√ Types of Transportation and Means of Transportation and Examples (Complete)

Types of Transportation and Means of Transportation and Examples (Complete) - Means of transportation are tools that many of us encounter around us. Transportation is very beneficial for us, especially when we travel far.

This means of transportation will be very meaningful and can provide many benefits and can be one of the income and economic support because it can be traded and can also be used as a service provider transport.

Types of Transportation and Means of Transportation and Examples (Complete)

Different types and means of transportation according to what we need. To be able to understand the types of transportation and means of transportation along with examples will be explained as follows:

Types of Transportation and Means of Transportation

Utomo explained that the types of transportation in the world are divided into 3 parts, namely land transportation, water transportation and air transportation. Here is the explanation:

Land transportation

Land transportation is a tool that can be used or used as transportation that can only be used on land. This means of transportation is selected based on factors including travel distance, size and residential or urban density, types and specifications of vehicles, travel purposes, and social factors economy. Examples of land transportation tools are motorbikes, cars, carts, trains and others.

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Water Transportation

Water transportation is a tool that can be used or used as transportation that can only be used in water. This means of transportation is chosen by many members of the community who are dominant in their area of ​​residence waters or for tourists who go to the river or sea for sightseeing using transportation this water. Examples of this means of transportation are rafts, boats, boats, and others.

Air transport

Air transportation is a tool that can be used or used as transportation that can only be used in the air. This means of transportation is in great demand by people who want to travel to distant areas such as going to other continents or are in important circumstances. Examples of this transportation are helicopters, airplanes, and others.

Besides that, there is only one type of transportation that exists in this world, namely:

Public Transportation

Public transportation is all means of transportation in which passengers do not use their own vehicles when traveling. This means of transportation is general, which means it can be used by everyone around the world without exception. Examples of this means of transportation are trains and buses, not only that but also the services provided by airlines, airlines, taxis, ferries, and others.

Types of Transportation and Transportation Equipment Along with Complete Examples

This public transportation can be used by many people and when using it must pay wages or money according to what is determined by the delivery person based on the distance traveled and also on factors other.

Here's an explanation about Types of Transportation and Means of Transportation and Examples (Complete) explained by as far as knowledge. With the means of transportation, we make it easier to get to a place or area quickly. Hopefully useful 🙂

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