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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